
Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

author:Shiro talks about entertainment

In 2017, Li Yong, whose career was in full swing, suddenly "disappeared" from CCTV.

A few months later, a big V posted a "Grab enough and leave" dynamic, saying that a family of three had "settled in the United States", and there were different opinions for a while.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

Just as the immigration talk was intensifying, Haven posted a news that her husband had died and that he would be buried in the United States in accordance with his request.

This statement has caused many people to be dissatisfied: as a celebrity, he doesn't believe in his own medical skills so much? Why do you have to go abroad? Is it bad to return to the roots?

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States
Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

Such doubts and rebukes continued endlessly, until 5 years after Li Yong's death, a doctor exposed the truth of his death, and everyone understood Li Yong's deep helplessness.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

Turn the clock back to 2017.

At that time, Li Yong was full of spirits, and his voice showed his national popularity, "Lucky 52" and "Very 6+1" accompanied the entire childhood of the post-80s and 90s.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

The strange thing is that just when his career was about to reach a higher level, Li Yong suddenly disappeared without saying a word.

Not long after, someone met a family of three in the United States, and after the news was transmitted back to China, a blogger came to "speak according to the picture" and made an immigrant.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

Fans couldn't accept it, and they ran to Havin's account for verification, although they got a "no" reply, but all kinds of suspicions still emerged.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

It wasn't until October 18 that Harvin posted that her husband had passed away from throat cancer, and everyone knew that Li Yong went to the United States not to immigrate but to treat illness.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

At that time, Li Yong, who was recording the show, accidentally fainted in the studio, and when he went to the hospital for treatment, he was diagnosed with advanced laryngeal cancer.

In order not to worry his elderly parents, Li Yong did not spread the news and chose to leave quietly.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

He passed away at only 50, and while everyone was sorry, they asked where the funeral was held and wanted to give him a ride.

Unexpectedly, he chose to bury his body in the United States, this news once again made netizens explode, saying that the fallen leaves returned to their roots, how could they choose to be buried in a foreign country?

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

Puzzled, angry, and all kinds of emotions, netizens found Haven again to ask for an explanation, and Haven explained:

This is the husband's entrustment before his death, and he is just fulfilling his last wish.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

It turned out that Li Yong and Harvin had a daughter, and they were sent to the United States to study when they were young.

As a father, Li Yong has been busy with his career and has very little time to spend with his daughter, and it has always been his regret that he can't witness his daughter's growth.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

In order to make up for his regrets and accompany his daughter more, Li Yong chose to go to the United States for treatment, and never thought that the heavens would not fulfill people's wishes, so he decided to bury himself in the United States and continue to accompany his daughter.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

Outside, he is a famous host who always makes everyone happy, and inside, he is an ordinary dad.

Everyone has a love for their son, although they have left this world, it is also a comfort to accompany their daughter in another way.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

After revealing the question of Li Yong's burial in the United States, some fans found that his parents were not present at the funeral, what is going on? Could it be that Harvin is in the way?

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

It turned out that Haven considered that his parents-in-law were old and his spirit had also been hit after experiencing the pain of losing his son, and considering the physical safety of his old family, he did not let the two old people come.

It was originally out of good intentions, but it was interpreted by everyone as "embezzling the inheritance", and Havin, who had just experienced the pain of losing his father, must have felt a lot of pressure in his heart.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

Time will tell, after the death of her husband, Harvin gave all the 200 million inheritance to her daughter, and she has not remarried, raising her daughter alone.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

Everyone knew the cause of Li Yong's death - laryngeal cancer from Havin's mouth, and the doctor who had seen him revealed the truth: the main cause of laryngeal cancer is smoking.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

After Li Yong's death, Ha Wen, who had experienced a major blow, lived strongly.

Every year, she will post a message to mourn her husband, and she is not good at describing the pain with words, and she can see from the short text that she misses her husband.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

Under Harvin's care, Hatumai grew up healthily, was generous, and was admitted to Columbia University, a prestigious American university, majoring in art.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

Today, Harvin sometimes watches musicals in the United States, sometimes visits the Louvre in France, and sometimes plays on the beach in Italy.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States
Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States
Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

Not long ago, her daughter Hatumai wore Li Yong's old clothes and took a photo with her mother, missing her father, which shows that the family really loves each other.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States
Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

In addition to taking good care of his daughter, Harvin has always regarded his parents-in-law as his parents, and will visit and send living expenses every year, and do his filial piety for his deceased husband, and slap all the little blacks in the mouth.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

After all the truth was revealed, everyone finally understood Li Yong and his choice.

He is a father to his daughters and a son to his parents.

All this stems from his love for his family, he continues to accompany his daughter in his own way, and he is also filial piety to his parents in his own way.

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