
Xingyue's age is revealed: 17-year-old self-introduction, netizens: Is this a detective drama?

author:Magic Willow Cu


The mystery of Wang Xingyue's age: self-introduction at the age of 17

Wang Xingyue, this name has caused quite a stir on the Internet recently. Some netizens dug up an interview with him during the 2017 art examination, although the video has been deleted, the self-introduction in the voice is impressive: "Hello everyone, my name is Wang Tao, I am from Yueyang, Hunan, 17 years old this year, ...... this year" As soon as this paragraph came out, it immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens.

Xingyue's age is revealed: 17-year-old self-introduction, netizens: Is this a detective drama?

If according to this statement, Wang Xingyue was 17 years old in 2017, then his birth year should be 2000. This discovery surprised many netizens, who discussed Wang Xingyue's real age on social media.

Xingyue's age is revealed: 17-year-old self-introduction, netizens: Is this a detective drama?

Wang Xingyue's age is hotly discussed: the age list of the hospital

Not only that, but some netizens found a photo posted by Wang Xingyue in 2017 on Netease Cloud Music, in which the information sheet behind the hospital bed showed that he was 17 years old at the time.

Xingyue's age is revealed: 17-year-old self-introduction, netizens: Is this a detective drama?

This discovery once again sparked heated discussions among netizens, some people thought that the age list of the hospital should not be wrong, but some people pointed out that the age record of the hospital may not be rigorous, and it may be a fictitious age. This heated discussion made Wang Xingyue's age question even more confusing, and many netizens joked in the comment area: "Is this going to become a detective drama?" ”


Wang Xingyue's studio's response: When the evidence collection is in progress

In the face of all kinds of speculation and discussion on the Internet about Wang Xingyue's age, Wang Xingyue's studio quickly responded, saying that it had begun to collect evidence and would take corresponding legal measures.

Xingyue's age is revealed: 17-year-old self-introduction, netizens: Is this a detective drama?

This response surprised many netizens, some expressed support for the studio's approach, believing that the legitimate rights and interests of artists should be safeguarded, while others thought that it was just a public relations ploy of the studio to try to calm down the heated discussion. The controversy not only made Mr. Wang's age a hot topic, but also brought attention to his studio's PR strategy.

Xingyue's age is revealed: 17-year-old self-introduction, netizens: Is this a detective drama?

Wang Xingyue's age is hotly discussed: funny comments from netizens

In this controversy about Wang Xingyue's age, many netizens also showed their sense of humor. Someone joked: "Is this going to be a detective drama?" Someone else jokingly said: "Wang Xingyue's age is more difficult to solve than my math problems." ”

Xingyue's age is revealed: 17-year-old self-introduction, netizens: Is this a detective drama?

These funny comments not only added a bit of a relaxed atmosphere to this heated discussion, but also made many netizens start a heated discussion in the comment area.

Xingyue's age is revealed: 17-year-old self-introduction, netizens: Is this a detective drama?

Wang Xingyue's age is hotly discussed: there are more than hot theories, and there are multiple views

Wang Xingyue's age controversy has sparked a wide discussion on the Internet, and everyone's opinion has its reasonableness. As one netizen said: "Everyone has their own opinions, and this is the charm of a pluralistic society." ”

Xingyue's age is revealed: 17-year-old self-introduction, netizens: Is this a detective drama?

Wang Xingyue's response undoubtedly added more color to this pluralistic discussion. Netizens have heated discussions in the comment section, and everyone has their own position and reasons, and this kind of argument and exchange is the charm of social media.