
Lin Zhiying's family of five plays Disney, and Kimi's height is close to that of his father! The twins are cute!

author:Chen Rui said things

Recently, the ageless male god Lin Zhiying took his family to Disneyland, and a set of warm family photos instantly ignited social media. In the photo, Lin Zhiying's family of five is happy, especially Kimi's height is close to his father, which makes people sigh that time flies. And her mother Chen Ruoyi is even more amazing, as a mother of three children, her figure is still maintained like a girl, which is enviable.

Lin Zhiying's family of five plays Disney, and Kimi's height is close to that of his father! The twins are cute!

Speaking of Lin Zhiying, this beautiful young man who became popular all over Asia at the age of 17 has now become an ageless legend in the entertainment industry. Thinking back then, his green and sunny smile fascinated many boys and girls. The years seemed to be extraordinarily gentle on him, and time left little on his face. Whenever people mention Lin Zhiying, they can always evoke a large wave of memories.

Lin Zhiying's family of five plays Disney, and Kimi's height is close to that of his father! The twins are cute!

On this trip to Disney, Lin Zhiying chose to appear on her back, followed by Kimi, who has grown into a big boy, and a pair of lively and cute twins. It is not difficult to see from the photos that the family is having a great time, and everyone has a happy smile on their faces. Especially Kimi, from the shy little boy in "Where Are You Going, Dad", has grown into a big boy who is almost as tall as his father, which is really amazing.

Lin Zhiying's family of five plays Disney, and Kimi's height is close to that of his father! The twins are cute!

And her mother, Chen Ruoyi, has become the focus of heated discussions among netizens. As a mother of three, she not only maintains a girlish figure, but also exudes a mature feminine charm. Many netizens said: "Chen Ruoyi really doesn't look like a mother of three babies at all, her figure is too good!" "This is the real hot mom!"

Lin Zhiying's family of five plays Disney, and Kimi's height is close to that of his father! The twins are cute!

The Disney journey of Lin Zhiying's family of five not only shows the harmony and happiness of their family, but also allows people to see that the celebrity family also has an ordinary and warm side. In this fast-paced society, it's rare to find time to spend with your family and enjoy family fun.

Lin Zhiying's family of five plays Disney, and Kimi's height is close to that of his father! The twins are cute!

Recalling Lin Zhiying's acting career, from an early idol singer, to a powerful actor later, and then to today's ageless male god, he has always maintained his love for art and enthusiasm for life. And his family has always been his most solid backing. Whether it is the deep father-son relationship with Kimi or the affection with Chen Ruoyi, it makes people see how much he cherishes his family.

Lin Zhiying's family of five plays Disney, and Kimi's height is close to that of his father! The twins are cute!

Looking at the happy hour of Lin Zhiying's family of five at Disney, we can't help but send them our most sincere wishes. I hope this happy family can continue to be happy like this, and I look forward to Lin Zhiying bringing us more wonderful works in the future.

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