
Leaving a ridiculous suicide note, Hong Xiuquan is gone, who will comment on the crime of Qianqiu?

author:For the historical indicator full high

The Master's new breakfast

Since Tianjing was besieged by Zeng Guoquan's Hunan army in March 1864, how to fill the stomach has become an increasingly headache.

Hong Xiuquan had to rely on Li Xiucheng to lead the Taiping army to tighten his belt and fight hard with Zeng Guoquan at this time, and reinforcements could not be counted on now. Sufu Province and Zhejiang Province have been defeated by Li Hongzhang and Zuo Zongtang, and the barrier in the southeast and southeast of Tianjing has completely collapsed, and there is no foreign aid, no food, all they have is the determination and courage to defend the city.

Leaving a ridiculous suicide note, Hong Xiuquan is gone, who will comment on the crime of Qianqiu?

Although determination and courage can deal with the formidable Hunan army, it cannot fight the heart-rending hunger, and the pessimism and despair brought about by the famine in Tianjing City can shake and destroy the will of the people more than the frenzied attack of the Hunan army.

The famine has spread to the palace of the Celestial Empire, and Hong Xiuquan and his royal ladies have also begun to feel the panic caused by the lack of food. According to the information reported to him, he learned that the people and soldiers in the city had not really filled their stomachs for a long time.

What's going on? It's only been a few years, how come it suddenly returned to before the "liberation", and the dignified little paradise can't even solve the problem of food and clothing?!

Shocked, depressed, sad, painful...... All of them attacked Hong Xiuquan overwhelmingly. In a word, it can be described as a mixed feeling.

The long-term life of Henle caused him to start to get lucky after not leaving the palace for eleven years, and he looked a little bloated.

The years urge everyone to grow old, and the right way of life is the vicissitudes of life.

Leaving a ridiculous suicide note, Hong Xiuquan is gone, who will comment on the crime of Qianqiu?

Hong Xiuquan is no longer the thirty-eight-year-old high-spirited young man he was at the time of the Jintian Uprising, and at the age of half a hundred, he looks much older than his actual age.

Since the founding of the church in 1843, I have been fighting for 20 years to establish a heavenly kingdom on earth that is fed, clothed, harmonious, fraternal, and peaceful.

Can anyone tell me why?!

No one can answer Hong Xiuquan's confusion, they just want to say to him that what we need most now is bread, not ideals. Solving the immediate stomach problem is far more urgent than pursuing distant dreams.

The soldiers and civilians in Tianjing City spend a day wondering where to find food, which is their main homework. First eat okara, then eat corn, but in a big city of more than 100,000 people, the consumption is amazing, and the bean dregs and corn husk soon became sought-after goods, and they were soon wiped out.

Leaving a ridiculous suicide note, Hong Xiuquan is gone, who will comment on the crime of Qianqiu?

Eating one meal counts as one meal, and no one knows if there will be another meal. Li Xiucheng couldn't bear to be starving ghosts with the common people, so he came to the palace of the Celestial Empire and asked the King of Heaven to let them out of the city, so that they could do their own food and clothing, which could be regarded as a way to let them live.

Hong Xiuquan angrily rejected Li Xiucheng's application, and he told Li Xiucheng not to panic, because Heavenly Father had already sent food to the soldiers and civilians of Tianjing, and tomorrow's breakfast was already settled.

Li Xiucheng was speechless and had to remain silent.

Early the next morning, it was time for breakfast.

The soldiers and civilians of Tianjing had already stretched their necks, waiting for Hong Xiuquan to open the warehouse to distribute the food sent by Heavenly Father, they had been looking forward to a long night in extreme hunger, and vowed to have a good meal in order to make up for the shortfall these days.

Leaving a ridiculous suicide note, Hong Xiuquan is gone, who will comment on the crime of Qianqiu?

The door of the Heavenly Empire's palace finally opened, and Li Xiucheng was ordered to go to receive the breakfast sent by his Heavenly Father. I saw Hong Xiuquan sitting on the dragon chair, although he had finished freshening up, his spirit still seemed a little tired, and the image of the handsome guy in the past was gone, probably because he was too tired to receive grain and grass from his father last night.

Li Xiucheng knelt in the main hall, ready to receive food for everyone to have a good tooth sacrifice this morning.

