
Helped my daughter buy the wedding house in full, but her in-laws came to support the elderly, I: If you want to live, you can pay the rent

author:Xiao Jiang's emotional story

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

"Lao Li, we have to find a way to buy a wedding house for Xue'er!" Wang Fang said to Li Dacheng with a frown while flipping through the account books at home.

"I know, but we don't have a lot of money on hand, what should we do?" Li Dacheng sighed, his heart full of helplessness.

Li Xue and Zhang Qiang's marriage spread in the village, although Zhang Qiang is a good person, but the family conditions are average, and the family can't afford to buy a house. Li Dacheng and Wang Fang saw it in their eyes, anxious in their hearts, thinking that their only daughter, marriage could not be hasty.

Helped my daughter buy the wedding house in full, but her in-laws came to support the elderly, I: If you want to live, you can pay the rent

"Why don't we sell that piece of land?" Wang Fang suddenly proposed.

"The land?" Li Dacheng was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "That's our pension book, what if something happens in the future?" "

"Cher's happiness is more important." Wang Fang said firmly, "At our age, it's nothing to work hard, and we can't let our children be wronged for the sake of the house." "

Li Dacheng was silent and nodded. "Okay, for the sake of the children, let's get out of the way." Although he was a little reluctant in his heart, he thought of his daughter's happiness and made up his mind.

Helped my daughter buy the wedding house in full, but her in-laws came to support the elderly, I: If you want to live, you can pay the rent

A few days later, Li Dacheng and Wang Fang sold the land, and together with years of savings, they finally scraped together enough money to buy a house. They chose a small two-bedroom apartment close to the city, simple but welcoming.

"Mom, Dad, did you really buy the house?" Li Xue took the real estate certificate, her eyes moistened, "You have done too much for me, I will definitely be filial to you in the future." "

"Silly boy, as long as you are happy, everything we do is worth it." Wang Fang stroked her daughter's head, her eyes full of love.

But the pressure after buying a house also followed, Li Dacheng and Wang Fang spent almost all their savings, and life became tight. Old neighbors in the village sometimes come to visit the house and care about their situation.

Helped my daughter buy the wedding house in full, but her in-laws came to support the elderly, I: If you want to live, you can pay the rent

"Lao Li, I heard that you bought a house for Xue'er, this is a big deal!" Uncle Liu, a neighbor, said with a smile.

"Yes, for the sake of the child." Li Dacheng smiled reluctantly, but he was thinking about how to spend the next few days.

"You two really feel sorry for the child, it's not easy!" Uncle Liu patted Li Dacheng on the shoulder, "But you have to do what you can." "

At night, Li Dacheng and Wang Fang lay on the bed, their hearts were a little heavy. Li Dacheng asked softly, "Fang'er, do you think it's worth it for us to do this?" "

Helped my daughter buy the wedding house in full, but her in-laws came to support the elderly, I: If you want to live, you can pay the rent

"Of course it's worth it, Cher is the only one for us, and we can't let her be wronged." Wang Fang replied firmly, but there was also a hint of worry in her eyes.

The wedding came soon, and Li Xue and Zhang Qiang tied the knot in the presence of relatives and friends, with smiles on everyone's faces. The new house was warmly furnished, and everyone sent their best wishes to the couple.

However, one day after the wedding, Zhang Qiang's parents suddenly visited. They sat in the living room with a somewhat complicated expression.

"Xiaoqiang, we want to discuss something with you." Zhang Qiang's father, Zhang Jianmin, spoke, in a deep voice.

Helped my daughter buy the wedding house in full, but her in-laws came to support the elderly, I: If you want to live, you can pay the rent

"Dad, Mom, what do you say?" Zhang Qiang was a little puzzled, but still responded respectfully.

"Our old house was sold, and now we have no place to live, and we want to move in with you." Zhang Jianmin finally spoke.

Zhang Qiang and Li Xue stood in the living room, stunned for a few seconds, obviously not expecting Zhang Qiang's parents to make such a request. Li Dacheng and Wang Fang also looked at each other, and their hearts churned.

