
The man took shelter from the rain, and when he saw that the girl was seriously ill, he said to bring two blank pieces of paper

author:Lin Fatzi tells the story

Hey, look, there is a house in front, the door is ajar, Xiao Li is fast, and he stepped in a few steps. As soon as he entered the house, he saw a girl, whose face was as white as paper, lying on the bed, very sick. There was also an old woman next to her, who was so anxious that she was chanting words in her mouth, as if she was praying to God and worshiping Buddha. As soon as Xiao Li saw this situation, he understood in his heart that this girl must be very sick, so he stepped forward to greet him with concern.

When the old woman saw someone coming, she burst into tears and said, "Young man, you have come at the right time. My granddaughter, I don't know what's going on, suddenly fell ill, and how many doctors I found said that it was an incurable disease and that there was no rule of law. As soon as Xiao Li heard this, he began to ponder in his heart. Although he is not a doctor, he usually has read a few medical books and knows that some diseases cannot be cured by ordinary medicine. He looked at the girl's face, touched her pulse again, and was shocked—why is this pulse so strange?

Xiao Li frowned and asked the old woman, "Old man, does the girl have any special symptoms of this disease?" The old woman thought for a moment and said, "Yes, she always talks nonsense at night, and dances with her hands, as if she has seen something scary." Sometimes there would be sudden yelling, which scared us all out of nowhere. As soon as Xiao Li heard this, he knew it in his heart. He turned to the old woman and said, "Old man, don't worry, although I am not a doctor, I know a little about medicine." I think this girl's illness is a little strange, maybe she has fallen into some evil. ”

The man took shelter from the rain, and when he saw that the girl was seriously ill, he said to bring two blank pieces of paper

When the old woman heard the word "evil", her face changed, and she asked in a trembling voice, "What about ...... What can I do? Xiao Li pondered for a while and said, "I have to ask for two blank pieces of paper, as well as pen and ink, and I will draw two talismans, maybe it can start to work." When the old woman heard that she was saved, she hurriedly found white paper and pen and ink. Xiao Li took the thing, took a deep breath, and began to draw the talisman on the paper. He is skillful, and every stroke is sonorous and powerful, as if he is fighting against those invisible evils. In a short time, the two talismans were drawn.

Xiao Li pasted the talisman on the girl's bedside and door, and then told the old woman: "Old man, look at it, if the girl has anything abnormal tonight, you can call me loudly." The old woman nodded gratefully, and Xiao Li didn't say much, found a corner and sat down, closed her eyes and rested. It was getting dark, and the rain was getting heavier. Xiao Li was still worried about the girl's condition, tossing and turning, and couldn't sleep. At that moment, his ears twitched, he heard some movement, his eyes opened, and he saw that on the girl's bed, the two runes were floating by themselves, and they were still shining with golden light! Xiao Li's heart tightened, and he thought: "This matter is not simple! He stood up and crept to the girl's bedside, and when he saw that the girl's eyes were closed tightly, and her face was whiter than before. He reached out and felt the girl's pulse rattle like a drum. Xiao Li understands that this evil spirit is not a joke, so he has to think about it quickly.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and began to recite the Taoist mantra in silence. As soon as the incantation was read, a white light appeared on Xiao Li's body. The two runes also seemed to be lit, and the golden light became brighter. Suddenly, a cold wind blew, and the room became gloomy. Xiao Li opened his eyes and saw that there was a black shadow in the corner, trembling like sifting chaff - isn't that the evil qi attached to the girl!

The man took shelter from the rain, and when he saw that the girl was seriously ill, he said to bring two blank pieces of paper

When Xiao Li saw it, he shouted: "You evil animal, don't get out of here!" He snapped his hands together and pointed sharply at the shadow. With a whoosh, golden light shot out from his fingertips, heading straight for the black shadow. The black shadow was struck by the golden light, screamed, turned into a wisp of black smoke, and dispersed. The rune paper at the girl's bedside and at the door slowly faded, and finally turned to ash and fell to the ground.

Xiao Li saw that the evil spirit was gone, and he was happy in his heart. He looked back at the girl, and his face was already a little red. He knew that this was a sign that the evil spirit was gone, so he turned to the old woman and said, "Old man, the evil spirit has been removed, and the girl's illness should be cured." When the old woman heard this, she burst into tears and thanked her repeatedly: "Young man, you are really our great benefactor!" Xiao Li waved his hand: "Old man, don't say that, this is what I should do." ”

In this way, Xiao Li survived a sleepless night at the foot of Maoshan Mountain, adding another stroke to his legendary life. The girl soon got better and went back to her normal life. Xiao Li also continued his journey, using his kindness and courage to help those in need.

