
Yu Zheng fashion new solution: wearing QQNY is not a shame, it is a new attitude of the trend!

author:Magic Willow Cu


Yu Zheng's fashion view: wearing QQNY is not a shame

Yu Zheng's recent remarks on social media have caused quite a stir. A fan asked curiously in the comment area: "Teacher Yu, do you wear QQNY?" Yu Zheng not only responded generously, but also expressed his opinion: "I don't think it's a shame to wear QQNY. ”

Yu Zheng fashion new solution: wearing QQNY is not a shame, it is a new attitude of the trend!

He further explained that people should please themselves first, and it is normal to show off their sexiness or add interest to their partner. These words immediately sparked heated discussions on the Internet, and some netizens ridiculed: "Is Yu Zheng going to lead a new trend?" Some netizens also expressed their support: "Everyone has their own way of life, and respecting diversity is king." ”

Yu Zheng fashion new solution: wearing QQNY is not a shame, it is a new attitude of the trend!

Wu Jinyan's drama performance: Data speaks

After Yu Zheng's remarks, he also mentioned Wu Jinyan's drama performance. Some people questioned that Wu Jinyan's dramas were "pounced" except for "Yanxi Raiders" and "Ink Rain Clouds", Yu Zheng expressed dissatisfaction with this, believing that the success of the series should be proved by data. He listed dramas such as "The Legend of Haolan", "Shangshi" and "Heirloom", emphasizing that these works have been recognized by the platform.

Yu Zheng fashion new solution: wearing QQNY is not a shame, it is a new attitude of the trend!

He also revealed that Wu Jinyan chose to suspend filming during the peak period of his business in order to improve his business ability, and this kind of self-demanding behavior is not common in the entertainment industry. Netizens reacted differently to this, some thought that Wu Jinyan's choice showed her professional attitude, while others felt that this practice was risky and could affect her career development.

Yu Zheng fashion new solution: wearing QQNY is not a shame, it is a new attitude of the trend!

Yu Zheng's casting philosophy: not based on fame

Yu Zheng also talked about his casting criteria, and he emphasized that he did not take the actor's fame as the main consideration when casting. He gave an example of how even actors such as Zhou, who are already famous, have played the heroine in his plays. He also mentioned the drama "Just Met You", which invited almost the entire entertainment industry's first-line stars to make cameos, showing the importance he attaches to the quality of the series.

Yu Zheng fashion new solution: wearing QQNY is not a shame, it is a new attitude of the trend!

Netizens have a lot of discussions about this, and some people appreciate Yu Zheng's professional attitude, thinking that this is a kind of respect for art; There are also doubts about whether this approach can really lead to good works, after all, fame and acting skills are not always directly proportional.

Yu Zheng fashion new solution: wearing QQNY is not a shame, it is a new attitude of the trend!

Internet rumors and truth: the hardships of debunking rumors

In Yu Zheng's long article, he also mentioned the problem of Internet rumors. He lamented that in the online world, spreading rumors with one mouth and refuting rumors broke his legs. He borrowed the pictures of netizens to refute some untrue remarks, emphasizing that real data and actual performance are the criteria for judging.

Yu Zheng fashion new solution: wearing QQNY is not a shame, it is a new attitude of the trend!

This topic has also caused widespread discussion, and many netizens said that it is difficult to distinguish between true and false information on the Internet, and it is indeed necessary to have more rational analysis and real data to support opinions. At the same time, some netizens pointed out that as a public figure, every sentence of Yu Zheng may be amplified and interpreted, so it is necessary to be more cautious when expressing.

Yu Zheng fashion new solution: wearing QQNY is not a shame, it is a new attitude of the trend!

Conclusion: There are more than hot theories, but there are multiple opinions

Yu Zheng's reply to this long article not only involves his personal fashion views, but also covers the maintenance of his actors, casting standards, and his attitude towards Internet rumors. These topics have sparked a wide range of discussions on the Internet, and everyone's point of view has its own validity. As one netizen said: "Everyone has their own opinions, and this is the charm of a pluralistic society." ”

Yu Zheng fashion new solution: wearing QQNY is not a shame, it is a new attitude of the trend!

Yu Zheng's response undoubtedly added more color to this pluralistic discussion. Netizens have heated discussions in the comment section, and everyone has their own position and reasons, and this kind of argument and exchange is the charm of social media.