
Quick Look! The money has arrived! Someone received a few thousand dollars

author:Chengdu Jianyang released

Jianyang Rong Media Center

The first joy of July is here!


Your CPF account

Is there an extra sum of money today?

If yes, congratulations

The annual interest of the provident fund has arrived!

Quick Look! The money has arrived! Someone received a few thousand dollars

Chengdu Housing Provident Fund Management Center recently issued a notice: due to the needs of the annual interest settlement of the housing provident fund in 2024, the Chengdu Housing Provident Fund Management Center will suspend all channels for housing provident fund deposit, withdrawal, loan and inquiry business from 9:00 on June 29 (Saturday) to 9:00 on July 1 (Monday).

Quick Look! The money has arrived! Someone received a few thousand dollars

Xiaobian learned that at present, the annual interest settlement of the provident fund of many provident fund employees has been received one after another, and the small partners have posted the interest received in their provident fund accounts, some people have received hundreds of yuan, and some have received thousands of yuan

Quick Look! The money has arrived! Someone received a few thousand dollars

Which one are you? ▼

Quick Look! The money has arrived! Someone received a few thousand dollars
Quick Look! The money has arrived! Someone received a few thousand dollars
Quick Look! The money has arrived! Someone received a few thousand dollars
Quick Look! The money has arrived! Someone received a few thousand dollars
Quick Look! The money has arrived! Someone received a few thousand dollars

From now on, the majority of employees can inquire about the interest and account balance


Quick Look! The money has arrived! Someone received a few thousand dollars

The question is, how to check how much housing provident fund interest you have received?

👇 Click here to enter, click on "Deposit Details" in the "Provident Fund Service" to check the provident fund interest, and quickly see how much money you receive

Source | Released in Chengdu

Edit | Zheng Yuelan

Editor-in-charge | Cao Liqin

Audit | Li Yanmin

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If you have any matters related to copyright, news clues, etc., please contact 028-27222000

Quick Look! The money has arrived! Someone received a few thousand dollars
Quick Look! The money has arrived! Someone received a few thousand dollars
Quick Look! The money has arrived! Someone received a few thousand dollars