
Zhang Zhijie was delayed by Indonesia: there was no emergency team, no defibrillator, and the referee obstructed the rescue

author:Singled out mother-in-law for love

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At yesterday's Asian Youth Badminton Championships, an otherwise intense match ended in tragedy.

The 17-year-old Chinese teenager Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed during the game, and the emergency rescue at this time seemed to be shattered for various reasons.

The incident sparked a storm of controversy, and the key was whether the emergency rescue measures at the game site were appropriate.

Zhang Zhijie was delayed by Indonesia: there was no emergency team, no defibrillator, and the referee obstructed the rescue

At the critical moment of the game, Zhang Zhijie suddenly began to convulse, and the Chinese coach on the field quickly rushed up to check the situation, but at this time, the referee put on a posture of "no break-in", as if the game site had become a forbidden place for no one to enter.

You think, in an emergency, this is the responsibility of the coach, but the referee just didn't give up, and insisted on stopping the rescue team outside the field, dragging the young player for a full 80 seconds before the first aid personnel appeared.

This makes one wonder, shouldn't the referee ensure the safety of the athletes first? This is not a competition, this is a matter of human life, how can you not race against time? It's really a sight to make people's livers rise, and sometimes these rules should go with the flow, shouldn't they? If I were on the field, I would have "broken the rules" a long time ago and dared to stop me? Let you see my "black technology"!

Zhang Zhijie was delayed by Indonesia: there was no emergency team, no defibrillator, and the referee obstructed the rescue

What's even more outrageous is that the first aid team at the competition site is simply a "fighter in the amateur", and a group of people watched for a while, almost taking a "rescue diary" with their mobile phones.

Is there such a thing? Rescue time is a precious life for saving people!

In the eyes of these people, if they can't mobilize some "real skills", they might as well go home and raise dogs.

Zhang Zhijie was delayed by Indonesia: there was no emergency team, no defibrillator, and the referee obstructed the rescue

In the end, I hurriedly got on the stretcher and sent it to the hospital, I think the stretcher "can't bear human life"!

Is this to laugh at the dead? This kind of thing, hey, we have to tell the truth, sometimes we have to do it with real skills, otherwise rescuing individuals can become "tragedy".

How good is this first aid? You have to "make trouble" well, don't put people to death!

Zhang Zhijie was delayed by Indonesia: there was no emergency team, no defibrillator, and the referee obstructed the rescue

As soon as the problem of responsibility comes out, it is simply "blind"!

This is not a youth competition, it is a matter of human life, and there is no professional medical team and equipment, isn't this the competition venue as your own back garden? Afterwards, I still want to repay the debt, and say that I will be sent to the hospital quickly, which is simply "cheating the dog and eating"!

If it weren't for the live broadcast screen, what else would the family members see? Hey, this kind of indifference, if it is really my relatives, I will also have to be "angry"!

Zhang Zhijie was delayed by Indonesia: there was no emergency team, no defibrillator, and the referee obstructed the rescue

Alas, looking at this situation, what a "gnashing of teeth"!

You can't ignore this matter, you have to let the organizer give an explanation, otherwise no one will dare to break into the game, and you must not be "embarrassed"? I hope that there will never be such a tragedy again, we are not only fighting, but also protecting the life of every athlete.

Sports, is to be happy, can not make people teary-eyed, this is disrespectful to sports, irresponsible for life, I hope our efforts, can be exchanged for the safety and warmth of every game.

Zhang Zhijie was delayed by Indonesia: there was no emergency team, no defibrillator, and the referee obstructed the rescue

In the face of this series of misfortunes and mistakes, we can't help but ask, how should the safety management and first aid measures of sports events be improved? First of all, the organizers should strengthen the safety management of the competition venue and ensure that every competition is equipped with a professional first aid team and necessary rescue equipment.

This includes not only trained first aid personnel, but also adequate first aid equipment and emergency plans to respond to a variety of emergencies.

Second, while ensuring fairness, the rules of the competition should also reasonably accommodate the handling of emergencies and avoid excessive restraint that may lead to threats to life safety.

Zhang Zhijie was delayed by Indonesia: there was no emergency team, no defibrillator, and the referee obstructed the rescue

Finally, when facing problems, the organizers should be honest and responsible, disclose the truth in a timely manner, and accept social supervision and criticism, instead of covering up the problem by whitewashing the peace.

Zhang Zhijie's death is not only a tragedy, but also a warning to each of us to be responsible and respect for life.

It is hoped that through such lessons, the level of safety management of sports events can be improved, so that every participant can enjoy safety and dignity in the competition, and at the same time, every family can get the respect and comfort they deserve when they lose a loved one.

This is the proper attitude towards sports events and life, and it is also the direction and goal of each of us working together.

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