
Israel has a hard mouth! Gallant threatened to send Lebanon back to the Stone Age, taking Gaza first

author:Coke says things
Israel has a hard mouth! Gallant threatened to send Lebanon back to the Stone Age, taking Gaza first

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As tensions between Lebanon and Israel continue to rise, the specter of a possible conflict hangs over the Middle East. Recently, Israeli Defense Minister Gallant made tough remarks during his inspection of the Israeli army's northern air defense forces, claiming that Israel has the ability to "drive Lebanon back to the Stone Age" in the event of war with Allah Lebanon. However, Gallant also made it clear that Israel will give priority to the political solution to its contradictions with Lebanon.

Israel has a hard mouth! Gallant threatened to send Lebanon back to the Stone Age, taking Gaza first

On 28 June, Gallant personally visited the air defense forces in northern Israel. Speaking to the media during the inspection, Gallant said: "We have the ability to take the necessary military action, but it is not our first choice. We hope that the differences with Allah in Lebanon will be resolved diplomatically. His words revealed a warning to Allah in Lebanon, but the latter words were also meaningful, the front first hardened his mouth, and the latter directly wanted to solve it through dialogue. It can be seen that Israel is also anxious now, and does not want to deal with other incidents separately, but it still has to say cruel words.

Israel has a hard mouth! Gallant threatened to send Lebanon back to the Stone Age, taking Gaza first

"In the event of war with Allah Lebanon, we have the ability to send Lebanon back to the Stone Age!" Gallant's voice was so sonorous and powerful, as if that power could really pass through the barrier of time and space and reach the ears of Allah in Lebanon. From his words, we can clearly feel the full disdain and warning, as if to solemnly declare to Allah in Lebanon: do not act rashly, otherwise you will have to bear the consequences.

Israel has a hard mouth! Gallant threatened to send Lebanon back to the Stone Age, taking Gaza first

This seemingly tough defense minister is actually playing tricks. In the midst of his tough rhetoric, he also made it clear that Israel would prioritize political solutions to its ties with Lebanon. At this moment, Gallant knew deep in his heart that war was by no means the best way to solve the problem, and it would only bring unbearable pain and great losses to each other. Indeed, war is never what we expect, and the scenes full of gunsmoke and destruction are undesirable. Only peace and consultation are the right way to resolve disputes.

Israel has a hard mouth! Gallant threatened to send Lebanon back to the Stone Age, taking Gaza first

But having said that, Gallant's tough statement still sparked widespread attention and discussion. After all, Lebanese Allah is one of the important forces in the Middle East, with strong military strength and a broad mass base. They have always regarded Israel as their main enemy and have clashed with the Israeli army on several occasions in the past. Now, Gallant's words are undoubtedly challenging Allah in Lebanon.

Israel has a hard mouth! Gallant threatened to send Lebanon back to the Stone Age, taking Gaza first

Allah in Lebanon, for its part, was also quick to respond. They said they would firmly defend the interests and dignity of their country and would not be intimidated by Israeli threats. At the same time, they also hope that the international community will pay attention to peace and stability in the Middle East.

Israel has a hard mouth! Gallant threatened to send Lebanon back to the Stone Age, taking Gaza first

In fact, the confrontation between Allah and the Israeli army has been going on for decades in this war-torn land. Conflicts and frictions between the two sides have occurred from time to time, but no real solution has been found. Now, Gallant's words seem to have put the relationship between the two sides into an even more tense situation.

Israel has a hard mouth! Gallant threatened to send Lebanon back to the Stone Age, taking Gaza first

However, there are also some unknown details in this seemingly imminent conflict. It is understood that the Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip has not achieved the expected results, and it has been fought for so long without any results. Despite their advanced weaponry and well-trained soldiers, they still face enormous challenges in the face of resistance from Palestinian armed groups such as Hamas. This raises questions and concerns about Israel's military strength.

Israel has a hard mouth! Gallant threatened to send Lebanon back to the Stone Age, taking Gaza first

For its part, Allah in Lebanon has always maintained a high degree of vigilance and preparedness. They have a large number of missiles and rockets and can strike at Israel at any time. At the same time, they also have a broad mass base and supporters, and are able to mobilize powerful forces to defend the interests and dignity of the country at critical moments.

Israel has a hard mouth! Gallant threatened to send Lebanon back to the Stone Age, taking Gaza first

Against this backdrop, Gallant's tough statement has undoubtedly increased tensions between the two sides. However, from his words, there is also a faint hint of helplessness and worry. After all, as we all know, war is never the best solution to problems, and it only brings more pain and loss to both sides. That is why he made it clear that Israel would prioritize political solutions to its conflicts with Lebanon.

Israel has a hard mouth! Gallant threatened to send Lebanon back to the Stone Age, taking Gaza first

Some people agreed with and supported Gallant's remarks, believing that he was fighting for the interests and dignity of the country; There are also those who oppose and criticize him, believing that he is inciting war and hatred; Some netizens ridiculed: "Let's take Gaza first, it's useless to talk about it here." Amid such controversy, tensions between Lebanon and Israel have once again heated up.

Israel has a hard mouth! Gallant threatened to send Lebanon back to the Stone Age, taking Gaza first

Israeli Defense Minister Gallant said that he could send Lebanon back to the Stone Age, but he also said that he would give priority to political ways to resolve the contradictions, which really made people feel a little contradictory and hard-mouthed. In the fighting in Gaza, Israel has not been able to fully control the situation in the face of a large number of places, and there is a large presence of Hamas forces. The consequences could be devastating if Israel were to launch a rash and all-out attack on Lebanon, whose mountainous and jungle environment is ideal for guerrilla warfare and whose firepower could even turn the entire territory of Israel into flames. If Israel launches an attack under such circumstances, it may indeed usher in its own end.

Israel has a hard mouth! Gallant threatened to send Lebanon back to the Stone Age, taking Gaza first

So, where is this likely conflict headed? Will the two sides find a solution through dialogue and consultation, or will they end up in war and destruction? None of this is known. But in any case, we should all bear in mind the fact that war is not the best way to solve problems, and that only peace can bring true prosperity and happiness. It is hoped that the two sides will exercise restraint and calm and find a solution to the problem through dialogue and consultation.

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