
Internet platforms have announced one after another! Crack down on harmful messages that incite confrontation between China and Japan and incite ultra-nationalism

author:Information Kan

There is a long way to go on the road to network harmony

At present, a series of inappropriate remarks and ultra-nationalist tendencies have emerged on the Internet, which has aroused widespread concern. Recently, Tencent, NetEase, Douyin and many other Internet platforms have issued announcements one after another, striving to curb harmful information that incites confrontation between China and Japan and instigates ultra-nationalist sentiments. This undoubtedly demonstrates the determination of Internet companies to maintain a healthy network ecology and reflects their social responsibility.

Internet platforms have announced one after another! Crack down on harmful messages that incite confrontation between China and Japan and incite ultra-nationalism

We must face up to the magnitude of the problem. At a time when some incidents have triggered hot spots in public opinion, a small number of lawless elements have seized the opportunity to fan the flames and make all kinds of extreme remarks in an attempt to tear apart the friendship between the Chinese and Japanese peoples. For example, some people preach "anti-Japanese traitors", clamor for the establishment of the "contemporary Boxer Rebellion", spread rumors slandering the victims of saving lives, and even incite the idea of genocide in "the whole of Japan's sinking islands". These remarks, which seriously violate the bottom line of human reason and morality, have not only hurt the feelings of the two peoples, but also undermined the harmony and stability of the country and society. We cannot tolerate such behavior.

Internet platforms have announced one after another! Crack down on harmful messages that incite confrontation between China and Japan and incite ultra-nationalism

As an important information carrier in today's society, the Internet should become an important position for enhancing national unity and promoting Sino-Japanese friendship. However, in reality, the Internet is full of inappropriate remarks that distort facts and magnify contradictions, stirring up the emotions of the Chinese and Japanese people to varying degrees, and triggering senseless national antagonism. This situation cannot be ignored, and it is urgent for all parties to jointly take effective measures to effectively maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of cyberspace.

On the one hand, Internet companies should fulfill their responsibilities. As the main platform for online information dissemination, they should stick to the bottom line and take the initiative to maintain the online content ecology. As mentioned in the announcement, Tencent, NetEase, Douyin and other platforms have taken practical actions to quickly investigate and severely crack down on harmful information that incites confrontation between China and Japan and inciting ultra-nationalism, and has banned and banned problematic accounts and content in a timely manner. This kind of strong platform regulation once again demonstrates the determination of Internet companies to maintain online order.

Internet platforms have announced one after another! Crack down on harmful messages that incite confrontation between China and Japan and incite ultra-nationalism

At the same time, these companies have also stepped up public opinion monitoring and review, improved the early warning system, improved the ability to identify harmful information, and built a solid line of defense against online risks in an all-round way. For the majority of netizens, this kind of network rectification action is undoubtedly a reassuring pill, allowing everyone to regain their sense of security in the online world. At present, some netizens will also participate in it through spontaneous reports, and work with the platform to protect the online home. This situation of social co-governance has undoubtedly laid the foundation for the harmonious development of the network.

On the other hand, producers and disseminators of online content should also shoulder their due responsibilities. Some self-media accounts do not hesitate to resort to extreme remarks, wantonly exaggerate contradictions, and create social confrontation when pursuing traffic, which seriously violates professional ethics and social responsibility. We must guide creators to enhance their awareness of self-control, consciously abide by the rules of the platform, actively maintain the order of online content, and jointly create a clear online environment.

In addition, cyber regulators and law enforcement agencies also have a responsibility to spare. They should further strengthen the regulation and control of Internet information content, improve the legal system, improve the law enforcement mechanism, and escort the online ecology. Only when all parties work together and form the participation of the whole society can we truly curb the spread of extremist speech on the Internet and safeguard the overall situation of national unity.

The harmony and stability of the cyber world is related to the long-term development of the country and the fundamental interests of the people. We must be soberly aware of the severe challenges facing the current network environment, further enhance our sense of worry, and earnestly shoulder our due social responsibilities. Internet enterprises should further improve their internal control and give full play to their role as the main body of supervision; The vast number of netizens should take the initiative to participate in supervision and give full play to the role of social supervision; Relevant departments should improve the system of laws and regulations and give full play to the role of administrative law enforcement. Only by working together to maintain a clean and orderly online network can we promote the sustained and healthy development of China-Japan friendly relations, share the dividends of network development, and contribute to building a community with a shared future for mankind.

Maintain the network ecology and create a better future together

Internet platforms have announced one after another! Crack down on harmful messages that incite confrontation between China and Japan and incite ultra-nationalism

As an important platform for information dissemination in contemporary society, cyberspace should become an important front for enhancing national unity and promoting exchanges among civilizations. However, the recent inappropriate remarks on the Internet that incite confrontation between China and Japan and incite ultra-nationalist sentiments have seriously undermined the harmony and stability of the online environment and cannot be ignored.

In this regard, major Internet companies have quickly adopted a series of effective measures. They strictly implement entity responsibility, increase the extent of identification and handling of relevant harmful information, and severely punish accounts and content that incite hatred and create antagonism. At the same time, it has also improved its internal audit system, enhanced its ability to monitor overseas developments, and effectively curbed the spread of extremist speech. This resolute maintenance of the cyber environment has allowed people to regain a sense of security and trust in cyberspace.

However, we must also be soberly aware that the governance of the network ecosystem is by no means achieved overnight. In order to gain attention, some self-media practitioners do not hesitate to fan the flames and create social confrontation, which seriously violates professional ethics. We should actively guide them to enhance their awareness of self-control, take the initiative to maintain the order of content dissemination, and work with platforms to create a clear online environment.

In addition, relevant departments should also further improve the online rule of law system, increase the intensity of law enforcement, and ensure that online order is effectively safeguarded. The vast number of netizens should take the initiative to participate in the maintenance of the online ecology, give full play to the role of social supervision, and jointly curb the spread of extremist speech. Only when all parties work together to form a joint force of the whole society can we truly promote the increasingly clean and orderly cyberspace and lay a solid foundation for the long-term development of the country and the fundamental interests of the people.

The harmony and stability of the cyber world is related to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Let us work together to maintain the network ecology and create a better future with firmer determination and action. We believe that as long as we work together, we will be able to make great strides forward on the road of building a cyber power and contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.