
Details of national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie: The medical team entered the field 30 seconds after fainting! The referee prevents the coach from saving someone

author:Qingqing said something

When Zhang Zhijie's body fell silently, my heart swelled with unspeakable grief. A 17-year-old young life who was supposed to fight for his dream on the field left us forever due to a sudden accident. 30 seconds of hesitation achieves the distance between life and death. We have lost a good player, a young man who loves badminton.

Details of national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie: The medical team entered the field 30 seconds after fainting! The referee prevents the coach from saving someone

Looking back at the chaotic and disorderly scene on the field, it is painful. At the most critical moment of rescue, professional medical assistance was delayed.

The referee, who was the person in charge of the scene, kept the coach away at the moment of emergency and failed to mobilize all the rescue forces. We know that when life is at stake, every second counts. When Zhang Zhijie fell, it was a critical moment for rescue.

We are confused, but at this moment we have lost our rationality and judgment. missed the best emergency opportunity before remembering to transfer Zhang Zhijie to the hospital. We all know that cardiopulmonary arrest requires immediate rescue breaths and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which is the consensus of all first responders.

Details of national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie: The medical team entered the field 30 seconds after fainting! The referee prevents the coach from saving someone

But what makes us sad is that this point was completely left behind at the moment when Zhang Zhijie fell. Instead, panic and too slow to react.

Reflect on what we did wrong in the Zhang Zhijie incident.

There are obvious loopholes in the medical care system of the stadium. Judging from the video released so far, the first person who came into contact with the injured was not professionally trained medical personnel, but a team of local volunteers in Indonesia.

They did not have complete first-aid equipment, let alone standardized professional training. This has led to serious medical malpractice at a life-or-death level. The referee was clearly not aware of the urgency of the situation, otherwise he would not have stopped the coach from coming to the rescue.

Details of national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie: The medical team entered the field 30 seconds after fainting! The referee prevents the coach from saving someone

Each of us needs to strengthen our sense of emergency. Whether it is the players themselves, as well as the staff and spectators present, they should remain calm in the event of an emergency and remember the basic first aid knowledge. When Zhang Zhijie fell, if someone had performed CPR immediately, perhaps the result would have been completely different.

Not enough attention has been paid to the medical protection of professional sports. In professional leagues, it is common to have experienced emergency physicians and complete medical equipment.

Details of national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie: The medical team entered the field 30 seconds after fainting! The referee prevents the coach from saving someone

However, when it comes to youth sporting events, health care is often overlooked. Human life is at stake, we should pay enough attention to it, and everything else should be given up for life.

There is a death in life, but we cannot let a young life pass away. This accident is a heavy wake-up call for all of us. While lamenting the fragility of life, we should reflect on ourselves, change the system, and prevent problems before they happen. Let us start from this moment and let no more lives be lost to the lack of emergency care.

Details of national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie: The medical team entered the field 30 seconds after fainting! The referee prevents the coach from saving someone

If that day, the referee decided to let the coach and doctor come on the field; If there is an experienced medical team on site, with complete equipment; If everyone remains calm and remembers the basics of emergency knowledge; If before the game, all parties concerned put life first...... Maybe Zhang Zhijie won't leave us.

We are all equal in life. Zhang Zhijie's accident made each of us feel heavy. This is not only a loss for him and his family, but also for society as a whole. We will remember him, we will learn from him, and from now on, we will treat every life with greater love and a more rigorous attitude.

Details of national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie: The medical team entered the field 30 seconds after fainting! The referee prevents the coach from saving someone

Zhang Zhijie, may you rest in peace. Your spirit will inspire every athlete to continue to move forward towards their dreams; The awakening you bring to society will also benefit those who come after you. Mercy heaven, please bless every soul who chases their dreams. We will remember you and we will keep you alive.

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