
How miserable was our mother being fooled by the Americans? The professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences scolded for an afternoon, real and helpless

author:Crazy snails

As a matter of fact, if the mainland can have the current deterrent power, it will still rely on the spirit of "not admitting defeat" to catch up with the developed countries, and then the United States will be the more powerful country

This is also one of the goals of the mainland to surpass, admitting that some of the technologies of the United States are indeed far ahead in the industry, but after all, it cannot prevent the mainland's scientific research

When it comes to the mainland's scientific research strength, it is amazing, although it has suffered from technological blockade, it can still find a breakthrough from the subtleties and succeed in research and development

But ha, some of the theories of the United States are really bragging


I have to say that our mother is really simple like a newcomer to society, with a thirst for knowledge and curiosity about the unknown, she completely believes in some "braggart and no draft" stories in the United States, and the most important thing is that she can continue to research, and has made breakthroughs in various fields. [covers face]

Looking forward to the future, our mother still needs to be rigorous and abandon some simplicity, but ah, our mother also really loves knowledge and is persistent in scientific research [laughing and crying]

Why don't our mom develop the "Iron Man" suit? This should be very difficult [cover your face], praise our mother's scientific research spirit together, and look forward to my mother's more brilliant achievements in future scientific research work [Praise]

How miserable was our mother being fooled by the Americans? The professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences scolded for an afternoon, real and helpless

Our mother: I always thought that these data would not be faked, but I didn't expect that I was still simple, the most important thing is that I really made it, you say that you are not angry [laughing and crying]

How miserable was our mother being fooled by the Americans? The professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences scolded for an afternoon, real and helpless

It seems like this, but of course, if you accelerate a drop of water, it is estimated that it can penetrate the skull, and if you estimate it to be in regular free fall, it is difficult to achieve

How miserable was our mother being fooled by the Americans? The professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences scolded for an afternoon, real and helpless

People are talking about theoretical data, and we mistakenly think it is actual data, and the mainland is still catching up with full horsepower, but it turns out that there is no one in front of him [covering his face]

How miserable was our mother being fooled by the Americans? The professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences scolded for an afternoon, real and helpless

Such a person is very infuriating.,Play and study performance are very good.,Sure enough, the talent is still very powerful.,You said that imitating him to study is estimated to be at the bottom [awkward laugh]

How miserable was our mother being fooled by the Americans? The professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences scolded for an afternoon, real and helpless

Yes, burying one's head is doing, and never doubting one's own ability, "It's all human beings, why can they make it, why can't we make it", remembering the rod of God, we really got it

How miserable was our mother being fooled by the Americans? The professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences scolded for an afternoon, real and helpless

American science fiction films are really good, but there are some things that really can't be made, but when you meet our mother, you may be able to say [awkward laughter], don't hit the south wall and don't look back

How miserable was our mother being fooled by the Americans? The professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences scolded for an afternoon, real and helpless

Sincerity is always nirvana [sneer], the most important thing is to have strength, if you dare to say it, I dare to try, if it doesn't work, we'll try more, if it doesn't work, just change a group of people to continue to try [laugh and cry]

The above content is for reference only, do not be more true, reasonable interpretation, true and false self-identification

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