
The man went to help the cook and gave the beggar a piece of meat, and the beggar said to leave before dark

author:Lin Fatzi tells the story

In our northeast, there is a small town called Suzhou and Hangzhou, where the water is brilliant and the culture is very full. There is a young man named Li Ergou in the town, who is energetic, with quick hands and feet, especially that skill, cooking is a must, and what are the big things in the town, they are inseparable from his good cooking skills. No, the Zhang family in Dongtou is going to have a happy event, and the eldest lady of the Zhang family is going to get married, Li Ergou ran over to help early in the morning, worked all day, and served the last dish on the table, tired like something, and was looking for a place to rest for a while.

At this moment, a beggar in rags, carrying a stick, swayed into the courtyard step by step, looking as if he was hungry. The people of the Zhang family just wanted to drive him away, but Li Ergou waved his hand and stopped him. He walked up to the beggar, took a piece of hot braised pork from the pot, handed it to the beggar, and said, "Brother, you are hungry, you can pad your stomach with this piece of meat first, you're welcome." The beggar took the meat, a flash of surprise in his eyes, and then, full of gratitude, he began to eat it in large gulps, as if he had never eaten something so fragrant.

After eating, the beggar raised his head and said to Li Ergou: "Young man, you have a good heart, and you will definitely have good rewards in the future." But I have to warn you to get out of town before dark, or there will be a big disaster. When Li Ergou heard this, he muttered in his heart, wondering if this old man was hungry and dizzy, what nonsense was he talking about? But looking at the beggar's seriousness, it doesn't seem like a joke. Li Ergou asked, "Brother, what do you mean by this?" Why should I leave this town? The beggar sighed and said, "I'll tell you the truth, I was originally a Taoist priest on the nearby mountain, and my cultivation went wrong, so I ended up in this field." When I went down the mountain today, I felt a demonic aura in the town, and if I looked closely, the demonic aura came from the Zhang family. I estimate that the one the eldest lady of the Zhang family is going to marry is not an ordinary person, but a monster. If you stay here, I'm afraid you'll suffer. ”

The man went to help the cook and gave the beggar a piece of meat, and the beggar said to leave before dark

When Li Ergou heard this, his heart tightened, and he recalled the strange appearance of the eldest lady of the Zhang family today, which was indeed a little wrong. He hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Brother, I have written down your words. "Gee, this isn't a joke. Although I, Li Ergou, am not a big hero, I can't look at the demon scourge of our folks in the northeast. "When the beggar heard this, his eyes were bright, like the stars in our northeast. He patted me on the shoulder and said, "Young man, your heart is very warm, and I feel warm in my heart." But you have to know that the demon is not a vegetarian, you are so reckless, don't end up putting your own life into it. Come, I'll give you a baby that might come in handy. He took out a jade pendant from his bosom and handed it to me. I took it and took a look, this jade pendant is crystal clear, and it still shows a little light, which is really good.

I asked him, "Brother, what is the door of this jade pendant?" The beggar said, "This jade pendant is a treasure that I have cultivated for many years, and it can ward off evil spirits and drive away demons." You just wear it on your body and keep you safe. Keep in mind, though, that this thing can only be used once, and when it's gone, it's gone. So, you have to use it when it counts. I nodded, carefully tending to the jade pendant. After thanking the beggar, I turned around and left Zhang's house.

It was getting dark, and I was walking on the way home, and I was screaming in my heart. I don't know what kind of storm I'm going to face, but I'm ready to face it. But just as I was about to leave the town, a strange laugh suddenly sounded, and I was startled. I looked back, and a dark shadow slowly came out of the darkness, it was none other than the mysterious groom married to the daughter of the Zhang family......

The man went to help the cook and gave the beggar a piece of meat, and the beggar said to leave before dark

The groom was wearing a red wedding robe, and the smile on his face was as cold as the winter in our northeast. His eyes were shining in the night, and he slowly walked towards me, and his voice was so low that it was frightening: "Li Ergou, why don't you leave?" You're not afraid of death, aren't you? My heart tightened, but I immediately stabilized my mind and replied loudly: "Although I, Li Ergou, am just a cook, I also know what is right and what is evil. If you are a demon, I can't watch you plague our folks in the Northeast. When the bridegroom heard this, his face sank, and he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed me. I felt a chill coming over me, and my body involuntarily retreated. At this critical juncture, I remembered the jade pendant given by the beggar, and quickly took it out and held it tightly in my hand. The jade pendant instantly shone brightly, forcing the groom's hand back several steps.

