
More exciting than going to Greece to meet Jay Chou! Dong Yuhui is finally going to enter film and television

author:Look at the Qinghui

Dong Yuhui will go to Greece on July 5 to record a variety show with Jay Chou. Moreover, on the afternoon of July 1, the office of the Greek Embassy also released two pictures of Dong Yuhui and his friends coming to the Greek Embassy for exchanges. And I wish Dong Yuhui a pleasant trip to Greece.

More exciting than going to Greece to meet Jay Chou! Dong Yuhui is finally going to enter film and television
More exciting than going to Greece to meet Jay Chou! Dong Yuhui is finally going to enter film and television

This news is too exciting for friends who care about Yuhui. Because this aspect shows that Dong Yuhui's transformation to a higher level, a higher dimension, and a broader direction is still in progress, and it is no longer limited to China. On the other hand, it once again proves that Dong Yuhui will become more and more different from most other e-commerce anchors. Obviously, he has been recognized and even promoted at a higher level, and his future is destined to be very bright.

More exciting than going to Greece to meet Jay Chou! Dong Yuhui is finally going to enter film and television

However, in my opinion, there is another news about Dong Yuhui and traveling with Hui that should be more exciting than Dong Yuhui going to Greece to meet Jay Chou.

More exciting than going to Greece to meet Jay Chou! Dong Yuhui is finally going to enter film and television

According to the information obtained by the relevant query software, we learned that at present, the company with Hui has officially obtained the radio and television program production and business license, which is valid from June 20, 2024 to June 20, 2026, for a full two years.

More exciting than going to Greece to meet Jay Chou! Dong Yuhui is finally going to enter film and television

This is quite unusual, with this license, Dong Yuhui and Yuhui will have more diversified changes in the future development. Even in my opinion, this almost means that Dong Yuhui and his team will also emerge in the film and television industry.

More exciting than going to Greece to meet Jay Chou! Dong Yuhui is finally going to enter film and television

Because of this license, Hui and his friends are fully qualified to directly edit some materials into film and television works for direct release and dissemination. Especially Yueshanhe, which is more popular now, may even be directly exhibited to the public in the form of micro-films. And all the members of the team, including Dong Yuhui, will also be given the permission to cooperate or shoot some film and television works independently.

More exciting than going to Greece to meet Jay Chou! Dong Yuhui is finally going to enter film and television

We know that this Dong Lao Er has always had ideas for filming film and television dramas. Including the last time I met with director Zhang Yimou, I mentioned whether I would be able to arrange a role for myself in film and television dramas in the future, and now my company has obtained such a license, judging from Dong Yuhui's popularity, attention and traffic, it is completely possible to specialize in a tailor-made film and television drama for online and offline release. From this point of view, Dong Lao's dream is really coming true.

More exciting than going to Greece to meet Jay Chou! Dong Yuhui is finally going to enter film and television

As we mentioned above, the current development of Dong Yuhui and his team is extremely different from his peers, and if he quickly enters the film and television industry in the future, then it is certain that Dong Yuhui and his team will become more unique in the e-commerce live broadcast industry. This will obviously provide a broader high-quality platform for the future development of himself and the team. With personal influence and personal talent, drive the positivity of the whole team and the transformation of the whole company, so as to trigger a greater benign impact on the society, trigger more thinking and recognition of the usefulness of reading, and arouse more recognition and support for culture.

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