
Can car logos still play like this? After watching the netizens' whole work, the car dealer instantly sweated and died of laughter in the comment area

author:Crazy snails

We all know that each product should have its own independent trademark and name, just like the name of a person and an ID card, so that it is convenient for the public to distinguish, so the trademark is used for commercial purposes, then the role of "it" is very great

First, a good brand logo and name can make people feel good, and a unique and easy-to-remember trademark and name can often stand out

The second is to facilitate future marketing, in the future advertising, promotion, help to enhance the brand's awareness and reputation, can effectively attract more potential consumers

Of course, no matter what style of trademark can't escape the whole work of netizens [laughing and crying], in fact, the whole life is also a positive and positive way of interaction, because you like everyone will choose to toss, not to denigrate a brand

So to say that the most expensive thing to play is the trademark on the car, in order to appear different, we just made the car logo into a funny joke, many car dealers are also sweating instantly after reading it, this positive interaction not only makes the brand more down-to-earth [cover face]

Let's take a look at how big the brains of netizens are! [sneering]

Can car logos still play like this? After watching the netizens' whole work, the car dealer instantly sweated and died of laughter in the comment area

In fact, you can also idealize to have money to spend, the ideal is to retire early, there are too many people's ideals, of course, as long as you are willing to work hard, the ideal will become a reality [Like]

Can car logos still play like this? After watching the netizens' whole work, the car dealer instantly sweated and died of laughter in the comment area

You, this, the paragraph is a bit domineering, I never thought that you could think of such a slogan, it seems that it is really patriotic! Actually, the two words after the tail can also be replaced with other [sneering]

Can car logos still play like this? After watching the netizens' whole work, the car dealer instantly sweated and died of laughter in the comment area

If Xiaobian sees such a car sign on the road, I have to say Ha, I will immediately step on the brakes to let you go first, after all, you are a big deal, the main force driving urban consumption [laughs and cries]

Can car logos still play like this? After watching the netizens' whole work, the car dealer instantly sweated and died of laughter in the comment area

It's amazing.,You've played tricks with this car logo.,Actually.,It should be changed to Extreme Krypton is rich.,This is more comfortable than going to work [sneer], besides.,This car isn't cheap.,You estimate that going to work is also a high salary.

Can car logos still play like this? After watching the netizens' whole work, the car dealer instantly sweated and died of laughter in the comment area

If you don't chase your tail, whose tail will you chase? The main problem is that your font is too small, and the next time you try to change to a bigger one, you can avoid tail collision [awkward laugh]

Can car logos still play like this? After watching the netizens' whole work, the car dealer instantly sweated and died of laughter in the comment area

Actually, we all know that you have a heart that wants to get off the list, but you still can't hand it over like this, and you will post your contact information next time [cover your face]

Can car logos still play like this? After watching the netizens' whole work, the car dealer instantly sweated and died of laughter in the comment area

This owner looks like a person who plays games.,It's still a "no-hand" player.,It's not great to modify it now.,It's a little weak in the later stage.,It's still pretty powerful online.

Can car logos still play like this? After watching the netizens' whole work, the car dealer instantly sweated and died of laughter in the comment area

I see that you are not a primary school student anymore [covering your face], you can also play the Demon Sword Soul, this is still very good, the difficulty of the operation should be reduced a little, and the second row is very powerful

Can car logos still play like this? After watching the netizens' whole work, the car dealer instantly sweated and died of laughter in the comment area

Your abacus is very loud, one person will give you 50, it is estimated that there will be hundreds of people, it is estimated that you can change the car [sneer], there is a question, why not Sunday?

Can car logos still play like this? After watching the netizens' whole work, the car dealer instantly sweated and died of laughter in the comment area

You're a drinker of spirits, don't you want some meat? Peanuts? Sour cucumber? In fact, drinking that thing is really much stronger than traditional Chinese liquor, and it is also hot in the belly

Can car logos still play like this? After watching the netizens' whole work, the car dealer instantly sweated and died of laughter in the comment area

Why don't you write "bachelor"! [laughing and crying], the 3.9-second foot picker man, the smell is tangy, and the lighter is estimated to burn at all

Can car logos still play like this? After watching the netizens' whole work, the car dealer instantly sweated and died of laughter in the comment area

It can be seen that the owner of the car is a boy, so the question is, what should a girl write when driving? "I think I want a man"? [Covering face] is a little difficult for the female car owner

Can car logos still play like this? After watching the netizens' whole work, the car dealer instantly sweated and died of laughter in the comment area

If the master is really in the folk forever, I guess you are not very innocent, because innocent people will not post like this [cover their faces]

Can car logos still play like this? After watching the netizens' whole work, the car dealer instantly sweated and died of laughter in the comment area

Oh mom, I think it's interesting to watch the first time, there's no problem with watching this count the second time, and I'm stupid after watching it the third time, shouldn't it be equal to five? [laughs and cries]

Can car logos still play like this? After watching the netizens' whole work, the car dealer instantly sweated and died of laughter in the comment area

My scalp is numb. It seems that no car mark can escape the fate of being played by the owner, so the four words are put together in a pile without any sense of disobedience!

Can car logos still play like this? After watching the netizens' whole work, the car dealer instantly sweated and died of laughter in the comment area

Peng Yuyan was probably embarrassed when he saw it, but he didn't expect his surname to be changed, so the question is: Peng Yuyan is good-looking? Or is Wu Yanzu good-looking? [covers face]

The above content is for entertainment only, do not be more real, reasonable interpretation, true and false

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