
On the wedding night, the groom got up and saw the family dog with tears in his eyes, so he untied the dog leash and escaped the catastrophe

author:Lin Fatzi tells the story

Oh, friends, I have to give the big guy a nap today, this thing is really fresh, it happened next door to us, speaking of which, the people in the village are still shaking their heads and sighing! This has to start with a wedding night. There is a young man in our village, named Li Ergou, that young man is energetic and has a good heart, and he married a flower from a neighboring village, named Xiaofang. On the wedding night, it was a lively and extraordinary, with the sound of firecrackers shaking the sky and jubilant. The old and young masters in the village all came to join in the fun, drink wine, eat candy, and make a fuss until the moon hung high.

Li Ergou and Xiaofang saw off the last group of guests, closed the door, and the little couple were full of joy and ready to start their new life. Li Ergou, I feel sorry for my daughter-in-law, I know that Xiaofang is tired from a busy day's work, so I let her rest first, and go to the yard to clean up, planning to put the borrowed tables, chairs and benches in a centralized position, and return them tomorrow.

In the dead of night, the moon hung in the sky like a silver plate, and the courtyard was quiet, except for the occasional chirping of insects. Li Ergou was busy working, and suddenly, he saw his old yellow dog, who was usually very cheerful, but now he was squatting by the door, looking at him with two eyes, and tears in his eyes. "Hey, what's going on? Rhubarb, you also know that I am happy today, and I am reluctant? Li Ergou walked over as he spoke, wanting to touch Rhubarb's head. But as soon as his hand was stretched out, Rhubarb suddenly "snorted", jumped up and ran out of the courtyard, looking back as he ran, as if he had seen something scary.

On the wedding night, the groom got up and saw the family dog with tears in his eyes, so he untied the dog leash and escaped the catastrophe

Li Ergou chuckled in his heart, thinking: This rhubarb is usually quite docile, why is it so abnormal today? He looked up at the sky, and the moon was obscured by a cloud, and the courtyard suddenly darkened. At this moment, a gust of wind blew, and he vaguely heard a "squeak" sound from under the old locust tree in the yard, as if someone was quietly moving something. Li Ergou's heart tightened, and he dared to shout: "Who?" Why don't you sleep in the middle of the night? Only a deeper silence was in response to him.

He thought about it for a while and decided to go over and take a look, so that if something happened, he could deal with it in time. So, he quietly untied the rope that tied Rhubarb and whispered, "Rhubarb, let's go, let's take a look together." Rhubarb seemed to understand what his master meant, and although he was afraid, he still followed Li Ergou and moved step by step to the place where the voice came from. The closer you get to the old locust tree, the clearer the sound becomes, mixed with an indescribable strange smell, like the smell of rotten wood, and like the smell of something that has not been dried for a long time and is moldy.

Li Ergou beat the drum in his heart, but he still stiffened his head and took a flashlight to shine - oops! The scene in front of him almost didn't scare his soul away! I saw that under the old locust tree, I don't know when there was an extra coffin, and there was a crack in the coffin board, which revealed a faint green light, and the sound of "squeak" came from the crack of the coffin! Li Ergou's legs were weak, and he almost didn't sit on the ground. 1 Hey, this thing is really choking, come on, let's take care of it. That Li Ergou, who was on the third watch in the middle of the night, was up and down in his heart, and when he saw the coffin, he muttered in his heart: What is this? Could it be that some kind of ghost who lacks morality? But that smell, that atmosphere, doesn't it look like it's a joke!

On the wedding night, the groom got up and saw the family dog with tears in his eyes, so he untied the dog leash and escaped the catastrophe

He just wanted to shout at people, but after pondering again, he quickly turned his head, untied the dog leash of Rhubarb, and whispered, "Rhubarb, hurry up!" Go back to the house, wake up Xiaofang, tell her not to squeak, hurry up to the village to find Uncle Liu, and say that there is something big going on here, let him bring someone here! The big rhubarb dog seemed to understand what it meant to be urgent, and ran into the house as soon as he slipped through the smoke, barking "whining" as he ran, which made people feel bad when they heard it.

Li Ergou was not ambiguous, he looked around, picked up a stick, stood next to the coffin, and said silently in his heart: Don't panic, don't panic, we are good people, evil does not prevail! Time passed minute by minute, and Li Ergou's heart also rose to his throat.

