
Are teeth a "magnifying glass" for cerebral infarction? Doctor: If there are these 2 abnormalities in the teeth, seek medical attention in time

author:Dr. Zhang talks about health talk

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A growing body of research suggests a strong link between dental health and cardiovascular disease, and dental abnormalities may be an early sign of serious diseases such as cerebral infarction.

Zhang Wei is a middle-aged white-collar worker who is busy with work and has little time to pay attention to his health.

One morning, when he looked in the mirror, he noticed that his gums were red and swollen, and he even had slight bleeding. He remembered that a friend had mentioned that dental problems could be indicative of other diseases, so he decided to go to the hospital for a check-up.

Are teeth a "magnifying glass" for cerebral infarction? Doctor: If there are these 2 abnormalities in the teeth, seek medical attention in time

When he came to the hospital, Zhang Wei hung up the number of the dental department. In charge of the consultation is Dr. Lee, an experienced dentist.

Dr. Li carefully examined Zhang Wei's teeth and gums and found that his periodontal inflammation was indeed quite severe.

"Periodontitis is not just an oral problem, it can cause bacteria to enter the bloodstream, which can lead to systemic diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases," Dr Lee explains. ”

Are teeth a "magnifying glass" for cerebral infarction? Doctor: If there are these 2 abnormalities in the teeth, seek medical attention in time

Zhang Wei was a little nervous after hearing this, and asked, "Then am I at risk of cerebral infarction?" Dr. Li nodded and continued, "Studies have shown that periodontitis is associated with cardiovascular disease.

When periodontal bacteria enter the bloodstream, they trigger an inflammatory response in the body that can lead to hardening of the arteries and thrombosis, increasing the risk of cerebral infarction. ”

To confirm further, Dr. Li recommended Zhang Wei to do a detailed blood test and a CT scan of his head. Zhang Wei complied with the recommendations and conducted a comprehensive inspection.

Are teeth a "magnifying glass" for cerebral infarction? Doctor: If there are these 2 abnormalities in the teeth, seek medical attention in time

A few days later, the results of Zhang Wei's examination came back. Blood reports showed high levels of inflammatory markers in his body, while CT scans of his head showed slight narrowing of his cerebral blood vessels.

Seeing these results, Zhang Wei felt a panic and came to the hospital again to ask Dr. Li to interpret the report.

Dr. Lee patiently explained, "Although your condition is not particularly serious, these are signs that you are at risk of cerebral infarction.

Are teeth a "magnifying glass" for cerebral infarction? Doctor: If there are these 2 abnormalities in the teeth, seek medical attention in time

We need to take steps to control inflammation and improve cardiovascular health. At Dr. Li's suggestion, Zhang Wei began systematic treatment and lifestyle adjustments.

In addition to periodontal treatment, he began to focus on his diet, increase his physical activity, and regularly monitor his blood pressure and blood lipid levels.

During this time, Zhang Wei also realized that health is not just a certain part of the body, but a whole concept.

Are teeth a "magnifying glass" for cerebral infarction? Doctor: If there are these 2 abnormalities in the teeth, seek medical attention in time

Zhang Wei's story reminds us that oral health is inextricably linked to whole-body health. In fact, several studies in recent years have supported this view.

For example, a study published in the Journal of Periodontology showed that patients with periodontal disease have a 20 to 50 percent higher risk of cardiovascular disease than healthy people. This data is enough to attract our attention.

So, what is the specific mechanism between dental abnormalities and cerebral infarction?

Are teeth a "magnifying glass" for cerebral infarction? Doctor: If there are these 2 abnormalities in the teeth, seek medical attention in time

Periodontal disease causes bacteria in the mouth to enter the bloodstream. These bacteria release toxins in the bloodstream that stimulate the immune system, leading to a systemic inflammatory response.

Long-term inflammation can damage the lining of blood vessels, contributing to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

When these plaques rupture, they can cause blood clots, which can lead to cerebral infarction. Common risk factors for periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease also increase the association between the two.

Are teeth a "magnifying glass" for cerebral infarction? Doctor: If there are these 2 abnormalities in the teeth, seek medical attention in time

Smoking, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, etc. are all risk factors for periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease, which means that those with an unhealthy lifestyle may be at risk of both.

For ordinary people, how to prevent serious diseases such as cerebral infarction through dental health? Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are crucial.

The early symptoms of periodontal disease may not be noticeable, but with regular check-ups, doctors can detect the problem early and intervene.

Are teeth a "magnifying glass" for cerebral infarction? Doctor: If there are these 2 abnormalities in the teeth, seek medical attention in time

Secondly, maintain good oral hygiene habits to prevent periodontal disease. Daily brushing, flossing, and regular scaling can effectively reduce the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth and reduce the risk of periodontal disease.

A healthy lifestyle is also key to preventing cardiovascular disease. Reasonable diet, moderate exercise, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, and controlling weight are all important measures to maintain cardiovascular health.

We see how an ordinary person can detect and prevent the potential risk of cerebral infarction in time by paying attention to dental health.

Are teeth a "magnifying glass" for cerebral infarction? Doctor: If there are these 2 abnormalities in the teeth, seek medical attention in time

This story is not just a personal experience, but a reminder to each of us. Dental health is not only about our appearance and self-confidence, but also about our overall health.

Teeth are the "magnifying glass" of overall health. By focusing on oral health, we can detect and prevent some potential systemic diseases in time.

Regular check-ups, good oral hygiene, and a healthy lifestyle are key to maintaining overall health.

Are teeth a "magnifying glass" for cerebral infarction? Doctor: If there are these 2 abnormalities in the teeth, seek medical attention in time

Let's start today and pay attention to oral health and protect our life and health.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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