
In 1954, Huang Gongluo's daughter made a request to Peng Dehuai, but after Mr. Peng refused, he invited Mr. Zhu to come

author:Brother Rabbit talks about history

In 1954, Huang Gongluo's daughter made a request to Peng Dehuai, and after Mr. Peng refused: Mr. Zhu was invited, Peng Dehuai and Huang Gongluo, the best friends who had formed an indissoluble bond in the revolutionary years, and their friendship was cemented with blood. From being a classmate to fighting side by side, in the end, Huang Gongluo sacrificed his life for the revolutionary cause, which makes people sigh. In that turbulent era, they wrote a revolutionary epic with struggle. Do you know that in 1954, after Huang Gongluo's only daughter Huang Suixin was admitted to Pingyuan Agricultural College, she made an incredible request to Peng Dehuai, how did Premier Peng respond at that time?

In 1954, Huang Gongluo's daughter made a request to Peng Dehuai, but after Mr. Peng refused, he invited Mr. Zhu to come

Peng Dehuai and Huang Gonglue went from hot-blooded youths to revolutionary comrades-in-arms. The two first met in the Hunan Army, and later entered the lecture hall together, and walked side by side on the revolutionary road. But in the process of Huang Gongluo's search for truth, he joined the Communist Party, and Peng Dehuai questioned it at first.

In 1954, Huang Gongluo's daughter made a request to Peng Dehuai, but after Mr. Peng refused, he invited Mr. Zhu to come

In 1926, Huang Gongluo participated in the Wuchang Uprising and performed heroically, thus starting his revolutionary career. The following year, he was admitted to the Whampoa Military Academy, and after graduation, he was ordered to return to Peng Dehuai's army in an attempt to win Peng into the revolutionary cause. At the beginning, the suspicious Peng Dehuai almost killed Huang Gongluo with his own hands, but fortunately, the latter alertly exposed the Communist Party's letter of introduction and resolved the crisis. Since then, the two have worked hand in hand and fought side by side.

In 1929, in the area of Pingjiang Golden Cave and Tongmu Bridge, the troops led by Peng Dehuai and Huang Gongluo rendezvous. Thus was born the Red Fifth Army, which was affectionately known as the "Peng Huang" Army. But just two years later, fate began to mock mercilessly. On September 15, 1931, Huang Gongluo was unfortunately shot and killed in battle at the age of 33. After Peng Dehuai learned the bad news, he fell into a painful nightmare for several days and nights. It wasn't until I learned that Chairman Mao later made three decisions in a row that the deep wounds in my heart were alleviated.

In 1954, Huang Gongluo's daughter made a request to Peng Dehuai, but after Mr. Peng refused, he invited Mr. Zhu to come

Time flies. In a blink of an eye, in 1954, Huang Gongluo's only daughter Huang Suixin was admitted to Pingyuan Agricultural College. As a close friend of the revolutionary comrades-in-arms, Peng Dehuai naturally cared about Huang Suixin. However, Huang Suixin found Peng Dehuai and made an unexpected request: she didn't want to leave Beijing, she didn't want to leave the big city.

Peng Dehuai hammered the table roughly, his face gloomy as if a dark cloud was pressing down on the city. Huang Suixin shrunk his neck and was instantly dumbfounded. Premier Peng reprimanded fiercely in a thick voice: "Your father sacrificed his life for the revolutionary cause, just this kind of unenterprising idea? It's really a waste of the blood and sweat of the predecessors!" As soon as he finished speaking, a young staff member was called.

In 1954, Huang Gongluo's daughter made a request to Peng Dehuai, but after Mr. Peng refused, he invited Mr. Zhu to come

Just when everyone was speculating, a figure got closer and closer, and gradually became clear - it turned out to be Marshal Zhu De! It seems that this matter is indeed a big trouble, and Mr. Zhu needs to preside over the overall situation in person. Everyone's hearts tightened, looking forward to the next result.

In 1954, Huang Gongluo's daughter made a request to Peng Dehuai, but after Mr. Peng refused, he invited Mr. Zhu to come

When the old man Zhu De understood the reason, he shook his head helplessly. Although he has strong feelings for Huang Gongluo, he can't agree with Huang Suixin's approach. He pondered for a moment and then slowly spoke: "Little comrade, your father has worked hard for the revolutionary cause, and finally sacrificed his precious life. Today, you don't want to forge ahead, you rest on your laurels, if you let him know, he will be very sad in the spirit of heaven!"

In 1954, Huang Gongluo's daughter made a request to Peng Dehuai, but after Mr. Peng refused, he invited Mr. Zhu to come

Old man Zhu De's words were concise and to the point. Huang Suixin's eyes were astringent, and he finally came to his senses. As a descendant of the revolutionaries of her predecessors, she should indeed remember the hardships of her predecessors and continue to fight for the country and the people. Therefore, she sincerely apologized to Peng Dehuai and Zhu De, and was determined to follow the organization's assignment and go to Pingyuan Agricultural College for further study to contribute to the modern agricultural cause of the motherland.

In 1954, Huang Gongluo's daughter made a request to Peng Dehuai, but after Mr. Peng refused, he invited Mr. Zhu to come

The revolutionary friendship between Huang Gongluo and Peng Dehuai is the most precious spiritual legacy of that era. The story of the two reminds us that true friendship should be one that cares for each other and pushes each other on. In the face of Huang Suixin's confusion, Peng Dehuai's stern reprimand was not-for-tat, but hoped that she could get out of the haze and bravely shoulder the heavy responsibility of the revolution. In the end, under the persuasion of the old man Zhu De, Huang Suixin finally woke up. We should take history as a mirror, cherish the memory of the revolutionary martyrs, draw on their spirit of arduous struggle, and contribute our own strength to the modernization of the motherland. Let us join hands and write a magnificent chapter of national rejuvenation together#头条首发大赛! #