
Grieved! 17-year-old badminton star Zhang Zhijie passed away in a foreign country, and his family issued a document questioning the lack of timely treatment.

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Grieved! 17-year-old badminton star Zhang Zhijie passed away in a foreign country, and his family issued a document questioning the lack of timely treatment.


Today, a sad news came that the 17-year-old Chinese badminton star, Zhang Zhijie, suddenly fell to the ground while participating in a competition in Indonesia, and the rescue was ultimately ineffective, and his young life suddenly disappeared in a foreign country.

became famous at a young age, but died suddenly

Zhang Zhijie, a handsome guy from Zhejiang, became famous at a young age and is full of love for badminton. Before his death, he had just been interviewed by CCTV and was full of hope to prove himself through this competition. But no one expected that this would be the last game of his life.

Grieved! 17-year-old badminton star Zhang Zhijie passed away in a foreign country, and his family issued a document questioning the lack of timely treatment.

Once again, exercise is not about health. Proper exercise can be a little healthier, but the kind of training of athletes is not a healthy type of exercise!

Grieved! 17-year-old badminton star Zhang Zhijie passed away in a foreign country, and his family issued a document questioning the lack of timely treatment.

Family members voiced their questions: questioning the lack of timely treatment

Zhang Zhijie's sudden death left his family grief-stricken. His sister spoke out publicly, saying that her younger brother was a very well-behaved child, and she bought gifts for the whole family when she got the prize money for the first time. She recalled watching the live broadcast at that time, watching her brother fall, convulsing a few times in the middle, and looking up at the sky, but the medical staff were delayed.

Grieved! 17-year-old badminton star Zhang Zhijie passed away in a foreign country, and his family issued a document questioning the lack of timely treatment.

"I kept contacting the coach until half past nine in the evening, and I learned that the last hope was to transfer to the hospital, but in the end it told us that he had passed away." Zhang Zhijie's sister said sadly, "He's only 17 years old!" If I had been helped in the first place, and if the local medical conditions had not been so bad, I might have been able to accept this fact. ”

The family believes that the time between Zhang Zhijie's collapse and receiving first aid is too long, and the medical staff at the scene may have been careless and did not realize the seriousness of the condition. This is also the focus of controversy between the family and the relevant parties.

Grieved! 17-year-old badminton star Zhang Zhijie passed away in a foreign country, and his family issued a document questioning the lack of timely treatment.

After watching the video, I found that our coach entered the venue leisurely, and I was very angry, no matter what, I should be in a hurry, sad that the child has passed away, and sad for the numbness of individual people...... When it comes to the coach's reaction speed, I feel that it is also very complaining, after all, people are falling to the ground and convulsing, and they are still like this......

Every minute counts

For families, the wait is undoubtedly long. Seeing that kind of emergency through the screen, every minute is a heart-wrenching golden rescue time. However, the medical staff at the scene may not have given first aid in time for some reason. This has become an unrelieved regret in the hearts of the family.

Grieved! 17-year-old badminton star Zhang Zhijie passed away in a foreign country, and his family issued a document questioning the lack of timely treatment.

I can't bear to look at it, it's really cruel, and no one has done chest compressions. It's a pity...... Yes, basic first-aid measures can save lives at critical moments, but the problem is that no one knows first-aid skills at the scene.

Grieved! 17-year-old badminton star Zhang Zhijie passed away in a foreign country, and his family issued a document questioning the lack of timely treatment.

The national team does not have a team doctor to accompany the team?

Is there no team doctor for the national team? There are team doctors in national table tennis. This point of view of netizens completely broke my defense! A professional sports team must have a professional medical team accompanying the competition, but the teenager Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and arrived with a foreign medical team, but he didn't see our team doctor?

Grieved! 17-year-old badminton star Zhang Zhijie passed away in a foreign country, and his family issued a document questioning the lack of timely treatment.

The people present were too indifferent

The people present are too indifferent, and they must be held accountable. For such a tragedy, although I also want to agree with the views of netizens, it is unlikely that this situation will be held accountable.

Grieved! 17-year-old badminton star Zhang Zhijie passed away in a foreign country, and his family issued a document questioning the lack of timely treatment.

Zhang Zhijie's death was a great pain for his parents who lost their son in middle age. They could not imagine that a living child would suddenly leave them like this. Their hearts are full of all kinds of assumptions and regrets, if the rescue is timely and effective, maybe Zhang Zhijie can survive.

Grieved! 17-year-old badminton star Zhang Zhijie passed away in a foreign country, and his family issued a document questioning the lack of timely treatment.

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At present, Zhang Zhijie's family has gone to Indonesia to deal with the funeral. I sincerely hope that they will be able to survive this difficult time! Moreover, I also believe that the relevant local departments will be able to conduct an in-depth investigation into this matter and give a clear answer and sincere condolences to the family.

Grieved! 17-year-old badminton star Zhang Zhijie passed away in a foreign country, and his family issued a document questioning the lack of timely treatment.
Grieved! 17-year-old badminton star Zhang Zhijie passed away in a foreign country, and his family issued a document questioning the lack of timely treatment.


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