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps, as well as the excited "Wang" sound of Rhubarb, it turned out that Uncle Liu rushed over with a few sturdy villagers, holding hoes and sickles in his hands, looking at the posture, he was ready to do a big job. Uncle Liu looked serious and asked, "Ergou, what's the situation?" In the middle of the night, what's wrong with you? Li Ergou hurriedly told him what had just happened, and when everyone heard it, their faces changed.

On the wedding night, the groom got up and saw the family dog with tears in his eyes, so he untied the dog leash and escaped the catastrophe

Uncle Liu pondered for a while and said, "This matter is not simple, we have to be careful." Here, guys, open this coffin first and see what's inside! When several sturdy villagers heard this, they nodded in agreement, surrounded the coffin, one by one, and pushed hard, and with a "boom", the coffin board was opened. The scene inside made everyone gasp - in the coffin, there was no dead person, it was clearly a huge python, with some rags wrapped around it, and those green eyes were staring at them viciously!

"Oh my God! What's going on? The villagers exclaimed. Uncle Liu frowned and said, "I'm afraid that this python has become a sperm, and I want to borrow the feng shui treasure of our village to practice." Thanks to rhubarb, otherwise Ergou would be more than lucky tonight. We have to deal with it quickly, or the village will suffer. So, a few bold villagers, taking the matter of things, carefully invited the python out of the village and threw it far away into the barren mountains and mountains. As for the coffin, they also burned it, so as to save them from attracting anything unclean.

Afterwards, Li Ergou and Xiaofang were grateful, and specially stewed a pot of meat and bones for Rhubarb, saying that Rhubarb saved their lives. And the people in the village also regarded this incident as a legend, telling stories and singing operas, and it has been circulated for a long time. Hey, speaking of which, do you think it's a bit mysterious? Don't say it, things in our world, sometimes, it's just so incredible. 1 Oh, as soon as we talk about the local dialect of the Northeast, it makes people's hearts warm. If your dog is in tears in the middle of the night, we have to keep an eye on it, maybe it's giving you a wake-up call! Let's rest for a while, take a sip of tea, and let our ears rest too. Let's talk about it next time.

On the wedding night, the groom got up and saw the family dog with tears in his eyes, so he untied the dog leash and escaped the catastrophe

Well, Li Ergou and Xiaofang's days have returned to peace, but when the people in the village mention the events of that night, their hearts are still a little hairy. Rhubarb has become a hero in the village, and people praise him everywhere he goes, and even the old king, who is usually a dime, is generous and throws two meat buns to Rhubarb. However, Li Ergou always felt that the python chose him on his wedding night? Isn't there anything important? He thought about it, and finally decided to go to the old goddess in the village, Granny Zhang, to find out.

Granny Zhang is a very godlike person, and it is said that she can talk to ghosts and gods, and she is always looking for her if there is anything difficult in the village. Li Ergou carried two catties of pork and a bag of snacks and went to Granny Zhang's house. As soon as I entered the door, I saw Granny Zhang squinting, sitting on the kang and smoking a cigarette bag and pot, and the smell of smoke could be smelled from afar. "Granny Zhang, take a look, I'm going up and down in my heart." Li Ergou put the gift on the kang and began to pour bitter water.

Granny Zhang opened her eyes, looked at Li Ergou, and then looked at the meat and snacks, the corners of her mouth grinned, and she smiled: "Ergou, do you have something to ask me?" Okay, for your sake's sake, I'll tell you about it. With that, Granny Zhang got off the kang, put on her shoes, and took Li Ergou to the yard. She pointed to the old locust tree and said, "Ergou, do you remember, this tree was planted by your grandfather's generation." It's not simple, it's a feng shui tree, it can bring peace to our village. ”

On the wedding night, the groom got up and saw the family dog with tears in his eyes, so he untied the dog leash and escaped the catastrophe

When Li Ergou heard this, he was stunned: "Feng Shui Tree? Why haven't I heard of it? Granny Zhang smiled: "You don't know much." The python actually wants to take advantage of the feng shui of this tree, so that he can practice and become a refinement. It chose to come on your wedding night, because the newlywed is yang and can break some taboos, and it wants to borrow your joy to break through the seal. ”

