
Former coach: If Argentina didn't get Messi back then, my compatriots would have killed me!

author:Poetry says sports

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Former coach: If Argentina didn't get Messi back then, my compatriots would have killed me!

Messi's fateful entanglement with Argentina: a coach's affectionate lookback

Crossroads of fate: Messi's choice and coach's responsibility

In the vast starry sky of football, there are always some names like bright stars, lighting up the night sky of the times. Messi, the football genius known as "the first man of the century", tuggs at the heartstrings of countless fans with every step he takes. Recently, the words of former Argentine youth national team coach Hugo Tokali once again brought our thoughts back to that decisive moment - the moment when Messi chose the national team. Coach Tokari fondly recalled that if Messi had not chosen Argentina and had stepped on the green field of Spain, it would undoubtedly be an unbearable disaster for him and the entire Argentine football community. Behind this assumption is a recognition of Messi's incomparable talent, as well as a deep love and responsibility for Argentine football. Coach Tokali's rhetoric revealed a feeling that bordered on tragedy, and he knew that every touch of Messi could be a turning point in the fate of Argentine football.

Messi's "if" with Spain's brilliant fantasy

Imagine what it would be like if Messi did wear the Spanish jersey. Coach Tokali's vision is not unfounded. After all, Spanish football was in its prime, with a luxurious squad of top Barcelona and Real Madrid players. The addition of Messi will undoubtedly give this already strong team wings. Perhaps, the Spanish national team's treble of major titles will become more effortless, and may even usher in an unprecedented era of six consecutive titles. The glory of the World Cup and the European Championship may no longer be an unattainable dream for Messi. However, all this is just hypothetical, and the reality is that Messi chose Argentina and wrote his own legendary chapter with his loyalty and talent.

Messi's shyness and tenacity: from a young boy to a national hero

In Coach Tokali's memory, Messi's debut was so different. In the national team cafeteria, the quiet, shy teenager seemed to still have a trace of youth and uneasiness. However, it is this innocence and humility that has allowed Messi to always maintain his love and awe for football in his later career. In the face of doubts and pressure from the outside world, Messi never flinched, and he responded to every voice of doubt with one wonderful performance after another. Especially in the 2022 World Cup, when Messi led the Argentine team to win the championship, he was not only the soul of the team, but also the hero of the entire country. Coach Tokali's hug and gratitude at that moment is the best interpretation of Messi's years of dedication and perseverance.

Messi's sacrifice and Argentina's redemption

Looking back at Messi's career, he has given up his personal honor and interests for the Argentine national team countless times. Faced with the pressure of domestic public opinion, he was even forced to withdraw from the national team for a time, but Messi's deep affection for Argentina has never changed. He proved with his actions that true love is to persevere even in the face of wind and rain. Winning the 2022 World Cup is not only the salvation of Argentine football, but also the best reward for Messi's silent dedication and sacrifice over the years. This victory allowed the Argentine people to regain their love and confidence in football, and also made Messi's name forever engraved in the history of Argentine football.

The story of Messi and Argentina is a legend of choice, sacrifice and glory. It tells us that true greatness lies not only in one's talent and achievements, but also in one's deep affection and responsibility for the country. Coach Ugo Tokali's affectionate look back makes us cherish this hard-won glorious time even more, and also makes us full of infinite expectations and blessings for Messi's future. In the world of football, Messi's name will always shine and become a beacon that inspires those who come after him to keep moving forward.

Messi and Argentina: A football romance that spans the ages

As a veteran football fan, I have witnessed countless splendor and tears on the green field, but in my heart, the story of Messi and Argentina is undoubtedly one of the most moving chapters. It's not just because they've won glory together, but it's also because of the perseverance, sacrifice and rebirth shown in this journey, which has made me deeply appreciate the spiritual power of football as a sport.

The first time I met Messi, I was amazed by the world

I remember the first time I saw Messi on TV when he was a young boy. At that time, he had already made his mark in the Barcelona youth system with his amazing talent. There is a huge amount of energy hidden under the thin body, and every dribble, every shot is eye-catching. I've never seen such a dynamic and efficient player, and his presence seems to bring a breath of fresh air to the world of football. And when I learned that he had dual citizenship of Argentina and Spain, but resolutely chose to represent the Argentine national team, I was even more inexplicably moved in my heart. This deep affection and loyalty to the motherland made me admire Messi spontaneously.

Argentina's expectations and pressures

However, Messi's path to football has not been easy. Especially at the national team level, he has a lot of pressure and antiquity. Argentina, the traditional powerhouse of football, has carried the expectations of countless fans since the time of Maradona. From the moment Messi put on the blue and white shirt, he became the hope of the country's football revival. But football is a team sport, and one person's power is limited. In many major tournaments, although Argentina has a world-class star like Messi, it is often difficult to achieve the desired results. This has put Messi under unprecedented pressure and accusations, and some fans have even called for him to quit the national team. But Messi chose to persevere, knowing full well that his fate with Argentine football is inextricably linked.

