
There were 6 people in my mother-in-law's house during the Spring Festival, and my husband ordered to vacate the house, and I was furious: Why do I serve you every year

author:Xiao Jiang's emotional story

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

Liu Xiaohua was busy choosing dishes in the kitchen, while thinking about what to cook at night. The pork rib soup is simmering in the pot, and the air is filled with a rich aroma. At this time, Li Qiang came back from outside, carrying a few bags of fresh vegetables and fruits in his hands.

"Wife, I'm back." Li Qiang put down the bag in his hand and walked into the kitchen with a smile.

"You're back just in time, help me see if I need to add more salt to this soup." Liu Xiaohua looked up at Li Qiang and continued to be busy with the work in hand.

There were 6 people in my mother-in-law's house during the Spring Festival, and my husband ordered to vacate the house, and I was furious: Why do I serve you every year

Li Qiang tasted the soup and nodded, "It's good, you don't need to add more salt." By the way, my mother just called and said that the six members of their family were coming over for the Spring Festival this year. ”

The knife in Liu Xiaohua's hand paused and frowned, "Come over again?" Didn't it already come last year? ”

"Yes, but this year they said they wanted to celebrate the New Year together, and it would be more lively." Li Qiang said easily, but he obviously felt Liu Xiaohua's dissatisfaction.

"Come to my house every year, there are so many people in the family, can I be busy alone?" Liu Xiaohua put down the work in his hand and looked directly at Li Qiang.

There were 6 people in my mother-in-law's house during the Spring Festival, and my husband ordered to vacate the house, and I was furious: Why do I serve you every year

"Isn't it just once a year? Besides, it's all family. Li Qiang scratched his head, trying to ease the atmosphere.

"I say once a year, but do you know how tired I am? There are so many people in your family, I cook three meals a day by myself, and I have to clean and tidy up the room, what about you? How much have you helped me? Liu Xiaohua's tone became more and more excited.

Li Qiang was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "You also know that I am busy with work, and I usually ......."

"Busy at work? Am I not busy then? I also have a job, and I have to go to work too! Liu Xiaohua interrupted him, tears flashing in his eyes.

There were 6 people in my mother-in-law's house during the Spring Festival, and my husband ordered to vacate the house, and I was furious: Why do I serve you every year

Li Qiang looked at his wife, feeling a little guilty, but more helpless, "Then what should I do this time?" My mom has already decided, and I can't refuse. ”

Liu Xiaohua sneered, "Your mother has decided?" What about me? Am I the mistress of this house or an outsider? Do I have to accept what she decides? Why do I serve you every year? ”

Li Qiang was speechless, and could only sigh softly.

At night, Liu Xiaohua lay in bed, and the scenes of the Spring Festival in the past few years kept coming to mind. Every time my mother-in-law's family comes, the house is like a small hotel, and I am like a tireless waiter. She remembered that last year, she was so busy that she was so tired that she didn't even eat much for Chinese New Year's Eve. And Li Qiang, who only cared about chatting and drinking with his family, did not appreciate her hard work at all.

There were 6 people in my mother-in-law's house during the Spring Festival, and my husband ordered to vacate the house, and I was furious: Why do I serve you every year

Early the next morning, Liu Xiaohua walked on the way to the vegetable market, full of irritability. She asked her best friend Xiaoli to buy New Year's goods together, just in time to pour out her dissatisfaction.

"Xiaohua, this way!" Xiaoli greeted her from afar.

Liu Xiaohua squeezed out a smile and walked over. They walk through the market, picking up fresh vegetables and fruits.

"Xiaoli, I'm really annoyed, every year my mother-in-law's family comes to my house for the Chinese New Year, and I'm almost tired." Liu Xiaohua complained while picking up the dishes.

There were 6 people in my mother-in-law's house during the Spring Festival, and my husband ordered to vacate the house, and I was furious: Why do I serve you every year

"Why don't you talk to Li Qiang and ask him to help you share a little?" Xiaoli asked.

"What's the use of saying that? He didn't listen at all, feeling that it was right to take care of his family. Liu Xiaohua shook his head helplessly.

"Then you should talk to him, you will be exhausted sooner or later." Xiaoli patted her on the shoulder, her eyes full of concern.

Liu Xiaohua nodded, feeling a little shaken in his heart. Maybe this time, she really should fight for herself.

There were 6 people in my mother-in-law's house during the Spring Festival, and my husband ordered to vacate the house, and I was furious: Why do I serve you every year

After returning home, Liu Xiaohua was about to start making lunch when her mother-in-law Zhang Cuiping suddenly called.

"Xiaohua, this year's Spring Festival, all six of our family have passed, you should prepare well, don't let everyone down." Zhang Cuiping's tone carried a hint of command.