Helped my daughter buy the wedding house in full, but her in-laws came to support the elderly, I: If you want to live, you can pay the rent

"Dad, Mom, your old house was sold?" Zhang Qiang looked a little uneasy, "Why didn't you tell us in advance?" "

"Well, it's not for your marriage." Zhang Jianmin sighed, "The house is sold, and the money is used to help you plan for the wedding." We know it's a bit sudden, but there's nowhere to go. "

When Li Dacheng heard this, he felt very uncomfortable. He felt that the other party was doing this too inconsiderably of their feelings, but it was not good to attack on the spot, so he could only be silent.

Wang Fang glanced at Li Dacheng and saw that he didn't speak, so he said first: "In-laws, we also understand your difficulties, but after all, this house was bought by us with all our savings, and it was originally to give Xiaoxue and Xiaoqiang a stable home." Now that you're moving in, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of inconvenience to the children. "

Helped my daughter buy the wedding house in full, but her in-laws came to support the elderly, I: If you want to live, you can pay the rent

Zhang Qiang's mother Zhang Shuqin was a little embarrassed on her face, but she still said stubbornly: "Mother-in-law, we haven't thought about these problems, but the current situation is really helpless." Besides, we need a place to settle down as we get older. "

Li Xue looked at the dispute between her parents and in-laws, and she was also very embarrassed. She pulled Zhang Qiang's sleeve and whispered: "Xiaoqiang, let's find a way to solve it, we can't let our parents be so embarrassed." "

Zhang Qiang nodded, raised his head and said to Li Dacheng and Wang Fang: "Dad, Mom, otherwise, we can let them live in temporarily, and then move out when there is a suitable place in the future." "

Although Li Dacheng was dissatisfied in his heart, for the sake of his daughter's happiness, he didn't want things to be too stiff. "That's it, in-laws, we are not unreasonable people, you can live in if you want, but we have to say that the rent is not exempt. After all, we bought this house with all our savings, and we have to think about life ourselves. He said as calmly as he could.

Helped my daughter buy the wedding house in full, but her in-laws came to support the elderly, I: If you want to live, you can pay the rent

Zhang Jianmin and Zhang Shuqin glanced at each other, with a hint of embarrassment on their faces. Zhang Jianmin hesitated for a moment before he spoke: "Rent... We also understand this, but we don't have enough money now, can we be a little more lenient and make up for it when we have more money? "

Li Dacheng looked at Wang Fang, and Wang Fang nodded. "Well, grace is okay, but there has to be a deadline, and it can't be postponed indefinitely. This is also responsible for the lives of children. Li Dacheng said.

"Thank you, in-laws, we will definitely raise money to pay the rent as soon as possible." Zhang Shuqin said gratefully, with a trace of tears in her eyes.

Although Li Dacheng and Wang Fang were a little reluctant in their hearts, they could only accept it temporarily when things came to this point. Li Xue and Zhang Qiang felt relieved, after all, the negotiations were not too stiff.

Helped my daughter buy the wedding house in full, but her in-laws came to support the elderly, I: If you want to live, you can pay the rent

A few days later, Zhang Jianmin and Zhang Shuqin moved in, and the new house suddenly became lively, but it also brought a lot of friction. Zhang Shuqin is used to waking up early to do housework, but Li Dacheng and Wang Fang sometimes feel that she interferes with the rhythm of their lives.

"Mom, can you cook a little later? We usually go to bed late, and it's uncomfortable to be woken up in the morning. Li Xue said cautiously to Zhang Shuqin.

"Ah, okay, I'll pay attention to it later." Zhang Shuqin replied apologetically, but felt a little aggrieved in her heart.

Li Dacheng and Wang Fang tried to avoid head-on clashes with Zhang Jianmin and Zhang Shuqin, but sometimes they inevitably disagreed. "Lao Li, can your TV be quieter today? I have a headache listening here. Zhang Jianmin said dissatisfied.

Helped my daughter buy the wedding house in full, but her in-laws came to support the elderly, I: If you want to live, you can pay the rent

"Okay, I'll turn down the volume." Li Dacheng frowned, picked up the remote control and turned down the volume, but couldn't help muttering in his heart: Living in someone else's house, there are so many requirements.

