
57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

author:Xiao Moe*

"My child must win the Nobel Prize in the future and become an outstanding person"

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

In the past, every time Mengge faced the media camera, she always praised her son endlessly, as if she had drawn a grand blueprint for her son's future in her heart.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

However, too much spoiling tends to only breed individuals who are plagued by problems.

In the end, Li Tianyi used his ten-year imprisonment life to give a heavy blow to the elderly Li Shuangjiang and the arrogant Mengge.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

In the past, the way of education made Dream Pigeon be labeled as a "doting mother of children".

Li Shuangjiang even went to various commercial performances to earn income at the age of more than 80 years old for the sake of his son's future.

Now, in the face of his son after being released from prison, is there still a way for Mengge to remedy it?

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

When Mengge thinks about the difficult time Li Tianyi spent in prison, will he reflect that the bitter consequences of all this are caused by her excessive doting.

Now, at the age of 57, has she paved a new path for her son's future?

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

The information in this article comes from the authoritative report [Dream Pigeon Baidu Encyclopedia] [Cover News] [Qilu One Point] (detailed information is attached at the end of the article). In order to improve the reading experience of the article, some details may have been appropriately modified, please read it rationally, and the content of the article is for reference only.

Pursue your musical dreams

In 1984, in order to achieve deeper achievements in the field of music, Mengge resolutely came to Beijing and began her journey of struggle.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

Although life in Beijing was difficult, Mengge never had any complaints.

For her, everything here is an appeal.

Even though he was busy late at night every day, Dream Pigeon felt that he was one step closer to the realization of his dream.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

In 1966, in an ordinary family in Shashi, Hubei Province, the cry of a baby pierced the silence.

This baby is the later Dream Pigeon, and she has had a strong interest in singing since she was a child.

In order to cultivate the singing talent of Dream Pigeon, the whole family did not hesitate to invest a lot of money.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

Even Dream Pigeon's sister gave up her studies in order to raise money for Dream Pigeon to study music.

Wherever he goes, there are always people who praise the voice of the dream pigeon.

Despite this, the dream pigeon at that time, although it was slightly famous, was limited to the local area.

As a metropolis, Beijing is naturally much superior to her hometown in terms of music education.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

After working in the Shashi Art Troupe for several years, Mengge began to consider going to Beijing for development.

Although she can continue her singing career in the art troupe, her meager salary is not commensurate with the efforts of her family and sister.

Moreover, Mengge was still very young at that time, and she didn't want her life to be so dull.

At the suggestion of the seniors of the art troupe, Mengge decided to apply for the Central Social Conservatory of Music.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

So, Mengge packed his luggage and stepped on the train to Beijing.

This trip to Beijing has undoubtedly brought a huge change to Mengge's life.

Although Mengge comes from a small city, her many years of singing experience and performance background in the art troupe give her a certain advantage.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

With these advantages, it is almost a certainty that Dream Pigeon will be admitted.

After the news of the admission came back to her hometown, Mengge's family was happy for her.

In addition to hoping that Mengge can study hard here, her family also cares about her marriage.

Although Mengge was still young at the time, in her hometown, she had reached marriageable age.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

Mengge listened to his family's advice, and could only smile helplessly.

A few years later, she met the other half of her life, Li Shuangjiang, who was 25 years older than her.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

When Mengge came to Beijing to struggle, Li Shuangjiang was already a famous singer.

Li Shuangjiang was born in the military and was already well-known in the army.

As his fame grew, he also became a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala.

In 1988, Li Shuangjiang sang "Chinese Dragon" at the Spring Festival Gala, which made Mengge admire him and inspired her desire to learn art.

Since then, Mengge's life has begun to intersect with Li Shuangjiang.

Later, as a master in the singing world, Li Shuangjiang came to Mengge's school to give a lecture.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

And Dream Pigeon, as his loyal fan, also sat in the audience.

In the end, Li Shuangjiang became the mentor of Dream Pigeon.

However, the master and apprentice, who have a huge age difference, finally entered the palace of marriage.

Got a son in his old age

Before meeting Mengge, Li Shuangjiang had experienced a marriage.

They went through decades of ups and downs together and had a child, but eventually parted ways due to emotional discord.

The reasons behind the divorce are clear only to them.

However, after the divorce, there was no shortage of people around Li Shuangjiang who matched him.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

At that time, Li Shuangjiang was in the prime of life and had a successful career, so naturally he would not be single all the time.

Li Shuangjiang did not pay attention to the matchmaking of the people around him.

In his heart, he had already silently planted the name of the dream pigeon.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

It turned out that in the process of getting along with Mengge, Li Shuangjiang had already developed a good impression of her.

Although he knows that there is a big age gap between him and his dream pigeon, he does not let that give in.

Mengge also accepted Li Shuangjiang's love calmly.

In 1990, after careful consideration, Mengge and Li Shuangjiang decided to get married.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

The life after marriage is undoubtedly a glorious moment in the life of the dream pigeon.

Years of hard work have finally allowed her to live the life she dreamed of.