The groom was taken aback, obviously not expecting me to have this treasure in my hand. A hint of anger flashed in his eyes, but he quickly calmed down again, and said with a sneer: "You really have some ability. However, you think that this little jade pendant can stop me? As he spoke, the bridegroom's figure shook and turned into a black shadow, which rushed straight at me. My heart tightened, and I quickly lifted the jade pendant high, and the jade pendant shone brightly, forming a light curtain and blocking the black shadow from the outside. The two buddies just stared at each other for a while, and suddenly, the dark shadow screamed, and it sounded like a breath of energy. Li Ergou's heart tightened, and he quickly took a breath and put all the strength of his body on the jade pendant. At this moment, the black shadow rushed violently, and actually knocked the light curtain out of a hole. Li Ergou only felt that a strong blow came over, and the whole person was like a ball that had been kicked away. He struggled to his feet, and when he saw that the dark shadow had rushed to him. At this moment, there was a sudden thunderclap in the sky, and a bolt of lightning struck the black shadow. The black shadow screamed, turned into a puff of black smoke, and dispersed in the air. When Li Ergou saw it, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, he understood that this was the last blow of Yu Pei.

But as soon as he wanted to take a breath, he felt a more violent demonic aura emerge from the Zhang family. Li Ergou's heart tightened, and he hurriedly ran to Zhang's house. He knew that the monster had not been killed, but had only been forced back for the time being. When he ran to Zhang's house, he saw that he was a good guy, Zhang's house had become a ruin, with flames and demonic spirits. He searched around for the Zhang family, only to see a few corpses that had been eroded by demonic energy. He felt uncomfortable in his heart, but he knew that now was not the time to be sad, so he had to quickly find the monster's hiding place and give it a break.

The man went to help the cook and gave the beggar a piece of meat, and the beggar said to leave before dark

At this time, he saw the eldest lady of the Zhang family. She stood in the ruins with a strange glint in her eyes. Li Ergou was shocked and hurriedly rushed up. But just when he was about to meet the eldest lady of the Zhang family, she suddenly turned around and showed a weird smile at Li Ergou. Li Ergou's heart tightened, and he saw that the eldest lady of the Zhang family shook her body and turned into a huge fox. It opened its bloody mouth and pounced on Li Ergou. As soon as Li Ergou saw this posture, he hurriedly raised the jade pendant high, ready to give it the final blow. But at this moment, there was another thunderclap in the sky, and a golden light fell from the sky, directly splitting the fox in half.

Li Ergou looked up and saw an old Taoist priest wearing a Taoist robe floating in. He was holding a whisk in his hand, and his eyes were shining with golden light, it was the beggar turned Taoist priest. The Taoist priest glanced at Li Ergou and said with a smile: "Young man, you did a good job. I've killed this monster, so you can rest assured. When Li Ergou heard this, he was happy in his heart, and hurriedly thanked the Taoist priest. The Taoist priest waved his hand and said, "Don't thank me, it's all your own credit." It is a blessing to you that you have a good heart and courage. As he spoke, the Taoist priest took out an ancient book from his arms and handed it to Li Ergou: "This is my mental method that I have practiced for many years, if you are interested, you can take it and study it." But remember, only when you have no distractions in your cultivation can you achieve something. Li Ergou took the ancient book, and he was so grateful in his heart. He bowed deeply to the Taoist priest, and then watched the Taoist priest drift away. After that, our Li Ergou embarked on the path of cultivation. This kid is as diligent as anything, single-minded, without other thoughts, he has practiced kung fu in a few years and has become a well-known grandmaster. He uses his own skills to protect the safety of Suzhou and Hangzhou towns, so that everyone can live in peace and stability. The eldest lady of the Zhang family used to cause a lot of chaos to Li Ergou, but later, with the help of the Taoist priest, she changed back to her original appearance, and her heart was clear. She was grateful to Li Ergou for saving her, and she also regretted what she had done before. She decided to turn around and use the rest of her days to make up for her past mistakes. Since then, the story of Li Ergou and Taoist priests has been circulating in the small town of Suzhou and Hangzhou. Everyone said that it was Li Ergou's kindness and courage that saved the entire town, and it was the compassion and wisdom of the Taoist priest that restored the town to its former peace. Li Ergou has become a hero and a role model in people's hearts, and his story has been passed down from generation to generation.

