
In 1952, Tian Weiyang reported to his superiors: My level is low, and I asked to be demoted to the rank of deputy army, what is the result

author:Brother Rabbit talks about history

In 1952, Tian Weiyang reported to his superiors: My level is low, and I asked to be demoted to the deputy army level, great revolutionaries often experience ordinary and difficult starting points, and Comrade Tian Weiyang is such a revolutionary hero who can sing and cry. In 1952, when the army was graded, he took the initiative to apply for his rank to be reduced, which seemed to be a trivial matter, but it reflected his humble and low-key noble character of not caring about fame and fortune. As a veteran of the Red Army who participated in the Three Revolutionary Wars, Comrade Tian Weiyang explained with practical actions what is the revolutionary spirit of being loyal to the party and making unremitting efforts for the revolution. Let us get close to this heroic figure of the "Hutian Brigade" and appreciate his magnificent revolutionary career.

In 1952, Tian Weiyang reported to his superiors: My level is low, and I asked to be demoted to the rank of deputy army, what is the result

In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek betrayed the revolution, Tian Weiyang was only 21 years old, but he resolutely joined the Red Guards and directly surrendered to "Mr. Party", which can be said to be the greatest support for the revolutionary cause. Later, in order to survive, he had to join the Kuomintang army, but his mind had awakened, and under the influence of underground party member Cheng Zihua, Tian Weiyang finally got his wish and put on the Red Army robe that he had in mind.

In 1952, Tian Weiyang reported to his superiors: My level is low, and I asked to be demoted to the rank of deputy army, what is the result

In 1930, Tian Weiyang officially joined the Communist Party of China and started the glorious revolutionary road of following "Mr. Party". He fought in Jiangxi, Guangdong, Hunan and other places, whether it was in the Battle of Dayedu or the attack on Changsha, the heroic figure of taking the lead and sharpening guns in battle was everywhere. Therefore, he was quickly promoted from squad leader to company commander and battalion commander. There is a detail: On the march from Fujian to Xiangxi for hundreds of miles, Tian Weiyang sometimes helped the soldiers carry machine guns, and sometimes sat down to explain the revolutionary principles to everyone, which reflected his deep affection for the masses.

In 1952, Tian Weiyang reported to his superiors: My level is low, and I asked to be demoted to the rank of deputy army, what is the result

The four words "Hutian Brigade" were written in blood and fire on the battlefield of resistance against Japan, resounding all over the country. In 1939, the Sulu-Yu detachment launched its first battle in Cuizhuang, Jiangsu, and annihilated more than 2,000 Japanese troops in one fell swoop. Since then, the "Hu Tian Brigade" led by Tian Weiyang and Hu Bingyun has made a reputation for resisting Japan and has become the biggest nightmare in the hearts of the enemy. I saw such a scene described in the text: "The local people waved their hands and shouted, and ran to tell each other: 'The Eighth Route Army that has leveled the pass is coming!'" At that time, people were panicked, and hearing these four words was like seeing the rescue of the Heavenly Master, and it was conceivable how mighty and majestic the "Hu Tian Brigade" was!

In 1952, Tian Weiyang reported to his superiors: My level is low, and I asked to be demoted to the rank of deputy army, what is the result

In 1952, when the party was reorganized, Tian Weiyang, who was already at the level of the regular army, took the initiative to apply for the level to be lowered, and said that he was "weak in ability and low in level". Later, after an in-depth understanding of the military region's party committee, it was believed that he was "conscientious and responsible in his work, loyal to the party, and brave in combat." In the end, he was still rated as a regular army, which clearly affirmed his revolutionary merits and moral character. Since then, his career as a horse has never returned, and the scenes of bravely killing the enemy in those years are vividly visible, which shows his determination to devote himself to the revolutionary cause and die. What I admire is not only his achievements, but also his loyalty and persistence to the revolutionary cause.

In 1952, Tian Weiyang reported to his superiors: My level is low, and I asked to be demoted to the rank of deputy army, what is the result

Most of the stories of historical heroes come from the ordinary, and Comrade Tian Weiyang has grown step by step from an ordinary youth in a small place to an outstanding model for the cause of the proletarian revolution. His humble conduct, courageous and resolute style, and character of infinite loyalty to the party and the people are all worthy of being remembered and emulated by future generations.

In 1952, Tian Weiyang reported to his superiors: My level is low, and I asked to be demoted to the rank of deputy army, what is the result

From him, it is not difficult for us to see the philosophy of a true revolutionary: dedicating all his life to the revolution, unwavering persistence and perseverance. The 1952 letter requesting a reduction in rank may have been motivated by humility, but it was a testament to his usual simplicity. In this era when power, fame and fortune are often taken for granted, Comrade Tian Weiyang's conduct in the world has set a positive model for us in life. Let us keep in mind his revolutionary feelings and walk the long march of the new era with the footsteps of youth! #头条首发大赛#