When the financial ability allows, Mengge also often helps his sister's family.

In his hometown, Dream Pigeon became a successful person in the eyes of his neighbors.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

Despite this, Dream Pigeon has its own troubles.

After she and Li Shuangjiang got married, they have always longed to have their own children.

However, due to various reasons, Mengge had many miscarriages, and the child never came.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

Li Shuangjiang, who is over half a hundred years old, naturally feels a lot of pressure, and in order to have a child, he insists on exercising every day.

Six years later, they finally welcomed their own child.

Li Shuangjiang hopes that the child will be able to make a difference in the future, and specially named him "Li Tianyi".

For this child who only got it when he was more than half a hundred years old, Li Shuangjiang naturally loved it.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

Mengge also has high hopes for this child, Li Shuangjiang is old, and the possibility of having another child is almost zero.

This only child, naturally, has also been infinitely favored by Dream Pigeon.

However, Li Tianyi gradually became lawless under the doting of his parents, which brought a lot of trouble to Li Shuangjiang and his wife.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

In 2013, the court announced that Li Tianyi had been sentenced to 10 years in prison for rape.

Prior to this, Li Tianyi's arrogance had already attracted the attention of the whole country.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

Facing the police handling the case, Li Tianyi also arrogantly threatened:

"Do you know who my father is? How dare you arrest me? ”

Li Tianyi's arrogant attitude aroused the anger of netizens, and his parents were also dug deep by netizens.

In order to save his son, Li Shuangjiang had to drag his elderly body and apologize to the victim's family.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

Just two years ago, Li Shuangjiang apologized in front of the public for his son's fight.

Unexpectedly, Li Tianyi had just been released from prison for a year, and he had another catastrophe.

Seeing Li Tianyi's behavior so bad, Li Shuangjiang and Mengge's education methods were also questioned by the public.

As the saying goes, the son does not teach the father.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

Li Shuangjiang is old and has a son, and his doting on Li Tianyi is obvious.

As early as when Li Tianyi was an hour, Li Shuangjiang held a star-studded singing party for him.

Although it was just a private party, all the big-name friends of Li Shuangjiang were present.

In order to satisfy his son's vanity, Li Shuangjiang did not hesitate to use his many years of network resources.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

It can also be seen from this incident that Li Shuangjiang dotes on his son.

In Li Tianyi's growth process, Mengge has always played the role of a loving mother.

There is nothing inherently wrong with love, but in some cases, Dream Doves should educate children to make the right choices.

However, even if Li Tianyi made a mistake, Mengge couldn't bear to blame him.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

In this environment, Li Tianyi gradually became a "demon king of the mixed world".

At school, he was arrogant and domineering, and it was common for him to bully his classmates.

Outside of school, Li Tianyi made a group of bad friends and spent his days wandering around Internet cafes, bars and other places.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

In fact, when Li Tianyi was imprisoned for fighting, Li Shuangjiang and his wife should be vigilant.

But when Mengge saw that the child had made such a big mistake, he did not strengthen his discipline.

Even after serving a year in prison, Li Tianyi still shows no signs of repentance.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

In the end, Li Tianyi committed a felony again, completely ruining the honor of his parents' life.

In the face of Li Tianyi's crime, Li Shuangjiang did not argue too much, while Mengge continued to run for his son because of his love for his son.

In order to alleviate his son's punishment, Mengge privately contacted the victim's family.

In addition, Mengge has repeatedly emphasized his son's underage status and even tried to discredit the victim.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

However, in the face of a fair law, Dream Pigeon's efforts are in vain.

In the end, Li Tianyi accepted a righteous trial.

Now, many years have passed, and Li Tianyi has been released from prison.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

Perhaps in order to say goodbye to the past completely, Li Tianyi has changed his name to Li Guanfeng.

But at this time, the dream pigeon has already looked down on everything.

Soon after his son's accident, Mengge converted to Buddhism and began to live a life of seclusion.

Looking back on Mengge's life, from childhood poverty to wealth after marriage, and then to the blow of her son, she has experienced the ups and downs of life.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

Today, the 57-year-old dream pigeon can be regarded as having gone through the ups and downs of life.

Now Li Shuangjiang has been photographed participating in commercial performances many times in order to help his son.

Dream Pigeon, on the other hand, has become low-key and rarely appears in the public eye again.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

After spending a few years in prison, Li Guanfeng's parents felt unable to help him.

After all, a few years have passed, and Li Shuangjiang and his wife have long lost their original prestige and influence.

And Li Guanfeng's future path may only rely on himself.


As the saying goes, a person's achievements are largely determined by the education he receives.

57-year-old dream pigeon, darling son, 10 years have passed, has she paved the next road for her son?

Compared to other children, Li Guanfeng has very good parents.

But the doting of Mengge finally buried Li Guanfeng's life.

Now Li Guanfeng is about to enter his 30s, and he is still burdened with a criminal record, and it is not easy to reintegrate into society.

Do you think Li Guanfeng will be able to reform from now on?

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