
How crazy can young people be in the middle of the night? Look at one without squeaking! I was also eye-opening

author:Crazy snails

We all know that people's lifestyles are very different from before, in the past, the network was not developed, there was no mobile phone, there was no computer, just watch the pot cover TV

At that time, everyone went to bed very early, almost around 9 o'clock, but I woke up very early in the morning, and there was almost no nightlife

And now? Everyone first lies in bed and plays with mobile phones, enjoying this rare leisure time, a play is estimated to be around 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and when you go out to eat some supper and drink some night beer on weekend nights, you will not be home until what time in the morning

It is because of this routine that most people do not get up until noon in the morning, and repeated cycles will also lead to insomnia in the middle of the night, so do you know how crazy young people can be with insomnia in the middle of the night?


Chicken soup in the middle of the night? It's really repairing and damaging the body [wiping sweat], I remember one time, I couldn't fall asleep in the middle of the night with insomnia, and I took the sleeping dog downstairs to walk [laughing and crying]

Another time was, at 2 o'clock in the morning, I couldn't sleep and mopped the floor at home, or bent down to wipe it with a rag, but it didn't take more than three hours the next day to get dirty again, and my heart was cold in an instant [covering my face]

In fact, now that life is convenient and happy, it is really not recommended to stay up late, to learn to control yourself, you still need to maintain a healthy lifestyle

What kind of behavior do you "go crazy" in the middle of the night?

How crazy can young people be in the middle of the night? Look at one without squeaking! I was also eye-opening

You really can't sleep, wash cats and dogs, especially long-haired ones, that's the real collapse, it's no exaggeration to say that after washing, your nose is full of hair [tears]

How crazy can young people be in the middle of the night? Look at one without squeaking! I was also eye-opening

The company is estimated to be closed down without you, and the boss can have employees like you to wake up laughing when they fall asleep, but you still work overtime for such a time? Or is it voluntary? [covers face]

How crazy can young people be in the middle of the night? Look at one without squeaking! I was also eye-opening

The main thing is to find something to do? Or are you working on your makeup skills? If you toss around like this a few times, the cost of cosmetics for a month is a lot of money

How crazy can young people be in the middle of the night? Look at one without squeaking! I was also eye-opening

This, there is nothing to say, you make some meat to eat, and you figure it out, but you get up and fry potatoes, it seems that you are really hungry, but you have to praise it, your potatoes are fried very well, and it tastes absolutely delicious with some chili peppers

How crazy can young people be in the middle of the night? Look at one without squeaking! I was also eye-opening

I thought this thing would only exist in the joke, but I didn't expect you to be playing really [laughing and crying], this border herd is so happy to follow you, and you know that you can only go to bed after taking a bath, but it seems that you see 10,000 reluctance in the eyes of the dog [awkward laughter]

How crazy can young people be in the middle of the night? Look at one without squeaking! I was also eye-opening

Brother, actually! It's okay if you don't slip this pet, your pet is so niche, there is a question about whether it is convenient for you to slip it out? [wipe sweat]

How crazy can young people be in the middle of the night? Look at one without squeaking! I was also eye-opening

It's normal, maybe everyone has experienced it, but the next day, I regret my actions last night, and then spend money to buy [laughs]

How crazy can young people be in the middle of the night? Look at one without squeaking! I was also eye-opening

Or you're amazing, I've seen a night run, I've seen a morning run, but I haven't seen a midnight three watch exercise, it is estimated that after this night, you will have to eat white rice for breakfast

The above content is for entertainment only, do not be more real, reasonable interpretation, true and false