
Lin Zhiying's family of five visited Los Angeles Disneyland, 14-year-old Kimi was slightly hunched back, and her height had surpassed her father

author:Sister Dong said gossip
Lin Zhiying's family of five visited Los Angeles Disneyland, 14-year-old Kimi was slightly hunched back, and her height had surpassed her father

On July 1, Lin Zhiying's wife Chen Ruoyi posted a set of happy photos of their family of five at Los Angeles Disneyland on social media, allowing us to walk into the happy time of this family and feel the rare parent-child fun.

Lin Zhiying's family of five visited Los Angeles Disneyland, 14-year-old Kimi was slightly hunched back, and her height had surpassed her father
Lin Zhiying's family of five visited Los Angeles Disneyland, 14-year-old Kimi was slightly hunched back, and her height had surpassed her father

Lin Zhiying, the Taipei artist; has always been the focus of the entertainment industry. He is 172cm tall, although he is not particularly tall, but with his handsome appearance and superb acting skills, he has won the love of countless fans.

And in this set of photos, we were surprised to find that his son Kimi has grown into a handsome teenager, and his height even exceeds that of Lin Zhiying. Such a change can't help but make people sigh at the passage of time, and also let us see the footprints of Kimi's growth.

Lin Zhiying's family of five visited Los Angeles Disneyland, 14-year-old Kimi was slightly hunched back, and her height had surpassed her father

In addition to Kimi, Lin Zhiying's twin sons are also one of the highlights in this group of photos. Now 8 years old, the two little ones are lively and cute, and they play with their brother Kimi in Disneyland. From the photos, we can see their happy smiles and close brotherhood. Such a family atmosphere makes people can't help but be moved.

Lin Zhiying's family of five visited Los Angeles Disneyland, 14-year-old Kimi was slightly hunched back, and her height had surpassed her father

And in this group of photos, there is also a special person - Chen Ruoyi. As Lin Zhiying's wife and mother of three children, she has always been a strong backing for the family.

Lin Zhiying's family of five visited Los Angeles Disneyland, 14-year-old Kimi was slightly hunched back, and her height had surpassed her father

Now 40 years old, she still maintains an elegant temperament and a sweet smile. She shared a comparison of her childhood in the same place on social media, showing her growth and changes. Such a comparison not only allows us to see Chen Ruoyi's beauty and wisdom, but also makes us feel her love and dedication to her family.

Lin Zhiying's family of five visited Los Angeles Disneyland, 14-year-old Kimi was slightly hunched back, and her height had surpassed her father

When it comes to the story of Lin Zhiying's family, we have to mention their travel experience. This trip to Los Angeles Disney is a rare family trip abroad. In this paradise full of fantasy and joy,

The family of five enjoyed their parent-child time to the fullest and left many good memories. This kind of trip not only made them feel the warmth and happiness of their family, but also enhanced their feelings and understanding with each other.

Lin Zhiying's family of five visited Los Angeles Disneyland, 14-year-old Kimi was slightly hunched back, and her height had surpassed her father

I think this kind of family trip is of great significance for the development of children. First of all, it allows children to go abroad and learn about different cultures and customs, broadening their horizons and knowledge. It also allows children to exercise their independence and social skills during the trip, and cultivate their self-confidence and sense of responsibility.

Lin Zhiying's family of five visited Los Angeles Disneyland, 14-year-old Kimi was slightly hunched back, and her height had surpassed her father

In addition to family travel, Lin Zhiying's family also has a topic that people talk about - their concept of parenting. Lin Zhiying once expressed concern that the third child would be a son, so he considered giving up the regeneration plan.

Such a concept is not common in the entertainment industry, but it reflects the importance and sense of responsibility of Lin Zhiying and his wife to the family. They believe that the number and gender of children do not matter, the important thing is to give enough love and care to children so that they can grow up healthy and happy.

Lin Zhiying's family of five visited Los Angeles Disneyland, 14-year-old Kimi was slightly hunched back, and her height had surpassed her father

In the entertainment industry, Lin Zhiying's family has always been the object of much attention. Their happy life, parent-child relationship and parenting concepts have become hot topics. And this trip to Los Angeles Disney let us see the joy and happiness of their family.

Lin Zhiying's family of five visited Los Angeles Disneyland, 14-year-old Kimi was slightly hunched back, and her height had surpassed her father

As a family of public figures, Lin Zhiying's family also faces some challenges and difficulties. For example, Kimi gained popularity for her participation in "Where Are You Going, Dad", but also received more attention and pressure as a result.

In order to protect Kimi's privacy and growth environment, Lin Zhiying and his wife took many measures to avoid their son's exposure. Such an approach deserves our understanding and respect. After all, every child needs a healthy, happy environment to grow up in.

Lin Zhiying's family of five visited Los Angeles Disneyland, 14-year-old Kimi was slightly hunched back, and her height had surpassed her father

Let's wish Lin Zhiying's family to continue to live happily in the future!

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