
After the Battle of Changjin Lake, the 1st Marine Division was beaten by the volunteers in turn, and within two years it was beaten to the point of doubt

author:Brother Rabbit talks about history

After the Battle of Changjin Lake, the 1st Marine Division was beaten by the volunteers in turn, and was beaten to doubt life within two years. They were originally the right-hand men of General MacArthur of the United States, and they performed many miraculous feats in the Pacific theater, and they can be described as invincible opponents in the world. Who would have thought that on the Korean battlefield, they would suffer their own unprecedented defeat?

After the Battle of Changjin Lake, the 1st Marine Division was beaten by the volunteers in turn, and within two years it was beaten to the point of doubt

God has eyes, the smoke of the Korean War has just dissipated, and the 1st Marine Division has ushered in an unprecedented setback. This MacArthur darling, known as the "Ace Army", was severely damaged by the heroic and tenacious Ninth Corps of the Volunteer Army in the Battle of Changjin Lake, and his vitality was greatly damaged. Just like the scorching sun in the past when the sun hit the west and returned to Chaoyang after exhaustion, the once heroic and fearless 1st Marine Division no longer had the fierce momentum of the year after the Battle of Changjin Lake.

After the Battle of Changjin Lake, the 1st Marine Division was beaten by the volunteers in turn, and within two years it was beaten to the point of doubt

The defeat in the Battle of Changjin Lake severely damaged the morale of the officers and men of the 1st Marine Division, and made them begin to develop a sense of fear in dealing with the new opponent of the Volunteer Army, and they were jokingly called "suffering from the disease of the Air Volunteer Army." In the following two years, this unit was like an "IOU", and was ravaged by the Chinese volunteers one after another on the Korean battlefield, and was defeated repeatedly.

At the beginning of the war, it was the 63rd Army of the Korean People's Army (KPA) that used the tactic of "knocking kraft candy piecemeal", which caused the 1st Marine Division to suffer humiliation in the severe cold and heat. The 63rd Army seized on the weakness of the American troops, dug fortifications in front of the front-line positions, and waited for the enemy to show their heads. Coordinated with sporadic attacks to seize high ground, making the 1st Marine Division miserable.

After the Battle of Changjin Lake, the 1st Marine Division was beaten by the volunteers in turn, and within two years it was beaten to the point of doubt

Subsequently, what was even more terrifying was the "grab a hand" tactic of the 40th Army, the veteran of the Longhai Air Force of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance. Relying on the advantages of strong mobility and fierce penetration, this brigade of the god of war, which is known as having a tenacious style, has taken advantage of the situation to completely annihilate the small units of the 1st Marine Division, and then immediately withdraws without giving the enemy a chance to breathe. One tactic was interlocking, so that the 1st Marine Division did not even dare to stay in the position for long.

What's more, in 1953, near the end of the war, the 46th Army, which had only entered North Korea, was also ordered to attack the 1st Marine Division. They launched the "Three Dozen Matari Mountain" campaign, captured the position in only three hours, and repelled several counterattacks by the 1st Marine Division. Until the day of the signing of the Korean Armistice Agreement, the 46th Army sang loudly on Mount Matari.

After the Battle of Changjin Lake, the 1st Marine Division was beaten by the volunteers in turn, and within two years it was beaten to the point of doubt

In the face of this round of fierce blows by the volunteers, the 1st Marine Division almost lost its combat effectiveness. This unit, which was supposed to be the ace of the US army, became the "sparring partner" of the volunteers on the Korean battlefield. If the equipment of the Chinese army in the First Battle of Changjin Lake had reached the level of the later one, perhaps the First Marine Division would not even have a chance to escape.

After the Battle of Changjin Lake, the 1st Marine Division was beaten by the volunteers in turn, and within two years it was beaten to the point of doubt

"Blue is better than blue", this sentence is really appropriate to describe the performance of the Chinese People's Volunteers. In the face of the US troops with advanced equipment, the Chinese Volunteers relied on their indomitable will and magic-like tactics to belittle the spirit of the "ace" 1st Marine Division again and again. From the Changjin Lake to the crushing of their confidence, to the repeated heavy losses of various fierce generals, this "invincible armada" of that year finally lost its temper at the end of the Korean War.

After the Battle of Changjin Lake, the 1st Marine Division was beaten by the volunteers in turn, and within two years it was beaten to the point of doubt

As the so-called ruthlessness is the most ruthless, the battlefield has never shown mercy to any of the parties. The 1st Marine Division fell from the peak to the bottom, which was the most vivid footnote on the Korean battlefield in those years. Fortunately, in those days, the Chinese people were protected by a reliable volunteer army whose blood was thicker than water. It is precisely because of their heroic exploits that we have today's excellent situation of peaceful development. On the occasion of commemorating the 70 th anniversary of the glorious sacrifice of the Korean War warriors, we should all the more remember the great achievements of the revolutionary martyrs and always cherish the enthusiasm to serve the country. #头条首发大赛#