When Li Ergou heard this, his face turned white with fright: "Then what should I do?" My wedding night almost became its practice night? Granny Zhang patted Li Ergou on the shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid, you have rhubarb." Rhubarb, this dog, is very spiritual, and it can sense something unusual. Besides, if you are usually good to it, it will naturally protect you at critical moments. ”

When Li Ergou heard this, he was grateful in his heart, and thought: I have to be more kind to rhubarb in the future. Granny Zhang said again: "However, this matter is not over yet. Although the python was driven away, if it held a grudge, it might come back to take revenge. You have to plant wormwood and realgar in the yard, which can ward off evil spirits. ”

On the wedding night, the groom got up and saw the family dog with tears in his eyes, so he untied the dog leash and escaped the catastrophe

Li Ergou nodded again and again, taking Granny Zhang's words to heart. Although this thing sounds a bit mysterious, we Northeast people believe this, and we would rather believe it than believe it. As soon as he stepped into the house, Li Ergou was very busy, planting wormwood, sprinkling realgar, and deliberately mentioning it to Xiaofang to make her also wary. When Xiaofang heard this, her heart was also up and down, but as soon as she pondered, she patted her chest and said, "Ergou, let's not be afraid of it." We have rhubarb in our house, and there is also a trick given by Granny Zhang, if it dares to come again, we are not afraid! When Li Ergou heard this, his heart was warm, and he secretly thought to himself: This daughter-in-law is really not married in vain!

The days went by like this, and the big python never came to make trouble again. Gradually, the people of the village forgot about it and returned to their usual peaceful life. Rhubarb has also become the patron saint of our village, and it is majestic wherever he goes. But who would have thought that just when everyone was about to forget about it, the python came back quietly! This time, it didn't come for Li Ergou, but found Granny Zhang. It turned out that this python had been practicing for many years, and he was about to complete his merits, but because of Li Ergou's matter, it was disturbed. The hatred in its heart is so much that it wants revenge. But it also knew that Li Ergou had rhubarb guarding his house, which was not easy to deal with, so he turned his target to Granny Zhang.

That night, when the moon was dark and the wind was high, the python quietly touched into Granny Zhang's house, intending to swallow her in one bite and avenge the revenge of the year. But it never expected that Granny Zhang had already prepared, her house was full of wormwood, realgar, and a sharp sickle hidden in the kang head! As soon as the python pounced, Granny Zhang turned over and dodged, and at the same time pulled out the sickle and slashed at the python's seven inches! The python screamed in pain, turned around and wanted to slip. But how could Granny Zhang let it run away, she held a sickle and chased after her, scolding while chasing: "You evil animal, dare to come to harm me, see if I don't chop you!" In this way, Granny Zhang chased the python all the way, from the village to the mountain, and from the mountain to the river. In the end, the python was cornered and plunged headlong into the river and never came up again.

On the wedding night, the groom got up and saw the family dog with tears in his eyes, so he untied the dog leash and escaped the catastrophe

When the people in the village heard about this, they were frightened, but they also admired Granny Zhang's heroism. Li Ergou was even more grateful, thinking: Thanks to Granny Zhang, otherwise our village would have suffered a great disaster. Since then, the people of the village have more respect for Granny Zhang and cherish the peace of the village even more. The old locust tree has also become the patron saint tree of the village, and people go to worship it every year, praying that it will bless the village with good weather and safety. As for Li Ergou and Xiaofang, their days are also getting more and more prosperous, and they also added a big fat boy, named "Da Zhuang", hoping that he can become the patron saint of the family like Rhubarb. Rhubarb has also become more and more energetic, and has become a beautiful scenery in the village, and some people praise it as "good" wherever it goes!

Hey, speaking of which, do you think this is a bit twisty and bizarre? Don't believe it, things in our world are sometimes so unexpected that people are confused. 1 Oh, if something strange happens to your family one day, don't panic as if you have lost your soul, maybe, there will be some gods to come and send you some blessings! Let's continue to chat next time, you take a sip of tea and take a break! Let's talk about Li Ergou and Xiaofang again, their days are getting more and more prosperous, and the big boy is growing day by day and has become the little overlord of our village. Although Rhubarb is old, his majestic energy is still the patron saint of our village.

