
The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

author:Talk in the dark
The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

Disclaimer: The content of this article is written by quoting network materials combined with personal opinions, and the reference information source has been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

In everyone's cognition, to be able to write a good poem, at least he should be a great talent, whether it is learning ability or work ability, he should be extremely strong. But such an idea is actually wrong.

There are some proud celebrities in the textbooks, none of them are necessarily good people, and three of them are even worse to the bone, and they have deceived many people by their appearance. Who are they?

The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

1. Li Shen

The first thing to say is Li Shen. You may not have heard his name, but you must have heard his poems, he once wrote "Compassion for Nong", the specific content of the poem is the noon of hoeing day, sweat drops of grass into the soil, who knows that the plate of Chinese food, every grain is hard.

The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

This is a poem written by Li Shen when he was 26 years old, in which he vividly wrote that the daily agricultural production and life of the peasants at that time was actually very stressful. Working so long every day, the fields planted and the grain recovered still have to pay taxes to the imperial court.

There are some people who do not have their own land, so they simply rent the land of the landlord and have to pay rent to the landlord. In the end, there is very little food that actually makes it to their pockets.

The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

And Li Shen wrote this poem, which in itself was to pity those peasants. But in the end, who would have thought that Li Shen would later become a big corrupt official?

Li Shen was born in Maozhou in 772 AD, during the Tang Dynasty. He himself showed a good talent for learning at a very young age.

Finally, in 806 AD, that is, at the age of 34, he was admitted to the Jinshi. Although he was not young when he was in the Jinshi, he was able to be admitted to the Jinshi, which proves that he must have a very good cultural heritage.

The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

And although he was late in the imperial examination, he was not slow to be promoted. In the 20 years after being a sergeant, he became a high-ranking official step by step.

Since 827 A.D., Li Shen's career has entered the fast lane. In 827 AD, he was the assassin of Shouzhou, and within a few years he became the envoy of the Xuanwu Festival.

The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

In the Tang Dynasty, the Jiedu envoy was a well-deserved feudal official. At the local level, there are military powers, financial powers, and administrative powers, and they can definitely be regarded as princes.

In 842 AD, Li Shen was transferred to the imperial court and held the two positions of Zhongshu Shilang and Pingzhang under the Tongzhongshu Men. In the middle and late Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, this was a very prominent position, and he was the de facto prime minister.

The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

After serving as prime minister for two years, he was dismissed because of his guilt, but this dismissal did not make him idle, but transferred to Huainan and then served as a festival envoy. Therefore, at that time, Li Shen was definitely one of the most experienced and powerful senior officials in the imperial court.

In the end, he died at the age of 75, and was posthumously given the title of lieutenant. So, according to common sense, should a high-ranking official like Li Shen be very concerned about people's livelihood and suffering? Not really.

The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

After he really became an official, Li Shen lost his heart, and he lived a very luxurious life. A great poet who once wrote "Compassion for Nong", but after becoming a festival envoy, he spent every day drinking and drinking, the higher the official promotion, the more extravagant he became, sometimes he spent tens of thousands of taels on a meal, ate a few bites by himself, and threw away all the rest of the dishes.

When Li Shen served as the envoy of the Huainan Festival in his later years, as a member of the party, he was still in Huainan, a land of fish and rice, but he only knew how to enjoy himself every day. Over 70 years old, still tossing and turning.

The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

Other poets of his time scoffed at Li Shen, including Liu Yuxi and Han Yu. Therefore, although Li Shen has made a lot of achievements in the field of literature, his private morality is very poor, and the reputation he left behind is not good.

Li Shen is a model of a dragon slayer who eventually becomes an evil dragon. When he was in his 20s, he used to care about the people's welfare, and he also wanted to speak for the people and help the people live a good life, but after he really gained power in his hands, Li Shen changed.

The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

He began to become ruthless, corrupt and bribed, not to say that he did all kinds of evil, but only to say that he had almost no moral bottom line, which is really embarrassing. And there are many characters like Li Shen in history.

Second, Kuang Heng

The second thing to say is Kuang Heng, a scholar of the Western Han Dynasty who left the idiom "chiseling the wall and stealing the light". Those who know the story of chiseling the wall and stealing the light should know that Kuang Heng was born very poor and has been farming for generations.

The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

Moreover, in the Han Dynasty where he lived, there was no imperial examination at that time, and the system of probation was still implemented, relying on the filial piety of local officials. As a result, almost all official positions were in the hands of the family.

For the common people at the bottom, the only way to become a scholar was that doctoral disciples could take the Six Classics exam, as stipulated by the Han Dynasty. If you get a good score in the exam, you can be appointed as a Lang official, and Kuang Heng just wants to be a Lang official. But to pass the Six Classics requires him to work very hard and a lot of books.

