
In 1948, Song Shilun strayed into the enemy camp and was captured, and the battalion commander of the national army came to salute: I am an underground party member

author:Brother Rabbit talks about history

In 1948, Song Shilun strayed into the enemy camp and was captured, and the battalion commander of the national army came to salute: I am an underground party member, and in 1948, it was a critical period of the Liberation War. Kuomintang warlord Hu Lianbu led the integrated 11th Division, one of the so-called "five main forces", in an attempt to reinforce Kaifeng north to block the advance of the PLA. All this was carefully deployed by Song Shilun, commander of the 10th Column of the East China Field Army of the People's Liberation Army. A thrilling battle began, and Song Shilun finally won the victory by virtue of his extraordinary command skills and adaptability. Unexpectedly, after the victory, Song Shilun was accidentally captured and faced danger to his life. Just when life and death were at stake, an unexpected turn occurred, and the enemy turned out to be his own people! What's going on?

In 1948, Song Shilun strayed into the enemy camp and was captured, and the battalion commander of the national army came to salute: I am an underground party member

In the Central Plains in 1948, gunsmoke erupted. In order to annihilate the Kuomintang's defensive forces in the Central Plains and create a favorable situation in the Central Plains and East China theaters, the East China Field Army of the People's Liberation Army launched the Kaifeng and Suixian campaigns. In this battle, the 10th Column led by Song Shilun shouldered the heavy task of blocking the enemy.

In 1948, Song Shilun strayed into the enemy camp and was captured, and the battalion commander of the national army came to salute: I am an underground party member

Seeing that the 11th Division of the enemy's Hu Lian Division began to go north for reinforcements, Song Shilun brainstormed and remained in danger. As an alumnus of the Whampoa Military Academy, he understands Hu Lian's personality. Song Shilun judged that as long as Hu Lian was given enough fright, this cautious guy would definitely take the initiative to transfer troops back to the division. So, he resolutely took the location of the enemy's command post, Shangcai, and made a desperate bet!

In 1948, Song Shilun strayed into the enemy camp and was captured, and the battalion commander of the national army came to salute: I am an underground party member

In this way, Song Shilun's troops were caught off guard and launched a fierce attack on Shangcai. Sure enough, Hu Lian was trembling and immediately transferred the main force of the 11th Division to help. But where will Song Shilun give him a chance to breathe? The two armies immediately scuffled into a ball, and you came and went, and the firepower was fierce. Although our army was defeated and retreated, it also caused heavy casualties to the enemy and had to retreat to Runan. In this battle, Song Shilun's command was reasonable, well-founded, brave and strategic, and once again poked his praise for "being able to fight well".

In 1948, Song Shilun strayed into the enemy camp and was captured, and the battalion commander of the national army came to salute: I am an underground party member

In addition to the joy of victory, an unexpected accident happened. On the night of November 4, Song Shilun drove back to the station, but was unexpectedly intercepted by a battalion of the enemy army, and was almost taken as a prisoner. Fortunately, the subordinate guard squad was witty and brave, and it was only after twists and turns that Song Shilun's life was saved.

In 1948, Song Shilun strayed into the enemy camp and was captured, and the battalion commander of the national army came to salute: I am an underground party member

After some interrogation, the situation took a turn for the worse. Wang Shijiang, the battalion commander who was originally going to torture him, immediately saluted the military salute and reported himself to his family after hearing about Song Shilun's identity, it turned out that he was an underground member of the Communist Party! Later, Wang Shijiang gave an explanation to Song Shilun, and the two hit it off, and in an instant, the officers and soldiers of the whole battalion were opened up and announced an uprising and surrendered. In the blink of an eye, the enemy of a battalion has become his own people! It can be described as both wisdom and bravery, and the defeat is a victory!

In 1948, Song Shilun strayed into the enemy camp and was captured, and the battalion commander of the national army came to salute: I am an underground party member

The thrilling of this uprising shocked the soldiers at that time. Since then, Song Shilun's guard class has become a joke after dinner, and is known as "a group of brave little tigers". And Song Shilun himself won the appreciation of the central superiors, and was soon evacuated from the front-line work of the Huaihai Campaign and returned to the division for training.

In 1948, Song Shilun strayed into the enemy camp and was captured, and the battalion commander of the national army came to salute: I am an underground party member

A battle that is about a thousand moments, a life-and-death turnaround, all highlight the brave and intelligent side of Song Shilun, the general of the republic, LinkedIn. His ability to perceive the essence of things, to be adaptable, to be resourceful and decisive, especially at the last moment, to turn the situation around is really extraordinary. Such characters and stories are nothing less than a mirror, illuminating that era filled with gunpowder, and also reflecting the heroic resistance and unremitting struggle of countless revolutionary martyrs. From these bits and pieces, we can get a glimpse of the reason for the final victory of the Liberation War, that is, the unshakable revolutionary belief and the tenacious fighting spirit of never giving up. #头条首发大赛#

In 1948, Song Shilun strayed into the enemy camp and was captured, and the battalion commander of the national army came to salute: I am an underground party member