The man took shelter from the rain, and when he saw that the girl was seriously ill, he said to bring two blank pieces of paper

"Young man, you saved my granddaughter, and I have nothing to repay you for my wife. But I have something here that you might be able to use. The old woman said, took out a cloth bag from her bosom, and carefully opened it, and inside was a simple jade pendant. When Xiao Li saw it, his eyes lit up. This jade pendant is oval, translucent and translucent, and there are some incomprehensible runes engraved on it, and it is not ordinary at first glance.

"Old man, this jade pendant is so valuable, how can I accept it?" Xiao Li resigned. But the old woman shook her head and said, "Young man, you don't know. This jade pendant was handed down by my ancestors, and I heard that it has the miraculous effect of driving away evil spirits and avoiding evil. "Oh my god, this is really heartwarming. Xiao Li, a young man, saved his granddaughter, and the old woman had to give him the piece of jade pes, saying that it was also a thank you gift. Xiao Li looked at the old woman's persistence, so he didn't shirk anymore and put the jade pendant in his arms. He glanced at the old woman, full of gratitude, and then put on his bag and went out.

The rain outside had stopped, and the sky was brighter. Xiao Li took a deep breath of fresh air and felt much better. He touched the jade pendant in his arms and muttered in his heart: "This jade pendant may have some magical effect, and it may be able to be used in the future." Xiao Li continued his way, with ups and downs along the way, but he never forgot the jade pendant. When you encounter any danger, touch it, and your heart will be steady.

The man took shelter from the rain, and when he saw that the girl was seriously ill, he said to bring two blank pieces of paper

Time flies, and a few years have passed in the blink of an eye. Xiao Li became a Maoshan Taoist priest on the rivers and lakes, and the people admired him with charms to drive away evil spirits. The jade pendant also became his talisman, and he followed him through many dangers.

One day, Xiao Li arrived in a remote mountain village. The village has not been peaceful lately, it is haunted, and the villagers can't sleep at night. When Xiao Li heard about it, he decided to stay and help out. After an investigation, it was found that the source of this sneaky was a ruined temple. The temple was in tatters, and strange noises could be heard at night. Xiao Li decided to go in and have a look.

With a charm in his hand, he cautiously entered the temple. The temple was gloomy, and a cold air hit the face. He looked around and saw an idol of a god with red eyes that seemed to be staring at him. Xiao Li's heart tightened, knowing that this matter was not simple. He took a deep breath and recited the incantation, flicking the spell with a slam. With a flash of golden light, it hit the idol directly. The idol screamed and turned into black smoke, and the cold air in the temple dissipated.

The man took shelter from the rain, and when he saw that the girl was seriously ill, he said to bring two blank pieces of paper

Xiao Li saw that the evil was eliminated, and he was happy in his heart. When he left the temple, the sky was clear, and the sun shone warmly on his body. He looked back at the temple and felt a lot of emotion in his heart. When he returned to the village, he told the villagers that the evil was gone, and the villagers were so happy that they thanked him. Xiao Li is also very relieved, feeling that he has not worked in vain in the past few years.

Before leaving, Xiao Li left the jade pendant to the village chief, hoping that he could keep it and continue to protect the village. The village chief took the jade pendant, with tears in his eyes, and thanked him repeatedly. Xiao Li put on his bag and embarked on a new journey. Xiao Li, this buddy, understood since he was a child that as the successor of the Maoshan faction, his job is to sweep away the evil spirit and protect the safety of our people. That jade pendant has also become a capable cadre by his side, and he will go through the rivers and lakes with him. Xiao Li's story spread on the rivers and lakes. He used his enthusiasm and courage to help many people, and also won the respect and love of everyone. That jade pendant witnessed him grow from a cloth cloth to a master of the Maoshan faction step by step.

