
Jay Chou's Taipei event site was exposed, and the rejuvenating appearance of more than a dozen pounds of weight amazed the audience

author:Xiao Moe*

Good buddy, don't call me lazy, today's incident is really jaw-dropping! Our king of the Chinese music scene, Jay Chou, actually appeared on the same stage with South Korea's top goddess Kim Jiwon in Taipei, and the scene was really crowded! Even I, an old Jianghu, was so shocked that I couldn't close my mouth.

Jay Chou's Taipei event site was exposed, and the rejuvenating appearance of more than a dozen pounds of weight amazed the audience

Look at it, this fashion event in Taipei can be regarded as bringing together celebrities from the sky and the earth.

When Jay Chou walked onto the stage in a black suit, the audience was in a boil.

Oh my God, this handsome figure is really staggering, I haven't seen a young man who thought he jumped out of a time machine! Chou Dong really worked hard to lose weight this time, and it is rumored that he has thrown off more than a dozen catties of meat, which is just like the era of peerless elegance in the past! .

Jay Chou's Taipei event site was exposed, and the rejuvenating appearance of more than a dozen pounds of weight amazed the audience

Just looking at that neat and neat posture, I felt my blood rushing.

When Jay Chou sang that familiar melody on stage, it suddenly made me feel back to when I was young and strong.

Don't look at my old bones, but I was also a young man! Jay Chou's voice, this arrangement, and this dancing posture are simply walking hormones, and I can't help but want to join the ranks of fans.

Jay Chou's Taipei event site was exposed, and the rejuvenating appearance of more than a dozen pounds of weight amazed the audience

Just when I was completely captured by the charm of Jay Chou, Kim Jiwon, a little girl, was very energetic! Dressed in a long black dress, she looks like a classical beauty coming out of an oil painting, which is simply the embodiment of the guild hall.

Her short ear-length hair vividly interprets her temperament, which really makes me unable to take my eyes off it.

Jay Chou's Taipei event site was exposed, and the rejuvenating appearance of more than a dozen pounds of weight amazed the audience

Kim Ji Won is not just a stunning face.

When she stepped onto the stage with graceful steps, the obsessive eyes of countless otaku in the audience seemed to be enchanted, and they couldn't take their eyes off it at all.

Hey, I have a clear conscience, even if I am a centenarian, my heart will ripple when I see her witticisms full of spring, right? .

Jay Chou's Taipei event site was exposed, and the rejuvenating appearance of more than a dozen pounds of weight amazed the audience

Kim Ji Won is not a cool and pretentious chick, her interaction with fans is called a high enthusiasm! Kind and polite, as gentle as spring breeze and rain, but without losing the elegant demeanor of everyone's ladies.

I'm really convinced, in this hormone-filled era, she can still maintain such a pure image, she really deserves to be a popular actress!.

Jay Chou's Taipei event site was exposed, and the rejuvenating appearance of more than a dozen pounds of weight amazed the audience

What's even more unexpected is that our Taiwanese Xiao S is also on the scene! She is a die-hard fan of Kim Ji Won, and she goes crazy when she sees people.

And guess what, she was so excited that she was so incoherent that she almost smashed the car window! Haha, it's really wonderful, this big sword is not old, and it has such a pure side.

Jay Chou's Taipei event site was exposed, and the rejuvenating appearance of more than a dozen pounds of weight amazed the audience

Looking at this unprecedented fashion event, my heart could not be calmed for a long time.

As an old man, I have witnessed too many historical moments of cultural integration, but it is really an unprecedented scene for a legend in the Chinese music scene to be on the same stage with a Korean film and television superstar like today.

Jay Chou's Taipei event site was exposed, and the rejuvenating appearance of more than a dozen pounds of weight amazed the audience

This is not only a collision of two cultures, but also an alternation of the old and the new.

Jay Chou represents the purest source of Chinese music, and his singing voice has given birth to the youth memories of a generation; And Kim Ji-won is the latest representative of Hallyu culture at home and abroad.

The two of them are on the same stage, as if the roots of oriental culture and the most fashionable wave are integrated.

Jay Chou's Taipei event site was exposed, and the rejuvenating appearance of more than a dozen pounds of weight amazed the audience

Some people say it's just a need for business marketing, but I think it's more than that.

This kind of cross-border cooperation will surely build a new bridge between the two cultures, so that more people can truly understand each other's unique charm.

Who would have thought that the singing voice of a Taiwanese boy could make Koreans so intoxicated; The beauty of a Korean actress can also fascinate Taiwanese audiences? .

Jay Chou's Taipei event site was exposed, and the rejuvenating appearance of more than a dozen pounds of weight amazed the audience

The path of cultural exchange is gradual, but when this step is taken, it will move to a new level.

I sincerely hope that one day, not only music, film and television, but also more fields of Sino-Korean cooperation will be in full swing, so that the two cultures will continue to flourish in this ancient and young land of the East.

Jay Chou's Taipei event site was exposed, and the rejuvenating appearance of more than a dozen pounds of weight amazed the audience

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