The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

It is not easy to have one or two books, and there are not many people who are really willing to change their fate through learning, but Kuang Heng is one of them. His family was poor, so he continued to enrich himself through the reading of helpers every day, and went to study with those Confucian students who could read every day.

In the end, he really succeeded in completing the exam. Although he took the exam nine times before and after, he only passed the second-class C subject, but what he lacked was a platform.

The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

After completing the exam, Kuang Heng was sent to Taiyuan to become a clerical petty official. Although it is not big, at least it is an official, and it also has some status in society.

Later, Kuang Heng relied on various commentaries on the Book of Poetry to gain the support of scholars. After becoming famous, his official position began to rise continuously, and even Emperor Yuan of Han, who was only a prince at that time, had heard of Kuang Heng's name.

The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

It was also with the support of Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty that Kuang Heng became one of the most important officials in the middle and late Han Dynasty. Under the promotion of Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty, he rose step by step to the position of Guanglu doctor.

In addition, Kuang Heng is very good at catering to the emperor, and he often writes some poems to praise the emperor. Finally, in 36 BC, he ascended to the prime minister of the Han Dynasty and was named the Marquis of Le'an.

The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

I want to become the prime minister of the empire step by step as a farmer in the Western Han Dynasty, when the power of the family is very large. You can see how difficult it is.

Of course, Kuang Heng's promotion is mainly because the Han Dynasty itself has been cracking down on the big families, and is also engaging in Confucianism to further strengthen the imperial power. Therefore, a Confucian master like Kuang Heng can easily be appreciated.

The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

But after Kuang Heng became prime minister, he didn't consider the people's sufferings at all. You must know that in the late Western Han Dynasty, there were already some people who were struggling to make a living, and the world was in chaos.

Kuang Heng climbed up step by step from the bottom, and he should know better than anyone how hard the life of the common people is. But Kuang Heng didn't consider these at all, he formed a party with the eunuchs when he controlled the government, and unscrupulously deceived the emperor and exploited the common people.

Coupled with the support of the emperor, no one dared to anger Kuang Heng. Later, after Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty succeeded to the throne, Kuang Heng was demoted to a commoner for corruption and bribery, and finally died in his hometown.

The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

So Kuang Heng is the same as Li Shen, if he still has the courage to cut through the wall and steal the light like back then, maybe he will be able to leave a name in history.

3. Cai Lun

The last one to talk about is Cai Lun. Cai Lun is different from the previous two, he is a eunuch himself. But Cai Lun can be regarded as one of the most famous eunuchs in the Eastern Han Dynasty, because he was a famous inventor, and he also reformed the papermaking technique, and was nicknamed the paper god.

The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

And Cai Lun was also born poor, as early as the time of Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty, he was sent to the palace as a eunuch. It took him more than ten years to become a small yellow door step by step, with a low position and little power.

It wasn't until after the death of Emperor Zhang of the Han Dynasty that Cai Lun got the opportunity to become a regular servant of the Han Dynasty. This is a very critical position, one of the ancient Lang officials, who can usually convey edicts and organize documents, and is one of the highest official positions that eunuchs can obtain.

The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

It was also in this position that Cai Lun had enough time to transform papermaking. Later, he also relied on papermaking technology, and he also received the attention of Emperor Han and was made a marquis, which can be said to be the power of the government and the opposition.

But Cai Lun's final result was not very good. In the two generations of Emperor He of the Han Dynasty and Emperor An of the Han Dynasty, Cai Lun controlled the government like other eunuchs, and he also had very deep ties with the outside relatives, and finally because he participated in the political struggle, he was humiliated and committed suicide by taking poison, which is also Cai Lun's own fault.

The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people

By virtue of such an achievement as making paper, he has been able to go down in history, and there is no need to covet power. But in the end, he was deeply involved in the battle of the harem and ended up with no place to be buried.

If he silently returned to his fiefdom when he was at the height of his reputation and lived a stable life, he would not be ruined later.

And the textbook also describes Cai Lun's achievements in papermaking, but there is no mention of his other bad deeds, which leads to many people being deceived and thinking that he is a good person.

The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people


From the life trajectories of these three, we can also see that high education and high talent do not mean that they have high character. Li Shen, Kuang Heng, and Cai Lun are not geniuses, and which ones are not the characters who have left their names in Chinese history, but they are not like some other people who have left their names in history, they have been stinking for thousands of years.

Therefore, you must always keep your heart and be consistent, and you must not be like the three people we introduced today, and finally gradually become the kind of person you hate the most. is obviously from the bottom, but in the end, he has to reverse the bottom level, such people have no moral bottom line, and they are really bad to the bone.


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The 3 celebrities who are proud of in the textbooks are actually bad to the bone and have deceived many people
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