
A returnee female master hated her because of love, and she poisoned her boyfriend by buying colchicine online, what happened in the end?

author:The Secret History of Entertainment
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In today's increasingly impetuous society, people are more inclined to extreme solutions when they encounter problems. As everyone knows, extreme practices not only harm others, but also harm themselves. The case we are going to talk about today is a typical incident of harming others and herself: the female master of the returnee actually had the idea of "poisoning the man to teach a lesson" because of her unsatisfactory feelings, which not only caused the man's life to hang by a thread, but also made herself wear a silver bracelet.

A returnee female master hated her because of love, and she poisoned her boyfriend by buying colchicine online, what happened in the end?


In the early morning of August 21, 2013, Beijing 309 Hospital welcomed a special patient. The patient, surnamed Joe, is 27 years old and a student at a programmer training camp somewhere. Before Qiao was admitted to the hospital by his classmates, he already had severe abdominal pain and vomiting. After arriving at the hospital, after simple rescue, the symptoms not only did not reduce, but further aggravated.

Although Qiao and the classmates who sent him agreed that Qiao may have eaten some unclean food, resulting in acute poisoning. However, after examination, the doctor found that it seemed to be out of the ordinary food poisoning category and looked like viral myocarditis.

A returnee female master hated her because of love, and she poisoned her boyfriend by buying colchicine online, what happened in the end?

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In order to determine the symptoms as soon as possible, Qiao was transferred to the cardiology department for observation and treatment. However, even though the doctor had done his best, Qiao's platelet index continued to decline, and in the end, he even came to the critical standard line.

This bizarre scene made everyone fall into deep doubts, and Qiao himself was also urgently sent to the intensive care unit for observation and treatment. After getting out of danger for the first time, Qiao didn't dare to hold it up anymore, desperately remembering what he had eaten.

After thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly remembered that he had drunk a bottle of "bitter cola" during the day. Although it is only swallowed in one sip, if there is a problem with the cola, one sip is enough to cause a different reaction.

A returnee female master hated her because of love, and she poisoned her boyfriend by buying colchicine online, what happened in the end?

During this period, Qiao's girlfriend also rushed to the hospital, and after hearing about Qiao's illness, her sixth sense drove her to shout such a sentence: Poison, someone must have poisoned him!

Although the girlfriend couldn't say the specific reason, this guess based on the sixth sense still influenced the doctors' next decision.

In order to confirm the problem as soon as possible, the hospital organized a consultation with multiple departments to find the source of the disease. Some doctors suggested that the blood samples should be sent to a more specialized 307 hospital for toxicity analysis to see if it was poisoning or other problems.

This proposal was quickly adopted. It didn't take long for Qiao's blood sample to be sent to 307 Hospital. While waiting for the results of the examination, Qiao was dying for the second time and was notified of his critical illness by the hospital again.

A returnee female master hated her because of love, and she poisoned her boyfriend by buying colchicine online, what happened in the end?

After being rescued for the second time, the test results from 307 Hospital also came out. Sure enough, in Qiao's blood, there are ingredients such as colchicine, analgin, and antiximazin. Among them, colchicine is the most toxic.

Here we need to popularize science, colchicine is a toxic drug. Minimal use can treat acute gout and can also be effective in preventing acute gout attacks. However, once the dosage exceeds a certain standard, it will become highly toxic, resulting in a reaction similar to arsenic poisoning in the user, which is manifested by thirst, burning throat, vomiting and diarrhea, kidney failure, and even respiratory failure. This is completely consistent with Qiao's reaction to his condition.

Qiao, as a programmer, has no contact with drugs on weekdays, and it is impossible for him to be stupid enough to eat and drink indiscriminately. Now that such a serious poisoning phenomenon has suddenly appeared, it is obvious that it is an assassination of people. And that bottle of "bitter cola" is likely to be the source of the poison. Because colchicine itself is bitter.

