
DNF has become "16+"? If you don't believe me, take a look at the screenshot of the official "Summer Swimsuit PV"! The last image, a 16+ boost! However, when I got into the game, I found that it was still 8+! also

author:Boil bald man

DNF has become "16+"?

If you don't believe me, take a look at the screenshot of the official "Summer Swimsuit PV"!

The last image, a 16+ boost!

However, when I got into the game, I found that it was still 8+!

There is no milky white Yukiko either, bad reviews! #地下城与勇士#

DNF has become "16+"? If you don't believe me, take a look at the screenshot of the official "Summer Swimsuit PV"! The last image, a 16+ boost! However, when I got into the game, I found that it was still 8+! also
DNF has become "16+"? If you don't believe me, take a look at the screenshot of the official "Summer Swimsuit PV"! The last image, a 16+ boost! However, when I got into the game, I found that it was still 8+! also
DNF has become "16+"? If you don't believe me, take a look at the screenshot of the official "Summer Swimsuit PV"! The last image, a 16+ boost! However, when I got into the game, I found that it was still 8+! also
DNF has become "16+"? If you don't believe me, take a look at the screenshot of the official "Summer Swimsuit PV"! The last image, a 16+ boost! However, when I got into the game, I found that it was still 8+! also
DNF has become "16+"? If you don't believe me, take a look at the screenshot of the official "Summer Swimsuit PV"! The last image, a 16+ boost! However, when I got into the game, I found that it was still 8+! also
DNF has become "16+"? If you don't believe me, take a look at the screenshot of the official "Summer Swimsuit PV"! The last image, a 16+ boost! However, when I got into the game, I found that it was still 8+! also
DNF has become "16+"? If you don't believe me, take a look at the screenshot of the official "Summer Swimsuit PV"! The last image, a 16+ boost! However, when I got into the game, I found that it was still 8+! also
DNF has become "16+"? If you don't believe me, take a look at the screenshot of the official "Summer Swimsuit PV"! The last image, a 16+ boost! However, when I got into the game, I found that it was still 8+! also
DNF has become "16+"? If you don't believe me, take a look at the screenshot of the official "Summer Swimsuit PV"! The last image, a 16+ boost! However, when I got into the game, I found that it was still 8+! also

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