Growth and redemption in the face of adversity

In the face of the predicament, Messi did not choose to escape, but chose to face it bravely. He trained harder, played more focused, and responded to the doubts of the outside world with practical actions. In the 2014 World Cup final, although Argentina ultimately lost to Germany, Messi's performance won the respect of the world. He almost single-handedly brought the team to the final, showing exceptional leadership qualities and competitive skills. In the years that followed, Messi continued to lead Argentina on the international stage, and although the road was bumpy, he never gave up.

Finally welcome the glory, the dream come true

Finally, at the 2022 Qatar World Cup, Messi and Argentina ushered in their own glorious moments. In the final, Messi helped the team defeat the French team with his outstanding performance and successfully lifted the Hercules Cup. At this moment, all the waiting and persistence turned into tears and laughter. Messi not only fulfilled his childhood dream, but also won a long-lost honor for Argentine football. His performances once again proved that he is a well-deserved king of the ball and has moved fans around the world.

Discussion and reflection

The story of Messi and Argentina is not only a continuation of a football legend, but also a profound interpretation of the spirit of football. It tells us that on the road to pursue our dreams, we will inevitably encounter setbacks and difficulties, but as long as we maintain our faith and persevere, we will one day usher in our own glory. At the same time, this story also gave me a deeper understanding of team spirit. Football is a team sport, the strength of one person is limited, only the whole team work together and work together, in order to achieve the ultimate victory.

In addition, Messi's career has also given us many inspirations. He proved with his actions that talent is just as important as hard work. Even if you have a high level of talent, it is difficult to gain a foothold in the competitive world of football without hard work and perseverance. At the same time, Messi's humility and low-key are also worth learning from. He never publicizes his achievements, and always faces the game and life with a normal heart. This attitude has made him more focused and calm on the pitch and has also made him a good image in the hearts of the fans.

Finally, I would like to say that Messi's story with Argentina is far from over. Although they have already won the World Cup, there is still a long way to go. I believe that Messi will continue to lead the Argentine team to create more brilliant achievements in the international arena. And I will also accompany them through every unforgettable moment as a loyal fan, and witness this football relationship across the ages.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

"Messi's Song: Blue and White Dream Comes True"

Prologue: The Stars Appear

The blue sky reflects the dawn, and the heroic appearance of the young man is flying.

Messi was born in the world, dancing on the field.

The talent is admired by everyone, and the footwork is like a god that is difficult to stop.

Barça's youth academy cultivates talents, dreaming of La Masia.

Chapter 1: Storms

Argentina is eager to wear it, and the blue and white jersey is waiting to be worn.

Messi's choice is hesitant, and his patriotism is better than Tiangang.

The national honor is carried on the shoulders, and the ambition is like steel.

The competition has been repeatedly bruised, and the criticism of public opinion has never been forgotten.

Chapter 2: Growing Up in Adversity

In the face of adversity, Messi's leader showed his edge.


The stronger the fighting spirit is after repeated defeats, and the teammates share the responsibility.

Maradona is in spirit, and the blue and white team is ambitious.

Chapter 3: Moments of Glory

Qatar is starry at night, and Messi finally wins the World Cup.

The blue and white robes are draped in glory, and the pampas eagle flies high.

The finals were set on the field, and the Golden Globe Medal shined on the lintel.

The Argentine people celebrate together, and the world football world celebrates together.

Chapter 4: The Eternal Legend

The title of the king of the ball is well deserved, and Messi's great deeds are recorded in history.

Talent and hard work, extraordinary achievements are incomparable.

Humble and low-key demeanor, fans will always remember in their hearts.

The blue and white dream has been fulfilled, and the legendary chapter will be passed on forever.

Epilogue: The future is promising

Messi's road has not ended, and the blue and white dream has started again.

The world of football is ever-changing, but love is everlasting.

Looking forward to new brilliance in the future, Messi's spirit will be inherited forever.

Football love is an ode to the ages, and the blue and white dream will soar forever.

Sub-heading: "Blue and White Legend: Ode to Messi"

This ancient poem takes Messi's career as the main line, from the first appearance to the ups and downs, and then to the growth in adversity and the final glorious moment, comprehensively reviewing the deep relationship between Messi and Argentine football. Through delicate brushstrokes and rich imagery, it shows Messi's extraordinary achievements and noble qualities as a football king, and also places good expectations on Messi's future football career. The subtitle "Blue and White Legend of Messi" is concise and general, which not only points out the theme of the article, but also highlights Messi's legendary status in the history of Argentine football.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

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