Liu Xiaohua clenched his mobile phone and took a deep breath, "Mom, I work alone every year, can you ask Li Qiang to help too?" ”

"He's a big man, how can he understand this? Besides, you are a daughter-in-law, and it is right to take care of us. Zhang Cuiping's words made Liu Xiaohua's heart burn.

There were 6 people in my mother-in-law's house during the Spring Festival, and my husband ordered to vacate the house, and I was furious: Why do I serve you every year

"Mom, I'm also human, and I need to rest too, I can't do it every year." Liu Xiaohua finally couldn't help it, and his voice raised a few points.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment, and Zhang Cuiping said coldly: "Xiaohua, it's not right for you to talk like this. We are a family, how can you be so careful? ”

Liu Xiaohua hung up the phone, and tears couldn't help but flow. She looked at the busy figure in the kitchen, and an indescribable grievance and anger welled up in her heart.

Liu Xiaohua's anger has not dissipated, and the more he thinks about it, the more unfair he feels. In the evening, as soon as Li Qiang entered the door, she greeted him.

There were 6 people in my mother-in-law's house during the Spring Festival, and my husband ordered to vacate the house, and I was furious: Why do I serve you every year

"Li Qiang, we have to talk about it." Liu Xiaohua went straight to the point.

Li Qiang looked at her, knowing that he couldn't hide from this matter today, "What's wrong?" Unhappy again? ”

"Don't you think what your mother said is excessive? Every year I'm alone, so why can't you help me a little? Liu Xiaohua's voice was full of grievance and anger.

"Xiaohua, everyone is a family, shouldn't we take care of each other? Isn't it a bit unfilial that you are so careful? Li Qiang's tone was reproachful.

There were 6 people in my mother-in-law's house during the Spring Festival, and my husband ordered to vacate the house, and I was furious: Why do I serve you every year

"Not filial? Li Qiang, you say I'm not filial? What about you? Do you know how tired I am? Every Spring Festival, I am so busy that I can't even eat, but your family enjoys the fruits of my labor. Liu Xiaohua said excitedly.

Li Qiang sighed, "I'm also very busy with work, so I don't have time to take care of these things." Besides, it's our responsibility to take care of the elderly, can't you understand more? ”

"Understand? I also have to go to work and I'm very busy! Why am I the only one to do all the housework every time? Are you men supposed to do nothing? Liu Xiaohua's tears began to roll in his eyes.

The quarrel between the two attracted the neighbor Aunt Wang. She heard the movement and knocked on the door, "Xiaohua, Li Qiang, what's wrong?" What's so loud? ”

There were 6 people in my mother-in-law's house during the Spring Festival, and my husband ordered to vacate the house, and I was furious: Why do I serve you every year

Liu Xiaohua wiped her tears and opened the door, "Aunt Wang, come in." ”

Aunt Wang entered the house, looked at the two of them, and sighed, "Quarreling can't solve the problem, what can't you say?" ”

Li Qiang scratched his head a little embarrassed, "Auntie, there is something going on at our family, you don't have to worry about it." ”

Aunt Wang shook her head, "If you two have any problems, you might as well say it and let everyone figure out a way together." ”

There were 6 people in my mother-in-law's house during the Spring Festival, and my husband ordered to vacate the house, and I was furious: Why do I serve you every year

Liu Xiaohua took a deep breath and told the reason for the quarrel just now. After listening to this, Aunt Wang nodded, "Li Qiang, Xiaohua is right. The two of you are husband and wife, and you should take care of the affairs of the family together. Xiaohua is indeed too hard alone. ”

"But Auntie, I'm also very busy at work, so I really don't have time." Li Qiang said helplessly.

"No matter how busy you are at work, you can't completely ignore things at home. You two are one, aren't you? Help more and make Xiaohua a little easier, this is the right thing. Aunt Wang said earnestly.

Li Qiang was silent, recalling the previous Spring Festival in his mind. Every time he and his family get together, Liu Xiaohua is always busy. He never really understood her hard work, but just enjoyed her efforts as a matter of course.

There were 6 people in my mother-in-law's house during the Spring Festival, and my husband ordered to vacate the house, and I was furious: Why do I serve you every year

"Xiaohua, I'm sorry, I ignored your feelings." Li Qiang lowered his head, with apologies in his voice.

Liu Xiaohua looked at him, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, "Do you really understand?" ”

"I see. From now on, I will try my best to help you, and I can't let you work so hard alone anymore. Li Qiang stepped forward and gently held Liu Xiaohua's hand.

Liu Xiaohua's tears slipped again, but this time it was tears of emotion. She nodded, "Okay, then we'll face it together." ”

There were 6 people in my mother-in-law's house during the Spring Festival, and my husband ordered to vacate the house, and I was furious: Why do I serve you every year

Aunt Wang smiled with satisfaction, "That's right." As long as everyone understands each other, any problem can be solved. ”

Liu Xiaohua and Li Qiang looked at each other and smiled, as if in an instant, all the grievances dissipated. They understand that the happiness of the family requires two people to work together and support each other in order to truly achieve home and prosperity.