One day, Xiao Li slipped into a lively town. On both sides of the street, the shops are next to each other, and people come and go, and it is very lively. Xiao Li walked on the street, feeling the prosperity, but he couldn't help but think of that quiet mountain village in his heart. Just as I was thinking about it, I heard a commotion. He curiously leaned over to take a look, and it turned out to be a group of people gathered around to watch the excitement. Xiao Li squeezed into the crowd and saw a man in Taoist clothes, who was treating a wealthy businessman. The Taoist priest shook his head, and there were words in his mouth, looking like a god.

The man took shelter from the rain, and when he saw that the girl was seriously ill, he said to bring two blank pieces of paper

Xiao Li's heart moved, and he decided to step forward to take a look. He squeezed to the front, and when he saw the prescription given by the Taoist priest, he muttered in his heart, there were several medicinal materials in this prescription that were obviously wrong. Xiao Li thought to himself, this Taoist priest can't be a charlatan, right? He decided to expose this guy for what he really was. Xiao Li stepped forward and snatched the prescription and said loudly: "Your prescription is wrong, how can this medicinal herb cure this disease?" The Taoist priest was taken aback, came back to his senses, and glared at Xiao Li: "What do you know about this kid?" I'm a famous Taoist priest, you dare to question me? Xiao Li sneered: "Although I am not a doctor, I also know a little about medicine." Your prescription is obviously wrong, and you still want to cheat money? It's really unbelievable! ”

The Taoist priest was panicked when he heard Xiao Li say the truth. Knowing that his scam has been exposed, he wants to slip away. But how could Xiao Li let him run away so easily? grabbed the Taoist priest by the collar and said loudly, "Want to run? Return the deceived money first! The Taoist priest saw that Xiao Li was not easy to deal with, and begged for mercy and said, "Little brother, spare me, I don't dare anymore." Xiao Li snorted coldly: "Spare you?" So what about these deceived people? You must return the money today, or I will send you to the official!" The Taoist priest knew that it was useless to beg for mercy, so he obediently returned the money to the rich merchant and other deceived people.

Wealthy businessmen and others thanked Xiao Li one after another, praising him as a good man for the people. Xiao Li waved his hand and said, "I just did what I was supposed to do." "In our rivers and lakes, the liars have caught a lot of them, we have to keep our eyes open, don't let them be bluffed." As soon as this incident passed, Xiao Li's reputation became louder in the rivers and lakes. He used his own ingenuity and courage to reveal the true face of those charlatans, and won the admiration and love of everyone. But Xiao Li, this kid, he didn't flutter because of this achievement. He knew very well that his mission was still long. He continued to roam the rivers and lakes, using his charms and exorcism skills to help those in need.

The man took shelter from the rain, and when he saw that the girl was seriously ill, he said to bring two blank pieces of paper

One day, Xiao Li arrived in front of a steep mountain. The mountain was as high as the sky, surrounded by clouds and mist, and it looked like it could reach the sky. Xiao Li's heart moved, and he decided to climb this mountain and find a more powerful way. After nine hundred and eighty-one difficulties, he finally climbed to the top of the mountain. There is an ancient temple on the top of the mountain, and there are two stone lions in front of the temple gate, which looks very solemn. Xiao Li walked into the temple and saw a kind statue of a god, holding a jade pendant in his hand, which was the one he gave to the village chief before. Xiao Li was shocked, wondering if this temple had anything to do with him? He stepped forward and took a closer look at the jade pendant. There were some strange runes engraved on the jade pendant, and he studied them for a long time, and found that these runes were similar to the charms he had learned. Xiao Li's heart suddenly brightened, it turned out that the owner of this temple was a profound Taoist priest, and the jade pendant left behind hid profound Taoism. Xiao Li was so grateful in his heart that he decided to stay and learn the Taoism on this jade pendant. He practiced in retreat in the temple for several months, and finally understood the true meaning of the Tao on the jade pendant. His charms have become more refined, and his ability to ward off evil spirits has become stronger.

When leaving the temple, Xiao Li kowtowed to the idol three more times, thanking the profound Taoist priest for giving him the treasure. He packed his bags and continued his journey. Since then, Xiao Li's reputation has become even louder. He used his wisdom and courage to help those in need. The jade pendant has also become his heirloom, accompanying him through countless springs, summers, autumns and winters. Xiao Li's story spread on the rivers and lakes and became a good story. Everyone said that he was a real Maoshan Taoist, and his wisdom and courage would always be engraved in people's hearts. Xiao Li also continued his journey, using his charms and exorcism skills to guard the peace of the rivers and lakes.