But there was no food in the hall, and he began to be a little nervous.

The drums finally sounded, and as is customary, the king of heaven is about to eat.

Li Xiucheng craned his neck to see how rich the Heavenly King's breakfast would be, to be honest, he hadn't eaten enough for several days.

Leaving a ridiculous suicide note, Hong Xiuquan is gone, who will comment on the crime of Qianqiu?

The female cadres of the palace of the Celestial Empire brought a delicate gold plate, the plate was full of green dumplings, it seems that the king himself has eaten quite well, and the heavenly father really sent food in the middle of the night!

Hong Xiuquan saw that Li Xiucheng's face was dished, so he evened out his breakfast and asked the female cadre to bring it to him.

Li Xiucheng carefully picked one up, looked at it carefully, and found that the "early" in the shape of this rice ball was glowing with blue-green light, and the color was a little fresh and attractive, so he put it in his mouth and chewed it, and then he suddenly realized.

It turned out to be a "straw bale"!

Leaving a ridiculous suicide note, Hong Xiuquan is gone, who will comment on the crime of Qianqiu?

Hong Xiuquan saw that Li Xiucheng's face was embarrassed, he didn't eat very well, and his swallowing was difficult, so he asked him if he knew the name of this new breakfast?

Li Xiucheng thought to himself, isn't this just a ball of grass! But after thinking about it, I couldn't help it, just looked up and waited for Hong Xiuquan to speak.

Hong Xiuquan told him that this is called nectar, which can not only satisfy hunger, but also maintain health and prolong life. At present, Tianjing is short of food, and it is just right for them to be touched by Heavenly Father's kindness according to Heavenly Father's will, so that everyone can come to eat nectar to tide over the difficulties. Hong Xiuquan chewed on the nectar and instructed Li Xiucheng to promote this method for large-scale disaster relief in Tianjing.

Li Xiucheng couldn't bear to expose the mystery, withdrew from the palace of the Celestial Empire to convey the will of the Heavenly Father to the military and people of Tianjing, and conveyed the techniques and processes for making nectar instructed by Hong Xiuquan, as well as the benefits of nectar.

Fortunately, the environmental protection work at that time was still relatively good, and the environment was not damaged, and the wild vegetables and weeds in Tianjing City were still relatively sufficient.

Leaving a ridiculous suicide note, Hong Xiuquan is gone, who will comment on the crime of Qianqiu?

The kings have taken the lead in setting an example, so let's try it! Although the nectar is bitter, it can still fill the stomach, and although the feeling of a lump of grass in the stomach is really uncomfortable, it is better than the feeling of emptiness and horror that nothing can bring.

Li Xiucheng finally paid the errand for the time being, but according to this eating method, the wild vegetables and weeds in Tianjing City will soon be eaten up, what will he eat when the time comes? Now some people are unable to dig up wild vegetables and weeds, so they have to start mixing bark and leaves in them to keep them alive for a few more days.

What makes Li Xiucheng even more worried is the body of the Heavenly King, he has been pampered in Tianjing, he is over half a hundred years old, and if he continues to eat like this, he is afraid that there will be problems.

But Hong Xiuquan insisted that he didn't want to eat the rice sent by Li Xiucheng. This is a "special offer" that Li Xiucheng did everything possible to get, and he was not willing to eat it.

But Hong Xiuquan insisted on using nectar to maintain his health, and Li Xiucheng had no choice but to silently pray that Heavenly Father could bless his second son, and that he would not make any trouble at this juncture.

Leaving a ridiculous suicide note, Hong Xiuquan is gone, who will comment on the crime of Qianqiu?

The most ridiculous testament ever

How can a fifty-year-old man chew grass roots every day, and is not a herbivore like cows and horses, not to make a mess?

In mid-May 1864, Hong Xiuquan finally fell ill. His illness is very serious, and it is even more worrying than when he fell off the list for the third time - his whole body is already a little swollen, which is a direct manifestation of malnutrition, and the sequelae of eating grass balls are quite immediate.

Tianjing is already in danger, if the Heavenly King has three more longs and two shorts, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom will come to an end. Li Xiucheng was very anxious when he learned of Hong Xiuquan's illness and hurriedly invited a doctor to see him for him.

