
After scoring 300 points in the college entrance examination, my daughter wanted to repeat her studies and was rejected by me, she cried and shouted: You are going to ruin my future!

author:Xiao Jiang's emotional story

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

Wang Yong's daughter, Wang Xin, scored only 300 points in this year's college entrance examination, and the moment the results were announced, the family fell silent. In the living room, there was only the ticking of the clock, beating everyone's heart second by second. Wang Yong frowned and pursed his lips tightly, and his wife Li Mei sat on the sofa, her hands hanging weakly on her laps, her eyes glazed.

Wang Xin stood in front of them, the report card in his hand like a hot potato. She kept her head down, not daring to look her parents in the eye. There was a heavy sense of oppression in the air, as if everyone was waiting for the moment of the outbreak.

"Is this report card serious?" Wang Yong finally broke the silence, his voice low and hoarse.

After scoring 300 points in the college entrance examination, my daughter wanted to repeat her studies and was rejected by me, she cried and shouted: You are going to ruin my future!

Wang Xin raised her head and saw her father's eyes full of disappointment, and her heart felt like she had been stabbed severely. "Mom, Dad, I'm sorry, I ......" her voice trembled, tears already rolling in her eyes.

Li Mei sighed softly, "Xinxin, how much hope we have placed on you, do you know?" How did you get so bad in the exam this time? ”

Wang Xin's cheeks were slightly red, and she bit her lip, not knowing how to explain. "Mom, I know I didn't do well this time, but I really tried hard. I want to repeat my studies for a year and take the exam again next year, and I will definitely try my best to get into a good university. ”

Wang Yong's face became even more ugly, "Repeat? Do you know how much it costs to repeat? It's not that you don't know the conditions of our family, and we can't afford to repeat it for another year! ”

After scoring 300 points in the college entrance examination, my daughter wanted to repeat her studies and was rejected by me, she cried and shouted: You are going to ruin my future!

Wang Xin said eagerly: "Dad, I know that my family is financially tight, but this opportunity is really important to me. I don't want to just give up, I want to give myself another chance! ”

Wang Yong shook his head, "Opportunity? Do you think there are opportunities? Did the family's money fall from the sky? You might as well get a job early to lighten the burden on your family. ”

Wang Xin's tears finally couldn't help flowing, and her voice choked, "Dad, please, I really don't want to end my studies like this." I know that my family is difficult, but I am willing to work hard, part-time, I just ask you to give me this last chance! ”

Wang Yong was unmoved, his tone was even colder, "Part-time job? Part-time? How much money do you think you can make as a student? What problem can this money solve? ”

After scoring 300 points in the college entrance examination, my daughter wanted to repeat her studies and was rejected by me, she cried and shouted: You are going to ruin my future!

Wang Xin looked at her father in despair, she felt that her hope was being extinguished little by little, "Dad, you are going to ruin my future!" Do you know? You're ruining my future! ”

"Ruined your future?" Wang Yong's voice raised an octave, and he stood up angrily, "Do you know how much this family has paid for you to study?" Now that you've scored 300 points, that's your reward? You want us to continue to pay for you, and the result? What if you still can't pass the exam next year? Is our money just a waste of money? ”

Li Mei was distressed when she heard it on the side, and couldn't help but interject, "Lao Wang, don't talk about children like that." Xinxin, Mom knows you're sad, but your dad has a point. It's really hard for our family to support you to repeat it now. ”

Wang Xin's heart sank little by little, she wiped the tears on her face, trying to calm herself, "Mom, Dad, I know it's difficult at home, but I really don't want to give up." I am willing to take on my responsibilities and work hard to earn money to support my family. I just beg you to give me another chance to prove myself. ”

After scoring 300 points in the college entrance examination, my daughter wanted to repeat her studies and was rejected by me, she cried and shouted: You are going to ruin my future!