But just when we all thought that life would go on so plainly, there was a big disturbance in our village! This matter has to start with the old locust tree. That day, a fortune teller from other places came to our village, dressed in a Taoist robe, holding a whisk in his hand, and looked like that. As soon as he entered the village, he went straight to the old locust tree, circled the tree three times, and then said to us with a serious face: "This tree is not simple! It's a feng shui treasure tree, but it's also a bane! "When we heard this, we were all stunned. Hasn't this old locust tree always kept our village safe and sound? Why has it become a bane?

On the wedding night, the groom got up and saw the family dog with tears in his eyes, so he untied the dog leash and escaped the catastrophe

The fortune teller shook his head and said, "You only know that it keeps you safe, but you don't know that it also brings calamity." Every fifty years, this tree will bring a great calamity, either a flood, a fire, or a pestilence. Now, the fifty-year period is coming again, and you have to find a way to do it quickly! "When we heard this, we all panicked. What's going on here?

When Li Ergou heard this, he was anxious. He hurried to find Granny Zhang and wanted to ask her what tricks she had. When Granny Zhang heard this, she also frowned and said, "I've heard about this too." But I always thought it was a legend, but I didn't expect it to be true. This fortune teller may be a master. When Li Ergou heard this, he became even more anxious: "What's the matter?" Our village can't just be finished! Granny Zhang thought for a while and said, "Ergou, don't worry. We have to find a way, we can't just wait for disaster to come. You go find a few sturdy villagers, and let's cut down the old locust tree together, and maybe we can break this calamity." ”

When Li Ergou heard this, he felt justified and hurried to find someone. After a while, he took a few sturdy villagers, armed with axes and saws, to the old locust tree. When the villagers saw it, they all gathered around. Everyone knows the importance of this, and they are all nervous. Li Ergou gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone, we have to do it!" For the sake of our village, we have to cut down this tree! So saying, he was the first to rush forward, and with his axe raised, he cut down the tree. The sturdy villagers also followed closely and started one after another. After a while, the old locust tree was cut down and fell to the ground. When the villagers saw it, they all breathed a sigh of relief. This matter is settled, right?

On the wedding night, the groom got up and saw the family dog with tears in his eyes, so he untied the dog leash and escaped the catastrophe

But no one expected that just when everyone thought that the disaster had passed, the fortune teller appeared again! He said to the villagers with a panicked face, "What are you doing here?" This tree can't be cut down! It beckons calamity, but it also keeps peace! If you cut it down, the calamity will be even greater! When the villagers heard this, they were dumbfounded. What can be done about this? When Li Ergou heard this, he hurried to find Granny Zhang, wanting to find out what tricks she had. When Granny Zhang heard this, she also looked helpless, shook her head and said, "I can't do anything about this." We're left to fate. In this way, the people in the village were worried about the past few days, for fear that something unexpected would suddenly come. It's strange that nothing happened. At first, the villagers wondered if the fortune teller was talking nonsense, but gradually, they sensed that something was wrong. It turned out that although the old locust tree had been cut down, its roots were still firmly rooted in the soil, and it grew more and more vigorously, as if it had something to say. When the villagers saw it, they all panicked. What the hell should I do about this?

At this moment, Granny Zhang appeared again, and she said to everyone with a serious face: "Everyone, I figured it out." The old locust tree is actually the patron saint of our village. It beckons calamity, but it also keeps peace. If we cut it down, we're offending the Patronus. Now, we have to find a way to get it back! When the villagers heard this, they all eagerly asked, "What's the matter?" Why don't we bring it back? Granny Zhang thought for a moment and said, "We have to hold a ceremony to make amends to it, and then plant a new tree as a substitute for it." In this way, it will be able to forgive us. When the villagers heard this, they all thought that the idea was reliable and quickly took action.

They chose an auspicious day of the zodiac, held a solemn ceremony, apologized to the old locust tree, and then replanted the tree. Sadly, since the tree was replanted, there has been no disaster in the village. Everyone said that it was the credit of the old locust tree, and it was it that blessed the safety of our village! As for the fortune teller, he has long since disappeared. Everyone in the village said he was a liar, but some people said he was a master, but we didn't understand what he meant. Hey, speaking of which, do you think it's a bit twisty and bizarre? Don't underestimate it, things in this world are sometimes so unexpected. So, if something unusual happens to your family in the future, don't panic too much, maybe which fairy will come down to give you blessings! Let's talk again next time, you can take a sip of tea and take a break!


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