
Ferming: My idol has always been Messi! Learning from Cristiano Ronaldo is just a natural reaction!

author:Poetry says sports

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Ferming: My idol has always been Messi! Learning from Cristiano Ronaldo is just a natural reaction!

A tribute to an idol: Fermien's indissoluble bond with Messi

On the pitch, every player is unique, and they interpret their love and dedication to football in their own way. Recently, FC Barcelona (Barcelona for short) young player Fermín talked about his celebration after the national derby last season in an interview, once again focusing the attention of fans on the special emotional bond between him and football superstar Messi.

Messi's Shadow: A Tribute Behind the Celebratory Action

When Ferming faced tens of thousands of fans at the Bernabeu Stadium after the national derby, his trademark gesture of waving his hands in celebration would have many people think of England's rising star Jude Bellingham. However, Fermin admitted that this action was not an imitation of Bellingham, but a deep tribute to his idol Messi. He explained that although this action was not unique to him, Messi had a similar celebration during his time at Barcelona, which made him want to express his idol worship and imitation in this way. At that moment, Fermin seemed to be incarnated as Messi on the field, continuing to write a glorious chapter of Barcelona in his own way. This pure admiration not only allows fans to see his love for football, but also feels his deep respect for his predecessor Messi.

The power of idols: the transition from Cristiano Ronaldo to Messi

Interestingly, this is not the first time that Ferming has attracted attention for his celebratory actions. Prior to that, he was also discussed for imitating Cristiano Ronaldo's "SIU" celebration while in the academy. However, in the face of speculation and doubts from the outside world, Fermin firmly stated that his idol has always been Messi, not Ronaldo. He explained that the imitation of Ronaldo was just a natural reaction, a moment of passion and inspiration on the football field, and did not mean that he had changed his loyalty to Messi. This kind of honesty and directness allows fans to see a real and pure Fermin, and people can't help but sigh at the power of idols, who can cross the boundaries of national borders, ages and identities, and influence every young person who loves football.

Competition and dreams: Barça's vision for the future

Speaking about Barca's future next season and beyond, Fermin showed confidence and responsibility as a young player. He said that as a member of Barcelona, they have a mission to compete with giants such as Real Madrid for all the titles. Even if the opponent has talented players like Mbappe and Vinicius, Barcelona will never back down. Fermin's words reveal an indomitable spirit, a desire to win and a commitment to Barça's traditions. He believes that as long as Barcelona remains united and sticks to their football philosophy, they will be able to create more brilliance in the future competitions. At the same time, he also expressed his expectation that the team will bring in new signings and strengthen its strength, which will bring more competitiveness and vitality to Barcelona.

Legacy and transcendence: Fermin's football journey

Ferming's story is a microcosm of every young player's pursuit of their football dreams. He has interpreted the true spirit of football with his actions - not only the continuous pursuit of technology, but also the respect and tribute to his predecessors, and the loyalty and dedication to the team. Inspired by legendary players such as Lionel Messi, Fermin is growing step by step into Barca's future hope. He knows that in order to stand out in the competitive world of football, you have to constantly push yourself and push your limits. And the starting point of all this is the purest love for football and the deepest admiration for idols. In the days to come, we have reason to believe that Ferming will continue to write his own legend on the pitch in his own way.

In the name of the fans, go to the green dream - the glorious chapter of Fermin and Barcelona

As a veteran football fan, I have always regarded football as an indispensable part of my life, not only as a sport, but also as an emotional sustenance and a continuation of a dream. In this season full of passion and glory, the performance of this young star of Barcelona, Fermín has undoubtedly become the brightest star in my heart, and his story has filled me with infinite reverie and anticipation for the future of Barcelona.

Pay tribute to idols and pass on the torch

When Fermín responded to the uproar at the Bernabeu with Messi's trademark celebration after the national derby, my heart was deeply touched. At that moment, I seemed to see the shadow of Messi's youth, that pure love for football, desire to win, and deep respect for his predecessors, which were perfectly inherited in Ferming. His celebration is not only an imitation, but also an emotional resonance, a tribute to Messi, a football legend, and an oath to his football dream. Such a scene made me deeply feel the charm of football culture, which allowed generations of players to innovate in inheritance, inherit in innovation, and jointly write a glorious chapter in football history.

