
Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, fell to the ground and had convulsions, the cause of death was exposed, and her sister spoke out to reveal more inside information

author:Hipsters talk about sports

Since ancient times, sports have been a very attractive thing, many people like to participate in various sports, and sports can also exercise people's will and cultivate people's perseverance.

Especially in the sport of badminton, China has always had a very strong strength, whether it is in the men's or women's group, the strength of the Chinese team is very strong.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, fell to the ground and had convulsions, the cause of death was exposed, and her sister spoke out to reveal more inside information

And Chinese badminton players have also achieved very excellent results with their own efforts and strength, winning glory for the country.

But when participating in various competitions, athletes also face various risks, such as accidents in sports, which is undoubtedly a very scary thing for athletes.

Recently, during the Asian Badminton Championships, there was a very sad accident, that is, a Chinese teenager Zhang Zhijie had an accident during the game and finally passed away.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, fell to the ground and had convulsions, the cause of death was exposed, and her sister spoke out to reveal more inside information

Zhang Zhijie had a sudden accident in the game, his whole body convulsed, although he was sent to the hospital for rescue, but in the end he was not able to survive this hurdle and left this world, such an excellent athlete passed away like this, which is undoubtedly a very heavy blow to his family and friends.

Some time ago, Indonesia was conducting an important sports competition, that is, the Asian Badminton Championships, which is a very important competition, and the strength of each country is very strong, and China naturally sent its own outstanding players to participate in this competition.

Zhang Zhijie, as a young player of the national feather, also participated in this competition, and performed very well in the game and achieved good results, but when he participated in the competition between China and Japan, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed, and his whole body continued to convuls, which made everyone present feel very scared.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, fell to the ground and had convulsions, the cause of death was exposed, and her sister spoke out to reveal more inside information

Halfway through the game, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed

The atmosphere of the game at that time was very tense, because in the middle of the game, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed, which made everyone on the scene feel very scared, everyone didn't know what to do, and Zhang Zhijie's team was very anxious.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, fell to the ground and had convulsions, the cause of death was exposed, and her sister spoke out to reveal more inside information

The medical team of the organizer of the competition arrived at the first time and gave Zhang Zhijie a simple first aid, but soon found that the situation was not quite right, and the medical team immediately sent Zhang Zhijie to the hospital for examination and treatment.

But after the examination of the hospital, it was found that Zhang Zhijie had suffered a cardiac arrest, which was undoubtedly a very heavy blow to everyone present, and everyone very much hoped that Zhang Zhijie could survive this hurdle and return to everyone's side, but after the efforts of the doctors, Zhang Zhijie still failed to survive this hurdle and left this world.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, fell to the ground and had convulsions, the cause of death was exposed, and her sister spoke out to reveal more inside information

After the news of Zhang Zhijie's death spread, everyone felt very sad, after all, Zhang Zhijie was only 17 years old, he was young, he should have a very bright future, but he could not achieve all this, for his death, it was undoubtedly a very big loss to him, and it also made everyone present feel very sad.

After Zhang Zhijie's grandparents learned the news, the whole person was very sad, their tears couldn't stop flowing, they were unwilling to accept such a fact, because in their minds, Zhang Zhijie is a very well-behaved and sensible child, and his departure is undoubtedly a very heavy blow to them.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, fell to the ground and had convulsions, the cause of death was exposed, and her sister spoke out to reveal more inside information

And Zhang Zhijie's parents were also very sad after hearing the news, their hearts were full of grief and helplessness, because their most beloved child left them like this, such a fact is undoubtedly very difficult for them to accept.

Zhang's family also began to question the organizers of the event, believing that the medical team's rescue measures were not timely enough and did not provide enough help to Zhang Zhijie, which led to this result.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, fell to the ground and had convulsions, the cause of death was exposed, and her sister spoke out to reveal more inside information

Zhang Zhijie was still conscious after falling to the ground and convulsions, as well as raising his head, in this case, the medical team should rescue him as soon as possible, but their reaction was very slow, resulting in the passage of precious time, and it was not until later that Zhang Zhijie was sent to the hospital, which was undoubtedly a very big disappointment to Zhang Zhijie.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, fell to the ground and had convulsions, the cause of death was exposed, and her sister spoke out to reveal more inside information

Moreover, the medical team's rescue measures were not professional enough, which also made Zhang Zhijie's family very worried, and they felt that the current medical conditions may not be good enough to provide Zhang Zhijie with sufficient help

Zhang's family questioned the medical team's rescue measures and expressed concern about the current medical conditions, which they felt might not be good enough to provide Zhang Zhijie with sufficient help, so they began to consider whether they should transfer Zhang Zhijie back to China for treatment.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, fell to the ground and had convulsions, the cause of death was exposed, and her sister spoke out to reveal more inside information

In addition, Zhang Zhijie's sister also posted on social platforms, revealing some facts, she said that when Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions, the coach did not enter the field to help as soon as possible, which made her very angry, after all, in such an emergency situation, the coach should be the first to protect the athletes.

But the coach didn't do it, which made the whole thing full of too much speculation and questioning, and I don't know if it was because of the coach that it caused Zhang Zhijie's accident, and I don't know if the coach was really for Zhang Zhijie's good and couldn't enter the field, or other reasons.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, fell to the ground and had convulsions, the cause of death was exposed, and her sister spoke out to reveal more inside information

Zhang Zhijie's death also made many people feel very sad, his life came to an abrupt end, which was undoubtedly a very big loss to him, and also made everyone present begin to think about what caused an excellent athlete like Zhang Zhijie to die suddenly in the game.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, fell to the ground and had convulsions, the cause of death was exposed, and her sister spoke out to reveal more inside information

And the facts have also proved that Zhang Zhijie did not die suddenly because of his physical fitness problems, but had an accident in the game, and some people believe that it was caused by the current medical conditions and environment, which led to the death of an excellent child like Zhang Zhijie in the game.

Everyone is also very sad about Zhang Zhijie's death, and I hope that the event organizers can give everyone an explanation, and can also give Zhang Zhijie an explanation, what caused an excellent athlete like Zhang Zhijie to die suddenly in the competition, and can also give everyone an explanation.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, fell to the ground and had convulsions, the cause of death was exposed, and her sister spoke out to reveal more inside information

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