When the personnel of the training course who came with them learned of the incident, they immediately called the police, saying that this was not done by their own training class.

A returnee female master hated her because of love, and she poisoned her boyfriend by buying colchicine online, what happened in the end?

After the police came, they also asked Qiao in detail if he had any enemies, so as to judge who would be the poisoner.

So, who hated Qiao so much that he wanted to take his life?

Emotional disputes

The female returnee master hated because of love, and bought colchicine online in an attempt to murder a man, and was finally counterattacked.

According to Qiao, he was invited by Shi Mou, a classmate of the training institution, to go out to play together during the day. The bottle of Coke he drank was bought for him by Shi.

When talking about his relationship with Shi, Qiao was vague and vague. But the classmates who know the inner list training institution are not worried about making Qiao's girlfriend angry and revealing the situation between them.

A returnee female master hated her because of love, and she poisoned her boyfriend by buying colchicine online, what happened in the end?

It turned out that soon after entering the training class, Shi fell in love with Qiao and boldly showed his love. Qiao did not refuse head-on at that time, but was in a state of "wanting to refuse and welcome", and was entangled with Shi. The classmates all knew that Qiao already had a girlfriend at that time, and the two were childhood sweethearts and had been together for many years. Someone also advised Qiao not to step on two boats and be careful of being counterattacked. But Qiao said that he was just playing with Shi, and he didn't take it seriously, and he would be fine.

There are also some kind-hearted classmates who persuaded Shi that Qiao already has a girlfriend, she is a returnee female master, no matter how you look at it, she is not a person who lacks suitors, and there is no need to destroy her reputation in this kind of thing.

But Shi had fallen into Qiao's ambiguity at this time and couldn't extricate himself, insisting that he could win Qiao's love through hard work, so he resolutely refused to quit.

Seeing that the two of them were willing to fight and the other were willing to suffer, others couldn't say anything, so they could only be regarded as invisible.

On August 20, 2013, Shi asked Qiao to go out again, and Qiao happily went to the appointment. During this period, Shi said that he had been walking for too long, and he was a little thirsty and wanted to drink water. Qiao stood under a big tree and smoked, waiting for Shi to buy a drink by himself.

A returnee female master hated her because of love, and she poisoned her boyfriend by buying colchicine online, what happened in the end?

It didn't take long for Shi to bring back an open bottle of Coke and motioned for Qiao to drink it. Qiao didn't care about the details, so he took it and took a sip. But after drinking it, I realized that this cola was actually bitter. He didn't believe in evil, so he tasted it a second time, and after confirming that the cola didn't taste right, he spit it out, indicating that Shi had bought a fake.

Shi took a sip of the Coke, and then quickly spit it out, admitting that the Coke tasted wrong. Qiao was unwilling to be deceived, so he pulled Shi and insisted on returning the goods. When the commissary owner heard them say that "Coke is bitter", he did not admit that he had sold fakes. But after tasting it, he found that it really didn't taste right, so he refunded them the Coke money and kept the remaining Coke, ready to go to the supplier to confront.

This matter seems inconspicuous, so Qiao didn't take it to heart. However, shortly after the date ended, he returned to the dormitory and experienced a series of abnormal physical reactions. When the classmate saw that something was wrong with him, he rushed him to the hospital. And then what we said earlier happened.

After learning about these things. The police preliminarily concluded that either the cola supplier shipped in violation of regulations, which caused the problems in this batch of food. Either Shi Mou moved in the middle. In order to determine the problem, the police acted on two fronts. One team went to summon Shi, and the other team went to the commissary to find evidence.

A returnee female master hated her because of love, and she poisoned her boyfriend by buying colchicine online, what happened in the end?

Soon, Shi was called to the police station for interrogation. There was also news from the Coke commissary, and the boss claimed that later that day, Shi had gone and returned and had replaced the bottle of Coke in question.

The chain of evidence is so clear that it is difficult for Shi to deny it, so he has to admit that he did poison Qiao, with the purpose of "punishing him".