Zhang Qiang's parents were already a little aggrieved, and now they feel that they have to pay rent for living in their son's new house, which makes them feel insulted. Zhang Jianmin's attitude towards Li Dacheng and Wang Fang also became more and more cold, and he often responded lukewarmly to their words.

One night, everyone was watching TV in the living room, and Zhang Shuqin suddenly mentioned the matter of rent. "We've been living here for so long, when are you going to stop talking about rent?" She said with some indignation.

"Mother-in-law, it's not that we're unreasonable, it's that everyone has the pressure of life, and we can't fully bear your living expenses." Wang Fang patiently explained.

Helped my daughter buy the wedding house in full, but her in-laws came to support the elderly, I: If you want to live, you can pay the rent

"Hmph, what a cost of living! We sold the old house and used all the money for our children's weddings, but now we are asked to pay the rent, which is like crossing the river and tearing down the bridge! Zhang Jianmin slapped the table angrily.

"Dad, Mom, calm down, stop arguing." Zhang Qiang tried to mediate, but to little avail.

Li Xue watched from the sidelines, feeling very sad. "Can you sit down and have a good talk, it's not the way to go." She choked up, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Xue'er, you also heard these words, tell me, how can you live this day?" Li Dacheng was also a little excited.

Helped my daughter buy the wedding house in full, but her in-laws came to support the elderly, I: If you want to live, you can pay the rent

Quarrels escalate, with small frictions almost every day, and sometimes even causing everyone to ignore anyone. Li Xue was caught in the middle, in a dilemma, and often shed tears about it. Zhang Qiang looked distressed, but he didn't know how to solve it.

One night, Li Xue finally couldn't help it anymore and pulled Zhang Qiang to sit on the edge of the bed. "Xiaoqiang, I don't think it will work like this, let's move out." Her voice was low, but full of determination.

"Cher, have you really decided? But when we move out, what happens to our parents? Zhang Qiang hesitated.

"They are all adults and should be able to solve problems on their own. And we also need to have our own space, otherwise we won't be able to live this day at all. Li Xue said firmly, with a hint of determination in her eyes.

Helped my daughter buy the wedding house in full, but her in-laws came to support the elderly, I: If you want to live, you can pay the rent

Zhang Qiang pondered for a moment, and finally nodded. "Okay, I've got your back. We bear this family together and face difficulties together. "

So, Li Xue and Zhang Qiang began to look for a house, and after several twists and turns, they finally found a small apartment, although it was not big, but it was enough for the two of them to live. On the day of the move, Li Dacheng and Wang Fang were a little reluctant, but they also understood their daughter's decision.

"Xue'er, you must take care of yourselves, and tell us if you have any difficulties." Wang Fang held Li Xue's hand tightly, with tears in her eyes.

"Mom, you also have to take care of your health, we will come back to see you often." Li Xue choked up and hugged her mother.

Helped my daughter buy the wedding house in full, but her in-laws came to support the elderly, I: If you want to live, you can pay the rent

Although Zhang Jianmin and Zhang Shuqin were reluctant in their hearts, they also knew that the matter was irreparable. "Xiaoqiang, take good care of your daughter-in-law, and come back to us if you have anything." Zhang Jianmin patted Zhang Qiang's shoulder.

"Dad, Mom, don't worry, we will live a good life." Zhang Qiang replied, his eyes were also a little moist.

After moving into a new home, Li Xue and Zhang Qiang finally have their own space, they share housework together, and face the pressure of life together. Although they sometimes encountered difficulties, they all worked hard to overcome them and gradually found their own balance.

One weekend, Li Xue and Zhang Qiang went home to visit their parents, and Li Dacheng and Wang Fang were relieved to see that their daughter and son-in-law were doing well. "It's good to come back, it's good to come back." Li Dacheng said with a smile, his eyes full of love.

Helped my daughter buy the wedding house in full, but her in-laws came to support the elderly, I: If you want to live, you can pay the rent

Zhang Jianmin and Zhang Shuqin are no longer as harsh as before, but care more about Li Xue. "Xue'er, this time has been hard, tell us if you need anything." Zhang Shuqin said softly.

Li Xue nodded gratefully, feeling a warmth in her heart that she had never felt before. Although there are still many difficulties in life, as long as the family works together, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.