Wang Yong looked at his daughter's resolute eyes, and his heart was mixed, but he was still stubborn, "Xinxin, this family can't provide you with more." You have to learn to face reality and accept it. ”

Wang Xin's heart was dripping blood, and she knew that her father's attitude would not change easily, but she was unwilling to give up like this. She took a deep breath and tried to suppress the anger and sadness in her heart, "Dad, Mom, I know you are doing it for my good, but I also have my dreams and future. I will prove it to you with practical actions, and I will not let you down. ”

Wang Yong didn't say anything more, he just sighed heavily, turned around and walked back to his room. Li Mei looked at her daughter helplessly and gently held her hand, "Xinxin, mom hopes you can understand our difficulties, no matter what, mom will always support you." ”

Wang Xin nodded, her eyes flashing with determination, "Thank you, Mom." I will definitely work hard and will not let you down. ”

After scoring 300 points in the college entrance examination, my daughter wanted to repeat her studies and was rejected by me, she cried and shouted: You are going to ruin my future!

In order to convince her father, Wang Xin began to look around for examples of successful repeaters. She consulted a lot of materials on the Internet, printed stacks of successful repeating cases, and listed the stories of celebrities who have succeeded after repeating. She hopes these real-life examples will make her father change his mind.

One day after dinner, Wang Xin plucked up the courage to talk to his father again about repeating. She handed the printed materials to Wang Yong, "Dad, look at these, many people have been admitted to good universities after repeating their studies." I can do that too. ”

Wang Yong glanced at the information coldly and shook his head, "Xinxin, what's the use of your examples?" Just because they can succeed doesn't mean you can succeed too. ”

Wang Xin was anxious, "Dad, I know it's not easy, but I'm willing to work hard." I was able to repeat my studies while working part-time to reduce the burden on my family. ”

After scoring 300 points in the college entrance examination, my daughter wanted to repeat her studies and was rejected by me, she cried and shouted: You are going to ruin my future!

Wang Yong was still unmoved, "You work? How much do you think you can earn from a part-time job? You don't know the financial pressures at home. You have to learn to face reality and let go of those unrealistic illusions. ”

Wang Xin felt extremely frustrated, and she found her homeroom teacher, Teacher Zhang. Mr. Zhang patiently talked with Wang Yong for a long time, trying to convince him from the perspective of education and future development. "Mr. Wang, Wang Xin is a child with great potential, she just played abnormally this time. If she is given another chance, I believe she will definitely be able to get into a good university. ”

However, Wang Yong remained unmoved, "Teacher Zhang, thank you for your kindness, but I have already decided. As you know, we really can't continue to support her to repeat her studies. ”

In desperation, Wang Xin found some relatives to help persuade him. The uncle persuaded, "Big brother, it's a good thing that the child is self-motivated, we should support her." Give her another chance. ”

After scoring 300 points in the college entrance examination, my daughter wanted to repeat her studies and was rejected by me, she cried and shouted: You are going to ruin my future!

But Wang Yong is still stubborn, "The child is an adult, she should learn to face reality." Our family really can't afford it right now. ”

The conflict between father and daughter is escalating, and the atmosphere in the house is becoming more and more tense. Every time repetition is mentioned, it is a heated argument. Wang Xin felt like a bird trapped in a cage, unable to spread its wings and fly high. Her mood was getting worse and worse, and her relationship with her father was getting stiffer and stiffer.

Finally, after a heated argument, Wang Xin decided to run away from home. She packed her simple luggage, left a letter, and quietly left the house. In the letter, she wrote: "Mom and Dad, I'm sorry, I have to find my future. I hope you will understand my decision. ”

Wang Xin walked on the streets of an unfamiliar city, and her heart was full of confusion and anxiety about the future. She started working part-time, starting from the most basic work. Washing dishes and serving dishes in a restaurant every day, exhausted. She lives in a modest rental house and often weeps silently alone. But she knew that it was all for her dreams.

After scoring 300 points in the college entrance examination, my daughter wanted to repeat her studies and was rejected by me, she cried and shouted: You are going to ruin my future!

In the process of working outside, Wang Xin experienced a lot of bitterness. She learned to be independent, she learned to be strong. Facing all kinds of difficulties every day, she began to understand her father's hard work, and gradually grew into a strong and independent person. She knew that her father's insistence was not unreasonable, but he hoped that she could become independent as soon as possible and live a stable life.

And Wang Yong gradually reflected on his stubbornness in the days when his daughter left home. He began to feel guilty and regretful. Whenever he saw his daughter's room, he would always think of her determination and helplessness when she left. His wife, Li Mei, often sighed, "Lao Wang, are we too harsh on our children?" ”

Wang Yong was silent for a long time, and finally said in a low voice, "Maybe." I just hope that she can understand the hardships of life sooner, and I don't want her to take another detour. ”

During this time, Wang Yong began to slowly understand his daughter's dreams and persistence. He realized that perhaps he should give her a chance to pursue her future. After all, everyone has the right to work hard for their dreams.

