
From 0-1 to 4-1! The first team to win 4 in a row in the European Championship is born: they advance to the last 8! Also send the opponent out

author:Moon Moon Chronicle Sports
From 0-1 to 4-1! The first team to win 4 in a row in the European Championship is born: they advance to the last 8! Also send the opponent out

In the early morning of July 1, Beijing time, the 1/8 finals of the European Cup, Spain played against Georgia. Spain, a high-profile favourite, will face Georgia for the first time. Spain beat Georgia twice in qualifying last year, so will they be able to extend their winning streak in this game?

In the early stages of the game, Spain showed strong possession and aggressive attacking momentum. With a whopping 84 per cent possession, they frequently attacked the Georgian goal, and the scene was once considered a one-sided show by Spain. Netizens took to social media to discuss the match, with some praising the Spanish players' skill and teamwork, believing they could expect a comfortable win in this match. One fan wrote: "It looks like Spain are going to continue to shine at the Euros, they really have a good ball control! ”

However, in the 18th minute of the game, the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse. Georgia broke the deadlock in a rare counterattack that caught Spain completely off guard. In this attack, the Georgian striker broke through the Spanish defense and managed to send the ball into the opponent's goal. The situation on the field instantly became tense, the Spanish players couldn't help but look at each other, and the coaches on the sidelines also showed expressions of disbelief.

From 0-1 to 4-1! The first team to win 4 in a row in the European Championship is born: they advance to the last 8! Also send the opponent out

The discussion on the Internet soared, and some fans sighed: "Spain is really unlucky, obviously the scene is controlled so well, but because of a counterattack to lose points." Another fan commented worriedly: "It doesn't seem to be an easy match, Georgia have shown their ability to surprise, Spain beware!" The sudden change in the scene has also triggered predictions and analyses of the European Championship matches, and many have begun to reassess Spain's prospects in this tournament.

The occurrence of an own goal added a lot of uncertainty to the game. Spain are also quickly adjusting their tactics within the squad in an attempt to equalise the score for the remainder of the game. On the Internet, some fans expressed their anger and disappointment at the goal conceded: "It's really unlucky, I hope this own goal will not affect the trend of the whole game." But there are also optimistic voices: "Spain are behind, but they have the strength to bounce back, and the game is still long!" ”

Historical data shows that Spain often make unexpected mistakes in key matches, and this own goal once again highlighted the unpredictability of the game. Georgia have also shown their ability to attack quickly against Portugal, which makes them a threat when they are behind.

From 0-1 to 4-1! The first team to win 4 in a row in the European Championship is born: they advance to the last 8! Also send the opponent out

Spain were not discouraged. They showed their tenacity in the following games. Rodriguez, Fabian, Nico and Olmo scored in quick succession to overturn Georgia 4-1 to become the first team to win four games in a row and advance to the quarter-finals. Next, they will face an even more intense challenge against hosts Germany for a place in the semi-finals.

After the game, the Spanish players celebrated the victory with excitement. In the locker room, they hugged each other and congratulated each other. Rodriguez stood in the corner, his eyes glittering with the joy of victory and anticipation for the next match. He silently thanked the whole team for their efforts, believing that this victory was not only his personal success, but also the result of the team's cooperation.

Fabian squatted on a bench in the locker room, still clutching the jersey he had changed during the game. He recalls the moment of the goal, and his heart is full of excitement and pride. He knows that he stepped up at a crucial moment to live up to his mission and contribute valuable goals to the team.

Niko high-fived his teammates in celebration, and his smile revealed the joy and relief after the victory. He looked out of the field and thought of his parents and friends far away from home. He knew that they would be cheering him on in front of the TV, and that this support was the source of motivation for him to fight.

From 0-1 to 4-1! The first team to win 4 in a row in the European Championship is born: they advance to the last 8! Also send the opponent out

The match not only showcased Spain's ability to stabilize and turn around at crucial moments, but also left a deep mark on Georgia's first trip to the European Championships. For the fans, it was not only a victory, but also a game full of drama and unpredictability, which will be remembered endlessly.

Netizens commented one after another: "Georgia's trick is really unexpected! Some netizens ridiculed: "It seems that this time it is really a dark horse, how come I have never seen such a unique strategy before." Another netizen sarcastically said: "Georgia's operation is simply a lesson for other teams, completely subverting the traditional way of thinking." Someone else sighed: "This victory is really eye-catching, and it makes people see new possibilities." ”

In a discussion thread, netizens began to discuss the reasons and possibilities behind this operation. "Maybe it's the new inspiration from their coaching staff, maybe it's the players who play well in key moments," one said. A user who claims to be a Georgian fan explained: "Actually, we had some small plans before the game, but we didn't expect it to work so well. ”

From 0-1 to 4-1! The first team to win 4 in a row in the European Championship is born: they advance to the last 8! Also send the opponent out

However, some netizens questioned this kind of operation: "This kind of risk is too risky, right? What if it fails? Another more conservative user commented: "Although this operation was successful, it can't be said that it is a sustainable strategy." Some netizens who paid attention to the technical details began to discuss the tactics and formations used in the game: "It seems that this time the coach adjusted the tactics according to the characteristics of the opponent, and it really worked." ”

On social media, the topic has sparked widespread discussion. Some netizens began to communicate with foreign fans, such as someone who tweeted: "Georgia really broke the traditional game pattern this time, which is eye-catching." Someone else commented: "Their operation is simply challenging everyone's imagination." ”

This article presents the tension and excitement of the game through a concise and vivid description, while highlighting the characteristics and historical background of the two teams, allowing readers to understand the wonderful moments of this European Championship more deeply.

From 0-1 to 4-1! The first team to win 4 in a row in the European Championship is born: they advance to the last 8! Also send the opponent out

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