On the night when the Taoist priest left and Li Ergou took the ancient book and was about to start cultivating, the night sky of Suzhou and Hangzhou suddenly lit up with an unusual light. That light is not a firework on our earth, but more like a guest from heaven, illuminating the whole sky. One by one, the townspeople walked out of their homes and looked up at the mysterious light. Everyone talked about it, some said that it was a fairy apparition, some said that it was a monster, Li Ergou stood in the crowd, and there was an indescribable feeling in his heart. Suddenly, a figure descended from the light, the man was dressed in a white robe, holding a long sword in his hand, and the sword flashed with a cold light. He slowly fell in front of Li Ergou and said with a smile: "Li Ergou, you are really a destined person. Li Ergou was stunned for a moment, and immediately recognized that this white-robed swordsman was the Taoist priest just now. He hurriedly bent down and saluted, and asked, "Dao Chief, what are you ......?" The Taoist priest smiled and said, "I am a sword immortal in the heavenly realm, and I feel that there are monsters here to make trouble, so I specially came to get rid of the demons." I have already eliminated that monster just now, but the demon qi has not yet dispersed, and you mortals have to help purify it. Li Ergou was shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect that monster to be so powerful, even the sword immortal of the heavenly realm came in person. He hurriedly asked, "Dao Chief, what should we do to purify the demonic qi?" The Taoist priest took out a charm from his sleeve and handed it to Li Ergou: "You stick this charm on the four corners of the town, and then call the people in the town to chant and pray together, you can purify the demonic energy." Li Ergou took the spell and was grateful. He did as the Taoist priest said, pasted the charms on the four corners of the town, and then gathered the people of the town to chant and pray together. As the sound of everyone chanting the scriptures became louder and louder, the demonic aura that shrouded the town slowly dissipated. Soon, the entire Suzhou-Hangzhou town returned to its former tranquility and harmony. Li Ergou stood in the center of the town, looking at the people who were laughing and laughing, and his heart was full of emotion. Li Ergou, this kid, was kind and bold when he was a child, and he met that sloppy Taoist priest, who was also a noble man in his life. Since that time, he has been like a chicken blood, pondering the worn-out cheats every day, day and night, and he has practiced a good martial arts. His strength is really not covered, and he protects the small town of Suzhou and Hangzhou like an iron bucket, so that everyone can live a stable life.

The man went to help the cook and gave the beggar a piece of meat, and the beggar said to leave before dark

What, the Heavenly Sword Immortal, from time to time he would go to his dreams, give him guidance, and teach him some heavenly skills. Li Ergou was so grateful in his heart, he knew that he could have today thanks to the sword immortal's order.

Time flies, and decades pass in a blink of an eye. Li Ergou has also changed from a young man to a white-haired old man, but his heart to protect the town has not changed at all. One day, a young swordsman came, holding a long sword in his hand, and his skills were extraordinary. This swordsman found Li Ergou and wanted to learn from him. Li Ergou looked at him, as if he saw himself back then, nodded happily, and taught him all his skills.

This young swordsman is also a smart man, and he learned the essence of Li Ergou in a few clicks. Before leaving, he bowed to Li Ergou and said a lot of words of thanks. Li Ergou waved his hand and told him that martial arts are important, but the more important thing is to have a kind heart. The young swordsman nodded in agreement, turned and left. Li Ergou looked at his back, and his heart was mixed. He knew that this young man would definitely be able to do great things in the future.

The man went to help the cook and gave the beggar a piece of meat, and the beggar said to leave before dark

In this way, Li Ergou guarded this land with his life in the small town of Suzhou and Hangzhou, and won everyone's respect with his kindness and courage. His story has been passed down to future generations and has become a legend. As for the Heavenly Sword Immortal, from time to time he still drank two cups with Li Ergou in his dreams to admire the moon, although he was separated from each other, his heart was closely connected.

This is the story of Li Ergou, a legend full of kindness and courage. We Northeast people like this kind of story, which is simple and direct, and does not beat around the bush.