I didn't expect Hong Xiuquan to refuse to be diagnosed, and even more refused to take medicine, he thought he was not sick, he said that people who were sick would say that people were sick, even if the son of Heavenly Father was sick? Do I need to take medicine?

No one dared to force Hong Xiuquan to take medicine, so he had to let him lie on the bed and fend for himself. Hong Xiuquan's condition is getting worse day by day, and everyone is helpless.

Leaving a ridiculous suicide note, Hong Xiuquan is gone, who will comment on the crime of Qianqiu?

Heavenly Father didn't take special care of his second son, Hong Xiuquan saw that it was no longer good, and the "nectar" given by Heavenly Father made him run out of oil.

On June 1, 1864, Hong Xiuquan left the last words of his life, closing his eyes, which looked a little tired.

Sect Master Hong's heavenly words are very professional: "The public is at ease, I will go to heaven immediately, receive heavenly soldiers from Heavenly Father and Heavenly Brother, and protect Tianjing." (Guo Ting's "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Historical Diary")

This fifty-one-year-old man, at the last moment of his life, still did not forget to use the Heavenly Father to lift people and boost morale, and even said that he went to heaven to move rescue troops to relieve the siege of Tianjing.

Hong Xiuquan's last words are the same as after the third time he fell off the list and had a high fever, but now that time has passed, this high-profile "Heavenly Soldier Rescue Theory" is no longer the "Hong's spiritual nourishing soup" when Yong'an broke through, and it is impossible to arouse the fanaticism and confidence of the members again, but in any case, it proves that he is worthy of the kindness and calmness of a generation of sect leaders, and he has not forgotten to use his father and brother to heal people's despair until his death, although he has given up saving his life in despair.

He has been struggling for twenty-two years since he founded the Worship of God Religion, and that thirty-year-old young man has spent the second half of his life in blood and fire for his ideals, and he has failed, succeeded, brilliant, and despaired.

Leaving a ridiculous suicide note, Hong Xiuquan is gone, who will comment on the crime of Qianqiu?

Counting from the Jintian Uprising, he has also been fighting with the Qing government for 14 years, and the 38-year-old unsuccessful young man, with the support of 20,000 people, has killed from Jintian to Jinling, from a remote countryside to a prosperous city, creating a great miracle in Chinese history, and imprinting his name forever on the monument of Chinese history.

He had his closest comrades-in-arms and brothers, but some of them had become enemies, and some of them had left the country.

He went from a poor student who repeatedly failed to make the list, and after hard work, created a huge religious organization and peasant regime that made the imperial court brainless, and the "little paradise" that he had pursued for many years had been beckoning to him from afar, but this "little paradise" soon collapsed rapidly in the fratricidal and taboo of his brothers, and now it has reached the end of the road.

That's enough! In this life, I finally didn't come to the world in vain! Although the ideal is far away from me, although I have to choose to die, but after all, I have fought hard for my ideals to my heart's content, struggled, I have changed my destiny, but also changed the fate of countless people, although such a life is full of crisis and fatigue, but it is better than a lifetime of being an obscure teacher to be wonderful, that kind of life will not leave any traces of itself in history, even if you live to the age of eighty-one what is the point!

Haojie is ambitious, holding a three-foot front; Thousands of merits and sins, leave them to posterity!

Leaving a ridiculous suicide note, Hong Xiuquan is gone, who will comment on the crime of Qianqiu?

Hong Xiuquan left, walked peacefully and calmly, he did not leave the so-called edict. As for the edict of Hong Xiuquan of Zeng Guofan's imperial court, which will be mentioned later, and the corresponding revisions were made in Li Xiucheng's own account, it is a historical lie fabricated for the purpose of unreliable people.

But when it comes to lies, Hong Xiuquan's last words are the biggest lie, he left behind the most outrageous will ever, and chose an extremely appropriate time to ascend to heaven, and his nonsense of "gathering heavenly soldiers to go down to earth" will no longer be believed, Heavenly Father has not sent a single grain of food, and there is no hope of rescuing Tianjing, what they have to do now is to use their own battles to save the heart of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

Hong Xiuquan's lies, from his first lie (the dream preaching of God's command) to his last lie (the most unreliable testament), finally went bankrupt completely and completely, and with it an unprecedented crisis of faith, and another bankruptcy with even more serious consequences.