The end of the game

The returnee female master failed to succeed in courtship, so she poisoned the man and tried to "teach him a lesson". What is the final outcome?

Shi is 31 years old this year and has a master's degree from a returnee who returned from studying abroad. In the training class, she unexpectedly met the humorous Qiao. Although Qiao is 4 years younger than her, his unique temperament and good image have made Shi have the desire to pursue. After trying for a period of time, Shi Mou, who found that the other party did not explicitly refuse, acquiesced in the relationship between the two in his heart.

A returnee female master hated her because of love, and she poisoned her boyfriend by buying colchicine online, what happened in the end?

However, after a few months of ambiguity, Qiao suddenly proposed to break up. Shi, who knew that he had a girlfriend, thought it was too embarrassing to be eliminated, and since then he has held a grudge against Qiao and is ready to find a way to "teach" him.

After that, Shi checked a lot of information on the Internet and found that colchicine can poison people, but if the amount of use is controlled, it will not kill people. After discovering this, Shi bought colchicine on the Internet, which was enough to kill, and then asked Qiao to come out and talk about it seriously.

A returnee female master hated her because of love, and she poisoned her boyfriend by buying colchicine online, what happened in the end?

Qiao didn't take it seriously, so he came out like that. Halfway through, after Shi bought a Coke, he secretly put some colchicine in it. After Qiao drank it, he found that something was wrong and insisted on returning the goods, which made Shi feel uneasy. She was worried that the bottle would be sold to other people and cause unnecessary trouble, so after the day's date, she returned to the commissary, saying that she wanted the bottle of Coke that she had returned during the day.

After getting the Coke, Shi poured out all the toxic liquid in it, and the bottle was also disposed of. I thought that this matter could be revealed, but I didn't expect Qiao to be so deeply poisoned.

A returnee female master hated her because of love, and she poisoned her boyfriend by buying colchicine online, what happened in the end?

The picture comes from the Internet

When faced with interrogation, Shi Mou repeatedly said that he really just wanted to teach him a lesson, and he did not want to kill people.

However, it is too late to regret what has already been done. The police sent Shi to the court on charges of intentional homicide and poisoning.

During this period, Shi's family actively contacted Qiao and paid 90,000 yuan in compensation. After Qiao woke up, he also issued a letter of understanding. But this does not change the fact that Shi poisoned and killed people.

In the end, under the court trial, Shi was convicted of intentional homicide. However, due to the attempted crime and the relatively minor circumstances, there were acts such as taking the initiative to confess the facts of the crime and actively compensating, plus there was a letter of understanding from Qiao, so he could be sentenced to eight years in prison.

A returnee female master hated her because of love, and she poisoned her boyfriend by buying colchicine online, what happened in the end?

After the first-instance trial results appeared, Shi believed that the judgment was too heavy, disobeyed the judgment, and appealed in court. At the same time, he repeatedly pointed out that he never had the idea of "killing Qiao" and should not be prosecuted for intentional homicide.

However, after a detailed investigation, the court found that this poisoning incident caused Qiao's abnormal liver function, lung infection, pleural effusion, and drug-induced lung injury, which had serious consequences and constituted the fact of intentional homicide. Therefore, the original judgment was upheld in the second instance.

In this way, Shi put on a silver bracelet and buried his good life. And Qiao also paid an irreversible physical price for his own heart.

A returnee female master hated her because of love, and she poisoned her boyfriend by buying colchicine online, what happened in the end?

What do you have to say about this? Please put your thoughts in the comment area below, and we'll see you next time.


Returnee female master sentenced to 8 years for poisoning male classmates-Digest-Guangming Network (

China Trial-Returnee Female Master's Degree "Poisoned" Male Classmate, Court Final Sentence Sentenced to 8 Years in Prison (

Returnee female master thinks that her feelings are being manipulated and poisoned by toxic substances purchased online--Caijing--People's Daily Online (