From Ronaldo to Messi, the original intention of football remains the same

I remember that Ferming had caused a heated discussion by imitating Cristiano Ronaldo's "SIU" celebration, and I wondered if the young player would be attracted by Ronaldo's superstar brilliance. However, when he confessed in the interview that his idol has always been Messi, I was even more convinced that Fermin was a player with a clear football philosophy and strong beliefs. His choice made me see that his original intention for football has not changed, and his persistent pursuit of dreams. In this world of football full of temptations and uncertainties, it is rare to be able to stand true to your beliefs and not be moved by the outside world. Fermin's story made me even more convinced that only by truly loving football can we go further and fly higher on this road.

Competition and challenges create the spirit of Barcelona

When it comes to the future of Barça, I am full of confidence. Despite facing Real Madrid, which has talented players such as Mbappe and Vinicius, as well as fierce competition from other European giants, Barcelona has never backed down. As Fermin said, they are Barça, they will always have great stars, they will always fight for victory. This spirit of not being afraid of strong opponents and daring to challenge is one of the important reasons why Barcelona can become a legend in football. I believe that under the leadership of Xavi and other coaching teams, and with the hard work of young players such as Fermin, Barcelona will be able to achieve better results in the new season and bring more surprises and touches to the fans.

Inheritance and transcendence, building a football dream together

Ferming's story made me deeply feel the inheritance and transcendence of football culture. As football fans, we have witnessed the birth and fall of countless football legends, as well as the rise and growth of a new generation of players. In this process, we not only enjoyed the joy and passion brought by football, but also found our football dream in inheritance and transcendence. It was against this background that Fermin and his teammates grew up. They carry the glory and dreams of Barcelona, and use their sweat and hard work to contribute to the future of the team. I believe that with their joint efforts, Barcelona's football dream will surely become a reality and become the brightest star in football.

Conclusion: Discussion and outlook

Fermin's story gives me confidence and anticipation for the future of Barcelona. However, the road to football has never been easy. Faced with the challenges and unknowns ahead, Barcelona and Fermin need to remain humble, work hard and keep improving. At the same time, we, as fans, should also give them more support and encouragement, so that they are no longer alone on the road to pursuing their football dreams. In addition, I would also like to see more young players like Ferming emerge, who must not only have excellent skills and physical fitness, but also have strong beliefs and noble spiritual pursuits. Only in this way can football become more prosperous and become a bridge and link between fans around the world.

Finally, let's look forward to Barcelona's wonderful performance in the new season! Regardless of the result, as long as they give their best and show their best, it will be the best reward for our loyal fans. Let's cheer for Barcelona, cheer for Fermin, cheer for football!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Sub-heading: Green Dream Marks, Ode to Inheritance

Dreams are flying on the green field, and the years have changed in a hurry.

Ferming's name is beginning to be prominent, and Barcelona's new glory is brilliant.

Recalling the past, Messi's style was prosperous, and it was difficult to find a double on the court.

Ferming admired his predecessors and waved his hands horizontally.

It's not Bellingham's shadow, it's a tribute to the idol light.

Although the action is different from the emotion, it will not be forgotten from generation to generation.


However, his mind has not changed, and Messi has always been the direction.

The natural reaction is real, not to chase the fashion.

Fans see sincerity in their eyes, and young ambitions are more rewarding.

The glory of Barcelona reflects the sky, and the heroes are still fighting fiercely.

Mbappe, Vinicius, new stars are shining.

Fair is fearless and fights side by side with the team.

Next season will be more fierce and vow to win the championship.

Looking for old dreams in green dreams, the road to inheritance is long.

Generations of stars have come out one after another.

Fermin has new hope, and Barcelona's future awaits him.

May you work hard not to slack off, and leave a famous legend in the history of football.

Time is like a song, people are easy to get old, only football love is forever.

Fermin is concerned about Barcelona, and the fans are looking forward to another triumph.

There are many storms on the green field, and we are not afraid of difficulties hand in hand.

Inheritance ode from today, build dreams to the horizon.

This poem, with the theme of inheritance and dreams on the green field, celebrates Fermin's admiration for Messi and his future prospects at Barcelona. The poem not only depicts Ferming's demeanor on the field, but also expresses his respect for his predecessors and his love for football. At the same time, it also conveyed the fans' best wishes for Barcelona and Fermin, looking forward to their success in the future games and leaving a glorious page in football history.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

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