
also plays the eldest princess, puts Li Meng and Zhao Jinmai together, and the difference comes out

author:Kuku is a fan of dramas

also plays the eldest princess, puts Li Meng and Zhao Jinmai together, and the difference comes out

also plays the eldest princess, putting Li Meng and Zhao Jinmai together, the difference is really obvious.

Although Li Meng has a certain amount of personal controversy, and his reputation is not particularly good, his acting skills are really online. Each of her roles is memorable, her acting skills are very rich, and the fullness of her roles is also very high.

From the hidden corner to the current ink rain clouds, there may not be many scenes in each role, but in terms of completion, the eldest princess played by Li Meng gave the most wonderful performance.

also plays the eldest princess, puts Li Meng and Zhao Jinmai together, and the difference comes out
also plays the eldest princess, puts Li Meng and Zhao Jinmai together, and the difference comes out

The role of the eldest princess in the ink rain clouds, without the aura of the big heroine, and there is no one around to help, the only person she likes is disgusted and disgusted with her, the eldest princess will be sent to other countries as a proton since she was a child, and the king does not treat her as a human being, not only insulting her many times, but also sending her to the sheepfold.

Because of these experiences, the princess who grew up was somewhat psychologically distorted and perverted, and when she saw those particularly clean people, she always longed for them, but she couldn't go back.

In order to be able to be with her Bai Yueguang, she used her identity as a princess to suppress her, let Bai Yueguang kill her original wife, and was forced to become a person with her, becoming the person who was originally white and pure, but was contaminated by sludge.

also plays the eldest princess, puts Li Meng and Zhao Jinmai together, and the difference comes out
also plays the eldest princess, puts Li Meng and Zhao Jinmai together, and the difference comes out

The eldest princess is somewhat insane in all these behaviors and practices. But as long as you understand her past and background, you will empathize. In fact, this is also a character with a super sense of brokenness. Li Meng completely performed this feeling! When he was in the sheepfold, it felt like his whole body was going to break.

In the past, the eldest princess was dressed in white every time, but after returning to China, she became a gorgeous costume, and she was quite able to turn in circles, I thought all this was funny, but later I found that everything was traceable.

also plays the eldest princess, puts Li Meng and Zhao Jinmai together, and the difference comes out

Although Li Meng's eldest princess doesn't have so many scenes, every scene has left a deep impression on people, and when I went offline, I was reluctant to give up, although she was very ruthless and did all the bad things. But how could anyone else have tasted her experience?

After watching Li Meng's eldest princess, you will find that the eldest princess next door who spends her years in China is a completely different feeling.

Zhao Jinmai's acting skills are still online, and the CP sense of the male protagonist is quite high according to his age, and he has no line skills to say. She is considered to have better acting skills in Xiaohua.

also plays the eldest princess, puts Li Meng and Zhao Jinmai together, and the difference comes out

But this is estimated to have a big problem, that is, the eldest princess is not black enough, no matter how you look at it, she is a naïve little girl, she is obviously very smart, and she will use means, but it doesn't look like it, Zhao Jinmai not only has a small face, but also can't support her clothes in the distance.

If you simply follow the character setting of the black belly, Li Meng seems to be more suitable, but Li Meng and Zhang Linghe don't seem to be suitable for the group CP.

also plays the eldest princess, puts Li Meng and Zhao Jinmai together, and the difference comes out

Duhua's eldest princess Li Rong, the big heroine with a black belly, although she likes a person, but for her identity and status, feelings are just icing on the cake, and they can't change anything.

Li Rong herself is a particularly complex character, but when I watched the drama, I didn't find this feeling in Zhao Jinmai, maybe it was just not in line with the character design! And this drama is a big heroine with the heroine as the first perspective, and Zhao Jinmai is obviously almost meaningless. If it is replaced by a simple small ancient puppet show, it should be able to be more comfortable.

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