After scoring 300 points in the college entrance examination, my daughter wanted to repeat her studies and was rejected by me, she cried and shouted: You are going to ruin my future!

A year later, Wang Xin was standing at the door of her house with her suitcase in tow, her heart full of complicated emotions. This year, she has experienced a lot and grown a lot. She tightened the bag in her hand, which contained the money she had earned from her hard-earned job and the confirmation letter for her registration for the adult college entrance examination.

The moment he knocked on the door, Wang Xin's heart beat faster. The door opened, Li Mei stood at the door, and the moment she saw her daughter, tears came out of her eyes, "Xinxin, you're back!" ”

Wang Xin nodded with tears in her eyes, "Mom, I'm back." She walked into the house and saw Wang Yong, who was reading a newspaper in the living room. Wang Yong looked up and saw his daughter, he was stunned at first, and then showed a complicated expression.

"Mom, Dad, I've experienced a lot and learned a lot this year. I decided to take the adult college entrance examination and prove myself with my own efforts. Wang Xin took out the registration confirmation letter from the bag and handed it to his father.

After scoring 300 points in the college entrance examination, my daughter wanted to repeat her studies and was rejected by me, she cried and shouted: You are going to ruin my future!

Wang Yong took the confirmation letter and looked at it silently for a long time, with a glimmer of light in his eyes. Finally, he sighed deeply, his voice low but full of warmth, "Xinxin, welcome home." ”

Wang Xin's tears couldn't hold back any longer, she threw herself into her father's arms, "Dad, I'm sorry, I made you worry." ”

Wang Yong patted his daughter's back, and after being moved, he finally let go of his knot, "Xinxin, Dad supports you, no matter what decision you make, Dad will support you behind you." ”

In the following days, Wang Xin continued to work while preparing for the exam seriously. Wang Yong and Li Mei also tried their best to give her the greatest support in life and spirit. Every night after dinner, the father and daughter would always sit together in the living room to chat about Wang Xin's learning progress and trivial matters in life, and the relationship between them became closer during this time.

After scoring 300 points in the college entrance examination, my daughter wanted to repeat her studies and was rejected by me, she cried and shouted: You are going to ruin my future!

Half a year later, Wang Xin finally ushered in the day of the adult college entrance examination. After the exam, she waited anxiously for the results to be announced. Finally, the transcript came out, and she was admitted to a good university.

That night, Wang Xin took the report card home and handed it to his father excitedly, "Dad, Mom, I was admitted!" ”

Wang Yong took the report card and looked at his daughter's hopeful eyes, his heart was full of pride and relief. He hugged his daughter tightly, "Xinxin, you did it, Dad is proud of you." ”

Li Mei was also so excited that she burst into tears, "Child, my mother has always believed that you can do it." ”

After scoring 300 points in the college entrance examination, my daughter wanted to repeat her studies and was rejected by me, she cried and shouted: You are going to ruin my future!

Wang Xin felt the love and support of her parents, and her heart was full of strength. She knows that the hard work and hard work of the past year have not been in vain. She decided to work harder to live up to her parents' expectations and her dreams.

On the first day of school, Wang Yong and Li Mei personally sent Wang Xin to the university to report. Watching his daughter step into the campus, Wang Yong was full of emotion, "Xinxin, this is the beginning of your new life, work hard, and your parents will always support you." ”

Wang Xin nodded, with a determined glint in his eyes, "Dad, Mom, thank you." I will definitely work hard to live up to your expectations. ”

At the end of the story, Wang Xin stood at the door of the university campus, looking back at his parents who were still standing there, and his heart was full of hope. She knows that no matter how difficult the future is, she has the support of her parents and her own efforts, and everything will get better and better.

After scoring 300 points in the college entrance examination, my daughter wanted to repeat her studies and was rejected by me, she cried and shouted: You are going to ruin my future!

The family is reunited and looks to the future with hope. Wang Xin's future is full of unknowns and challenges, but she is no longer afraid, because she knows that with a strong backing and the love and support of her family, she will definitely go more determined and brave.

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