
The plot collapsed directly, and the ratings broke 2, which couldn't stop the audience's bad reviews, blinding this group of good actors

author:Kuku is a fan of dramas

The plot collapsed directly! The ratings of breaking 2 can't stop the audience's ruthless bad comments, blinding this group of good actors

"The first minute is disgusting, and the ten minutes make people abandon the drama. It's 2024, and there is still such a drama? Is it suitable for students and migrant workers? I'm afraid it's not a school-enterprise promotional video. ”

The life drama "The Old and the Young" starring Deng Jiajia was complained by the audience at the beginning, and many people said that this drama is not like 2024, but a very ancient suspended urban drama.

Originally, it was a life drama and should be more down-to-earth, but the show showed a sense of suspended urban drama when it was launched, and the filter beauty was really super big, not life at all! The plot is also full of loopholes, which is a bit speechless.

The plot collapsed directly, and the ratings broke 2, which couldn't stop the audience's bad reviews, blinding this group of good actors

Some people say that this drama is actually more in line with the state of real life, but after watching the drama, you will feel that it is really boring, and the people in it will not talk well, the heroine's mother will quarrel before she can say a word, and the two of them seem to have an endless quarrel, watching this kind of plot, it is really annoying.

The male protagonist's father and mother are from Shandong, and they will be embarrassed by the Shandong people as soon as they come up, and the two of them seem to want to live in the male protagonist's house and not leave! It is also said that raising children is to prevent old age.

The plot collapsed directly, and the ratings broke 2, which couldn't stop the audience's bad reviews, blinding this group of good actors
The plot collapsed directly, and the ratings broke 2, which couldn't stop the audience's bad reviews, blinding this group of good actors

To be honest, this is not unreasonable, but the old couple also has the ability to take care of themselves, and they live in their home for a long time, aren't they afraid of hurting the couple's feelings?

And the hero's father and mother both have certain problems, and the character design is also very annoying.

Dad is a machismo, he has to set all kinds of rules at home, no one can stand on his head, Mom is always doing housework, washing pots and cooking is her, and Dad is watching from the sidelines.

The plot collapsed directly, and the ratings broke 2, which couldn't stop the audience's bad reviews, blinding this group of good actors

Although my mother is like a hard-working little bee, she is usually too thrifty, and she is just like this, and she also asks others to be as frugal as her.

Saving is also counted, the most important thing is that more money was spent because of saving, which caused worse consequences, which really outweighed the losses, obviously there is a big gap in living habits, and I have to live here, which makes people speechless.

The plot collapsed directly, and the ratings broke 2, which couldn't stop the audience's bad reviews, blinding this group of good actors

The two mothers of the family met and showed a feeling of going to fight, although the two people were very harmonious on the surface, but they disliked each other behind their backs, the female protagonist's mommy disliked the male protagonist's mommy's childishness, and the male protagonist's mommy was always a pair of attitudes that she was the host and the female protagonist's mommy was a guest. Even cooking can't be stopped, and the whole family presents a noisy feeling.

The plot collapsed directly, and the ratings broke 2, which couldn't stop the audience's bad reviews, blinding this group of good actors

Then when it comes to our hero and heroine, one is a home improvement designer, and the other is a teacher, as soon as the heroine's classmates came up, they prepared a surprise for the teacher, sang loudly on campus, and used drones to do things, seeing this, there are 10,000 question marks in my heart: what? Does this still look like a high school student? I don't know, I thought I was watching a romantic idol movie.

From the plot to the filter, this drama is really full of all kinds of discomfort, and the contradictions between the elders and the younger generations are forced at the beginning, although these are very common in life, but they may not be good to shoot.

This is as if the elders are unreasonable, and the juniors are so disgusted, they want to get rid of them quickly, their parents and parents, can't they say it directly? One set in front of people and one set behind the back, parents are so difficult? It's really tiring.

The plot collapsed directly, and the ratings broke 2, which couldn't stop the audience's bad reviews, blinding this group of good actors
The plot collapsed directly, and the ratings broke 2, which couldn't stop the audience's bad reviews, blinding this group of good actors

The whole one is speechless! No matter how high the ratings are, they can't stop the audience's ruthless bad reviews. Blind Deng Jiajia, Yang Jue, Wu Yufang, Xu Di A series of good actors, they really tried their best when acting, but they could feel embarrassed for them across the screen. It's hard to put into words.