After that profound conversation, the relationship between Li Qiang and Liu Xiaohua has improved significantly. Li Qiang began to take on more housework at home, helping Liu Xiaohua cook and clean. Liu Xiaohua also felt the change in her husband, and gradually felt a lot more relieved.

The day before the Spring Festival, the busy atmosphere at home became more and more intense. Li Qiang and Liu Xiaohua went to the market together to buy all kinds of New Year's goods, and their homes were full of the atmosphere of the New Year. In the evening, the in-laws' family came one after another, and the family suddenly became lively.

There were 6 people in my mother-in-law's house during the Spring Festival, and my husband ordered to vacate the house, and I was furious: Why do I serve you every year

"Mom, you're here, haven't you worked the road?" Li Qiang smiled and welcomed his mother-in-law Zhang Cuiping into the door.

"It's okay, it's okay. This time we brought some bacon and sausages that we made ourselves, and you can try them. Zhang Cuiping said with a smile.

Liu Xiaohua took the things, smiled and said, "Mom, there are so many things, you have worked hard." Let's get inside and sit down. ”

Zhang Cuiping looked at Liu Xiaohua and felt a little guilty in her heart, "Xiaohua, what happened a few days ago was that I spoke too much. You've worked hard. ”

There were 6 people in my mother-in-law's house during the Spring Festival, and my husband ordered to vacate the house, and I was furious: Why do I serve you every year

Liu Xiaohua shook his head, "Mom, it's okay, we're a family, just say something." ”

When Li Qiang saw this scene, he also felt warm in his heart. He stepped forward, held Liu Xiaohua's hand, and said with a smile: "This time we make dumplings together and cook Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, everyone is more relaxed." ”

The family gathered around the kitchen and began to make dumplings in full swing. Li Qiang and Liu Xiaohua stood in front of the board, her mother-in-law Zhang Cuiping was guiding on the side, and the children were also excitedly involved.

"Xiaoqiang, this dumpling skin should be rolled out a little thinner, so that it will be delicious when cooked." Zhang Cuiping demonstrated while talking.

There were 6 people in my mother-in-law's house during the Spring Festival, and my husband ordered to vacate the house, and I was furious: Why do I serve you every year

Li Qiang studied seriously, and looked at Liu Xiaohua from time to time, his eyes full of smiles.

"Look at the dumplings I wrapped, do they look like a little ingot?" Liu Xiaohua held up a dumpling and asked everyone with a smile.

"Like, like!" The children nodded their heads and clapped their hands excitedly.

The family was busy, and the kitchen was full of laughter. After a while, the dumplings were wrapped and the water in the pot was boiling. Liu Xiaohua and Li Qiang made dumplings together, and Zhang Cuiping helped prepare the dipping sauce on the side.

There were 6 people in my mother-in-law's house during the Spring Festival, and my husband ordered to vacate the house, and I was furious: Why do I serve you every year

"Mom, can you see the taste?" Liu Xiaohua scooped a spoonful of dipping sauce and handed it to Zhang Cuiping to taste.

Zhang Cuiping tasted it and nodded with satisfaction, "Very good, very good." You're really good at it. ”

Li Qiang looked at this scene and felt extremely satisfied. He walked up to Liu Xiaohua and whispered, "Xiaohua, thank you." You're really hard, I'll help you more in the future. ”

Liu Xiaohua smiled and nodded, "Let's work together to make this family better and better." ”

There were 6 people in my mother-in-law's house during the Spring Festival, and my husband ordered to vacate the house, and I was furious: Why do I serve you every year

When the dumplings are cooked, everyone sits around the table, and the hot dumplings are bubbling with aroma. Liu Xiaohua put dumplings in everyone's bowls and said with a smile: "Everyone try it, this year's dumplings must be very delicious." ”

"Yes, with the efforts of the two of you, this family is getting better and better." Zhang Cuiping said with emotion.

The family sat together, talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was very warm. The children were playing on the side, Zhang Cuiping was chatting with Li Qiang's brother and sister-in-law, and Liu Xiaohua and Li Qiang tacitly took care of everyone.

As the night deepened, the sound of firecrackers outside the window came and went, and the warmth of home filled everyone's hearts with a sense of happiness. Li Qiang held Liu Xiaohua's hand, his eyes full of gratitude and love.

There were 6 people in my mother-in-law's house during the Spring Festival, and my husband ordered to vacate the house, and I was furious: Why do I serve you every year

"Xiaohua, this year is the happiest Spring Festival I have ever had. Thank you. Li Qiang said in a low voice.

"Let's work together, every year from now on." Liu Xiaohua held his hand back, tears flashed in his eyes, but this time it was tears of happiness.

At this moment, Liu Xiaohua felt the real family warmth and happiness. She knows that in the days to come, they will cherish each other more and face all the challenges in life together.