
On the first day of the self-defense counterattack, our army fired 10,000 artillery pieces, and Liu Changyi was angry: net empty artillery

author:Brother Rabbit talks about history

On the first day of the self-defense counterattack, our army fired 10,000 artillery pieces in unison, and Liu Changyi was angry: the empty artillery was released, the smoke of the war was filled, and the sound of guns and cannons exploded one after another. The 1979 Sino-Vietnamese self-defense counterattack made a generation of soldiers go out again. In the smoke of artillery fire in southern Xinjiang, there is such a unique character, he is the veteran Liu Changyi. At the age of 64, he was ordered to go to the front line to command the army and fight side by side with his old comrades. Why did Deng Xiaoping appoint him to go on the expedition?

On the first day of the self-defense counterattack, our army fired 10,000 artillery pieces, and Liu Changyi was angry: net empty artillery

The smell of gunpowder filled the camp, and the sound of gunfire was deafening. In the early morning of February 17, 1979, a cannon exploded over the Guangxi border, kicking off the prelude to the self-defense counterattack. Marshal Liu Changyi, who was 64 years old at the time, didn't expect that he would be able to go into battle again.

On the first day of the self-defense counterattack, our army fired 10,000 artillery pieces, and Liu Changyi was angry: net empty artillery

In fact, as early as before the war, Deng Xiaoping personally "ordered" Liu Changyi to participate in the war. At that time, Mr. Liu was already in the "semi-retired" state of the Nanjing Military Region, but when he gave the order, he "resolutely obeyed the order and resolutely completed the task" without saying a word.

There is a saying that in order to find a deputy who was familiar with his command style, Xu Shiyou took the initiative to recommend his old friend Liu Changyi to the Military Commission. This is really unexpected! It turned out that in Xu Shiyou's "Drinking Selection" assessment, Liu Changyi drank four bottles of old wine in one go, and "he was not even afraid of death", and passed with a full score.

On the first day of the self-defense counterattack, our army fired 10,000 artillery pieces, and Liu Changyi was angry: net empty artillery

However, later someone broke this good story, which is really just a "joke". After all, the war is imminent, the situation is tense, how can the two veterans have the strength to drink so much wine? However, this episode is really in line with the characters of the two: brave and good at fighting, above board, and drinking excessively.

After Liu Changyi received the order, he hurried to Nanning, and his arrival made the troops extremely excited. In order to fully grasp the enemy's situation and terrain, this old planner immediately began to deploy reconnaissance and investigation. "War is a major event, and reconnaissance must not be fake!" He said sternly.

On the first day of the self-defense counterattack, our army fired 10,000 artillery pieces, and Liu Changyi was angry: net empty artillery

On the first day of the fire, artillery fire broke out vigorously on the land of southern Xinjiang. Liu Changyi calmly commanded in the rain of bullets and bullets, and promptly stopped the blind and indiscriminate bombing. "Net empty cannon! Your leaders should be dismissed!" Looking at the smoke rising from the sky, the old man was furious, and immediately took the opportunity to prevent the needless casualties.

Next, Liu Changyi went to the 311 Heights and went to the front line to supervise the battle. He didn't flinch at all, and climbed to this strategic place on foot. Even the young lads are a little troubled, let alone the elderly. But the old general worked tirelessly, and even sweated through his clothes.

On the first day of the self-defense counterattack, our army fired 10,000 artillery pieces, and Liu Changyi was angry: net empty artillery

In order to keep abreast of the latest casualty figures, he personally instructed the staff at the clinic: "Count them every once in a while, and count the wounded and the dead separately." This is essential to reduce casualties and provide timely treatment. Unexpectedly, even such a small matter, the old man was meticulous.

Now it is far away from the war, but the smoke of those years still lingers. Liu Changyi is the hero who was still on the front line at that age, and he interpreted the life motto of "patriotic struggle, dedication and happiness" with his actions. Let us pay our highest tribute to this old hero!

On the first day of the self-defense counterattack, our army fired 10,000 artillery pieces, and Liu Changyi was angry: net empty artillery

The Sino-Vietnamese self-defense counterattack in 1979 was a tough battle and a tempering for the Chinese soldiers of that year. In this battle, the 64-year-old veteran general Liu Changyi was not afraid and was ordered to go to the front line in danger. He traveled thousands of miles alone, fought side by side with his old comrades-in-arms, and personally commanded the troops on the front line.

On the first day of the self-defense counterattack, our army fired 10,000 artillery pieces, and Liu Changyi was angry: net empty artillery

On the battlefield filled with gunsmoke and gunpowder, Liu Changyi showed excellent combat quality and extraordinary courage. He calmly commanded and stopped unnecessary waste, personally went to the health center to check the casualty data, and even such a small matter showed his reverence for the war. The most commendable thing is that this old man who is over the age of sixteen insists on climbing the 311 Heights on foot and comes to the front line to supervise the battle.

On the first day of the self-defense counterattack, our army fired 10,000 artillery pieces, and Liu Changyi was angry: net empty artillery

Liu Changyi's deeds are awe-inspiring, and he uses his actions to interpret the responsibility and responsibility of a soldier. In the era of peace in the motherland, his story will forever inspire future generations to work tirelessly and serve the country. I would like to pay my highest respects to this venerable old hero#头条首发大赛! #