
Guo Hong: became popular with "The Pretender", is still single and unmarried at the age of 54, and her mother is her strong backing

author:Wind and thunder talk about the world
Guo Hong: became popular with "The Pretender", is still single and unmarried at the age of 54, and her mother is her strong backing
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Guo Hong: became popular with "The Pretender", is still single and unmarried at the age of 54, and her mother is her strong backing

In the dazzling entertainment industry, there is such a 54-year-old single actress, who has interpreted the true meaning of an actor with 31 years of persistence. Guo Hong, this name may not be well-known, but her role as a "lone wolf" in "The Pretender" left a deep impression on the audience.

From an obscure trick to a highly acclaimed "gold medal supporting actor", Guo Hong's road to success has not been smooth. What is it that has sustained her in this Vanity Fair for so long? And what is the reason for her to remain single at the age of 54? Let's walk into Guo Hong's story, uncover the secrets behind her success, and explore the source of her motivation.

Guo Hong's acting career began in the magical land of Dunhuang, Gansu. Growing up in a family full of artistic atmosphere, both parents are engaged in cultural and art-related work, such an environment naturally nourishes Guo Hong's love for performance.

However, the spark that really ignited her dream of acting was a chance encounter in high school.

Guo Hong: became popular with "The Pretender", is still single and unmarried at the age of 54, and her mother is her strong backing

In 1986, the crew of "Fengshen Bang" came to Dunhuang for filming. With a vision for his acting career, the young Guo Hong plucked up the courage to participate in the interview and successfully won a small role.

Although there are only a few lines, this experience has strengthened Guo Hong's determination to become an excellent actor. Standing on the stage and feeling the eyes of the audience, Guo Hong seems to have found the direction of life.

With this dream, Guo Hong was successfully admitted to the Lanzhou Military Region Combat Drama Troupe and officially embarked on her acting career. During her days in the repertory troupe, Guo Hong gradually rose from a small role to a leading role with her diligence and talent, winning praise from her colleagues.

However, just when many people thought that she had found a stable "iron rice bowl", Guo Hong came up with a bold idea.

Guo Hong: became popular with "The Pretender", is still single and unmarried at the age of 54, and her mother is her strong backing

She feels that although her acting skills have improved, she has not yet received systematic professional training, and seems to have fallen into a kind of "stagnation". Eager to make a breakthrough, Guo Hong made a surprising decision: to give up her job in the repertory troupe and go to Beijing for further study.

This decision is undoubtedly risky. The work of the repertory troupe is stable and the future is bright, and entering a professional school means starting over. However, Guo Hong firmly believes that only by stepping out of the comfort zone can infinite possibilities be unlocked.

So, she resolutely chose the Central Academy of Drama and started a new learning journey.

From Dunhuang to Beijing, from the Repertory Theatre to the Drama Academy, Guo Hong's every step is full of love and dedication to his acting career. Although the future is uncertain, she always believes that as long as she sticks to her dreams, she will eventually shine one day.

Guo Hong: became popular with "The Pretender", is still single and unmarried at the age of 54, and her mother is her strong backing

This experience not only exercised Guo Hong's will, but also laid a solid foundation for her to gain a foothold in the highly competitive entertainment industry in the future.

Guo Hong, who stepped into the entertainment industry, soon realized that the road to fame was far more difficult than imagined. In 1993, she was no longer young, and finally ushered in her screen debut "Black Love".

However, this is only the beginning, and in the days that followed, Guo Hong had to face more setbacks and waiting.

In the early days of the entertainment industry, Guo Hong found that he lacked sufficient network resources. She is not a young Hua Dan from a professional background, and she has no prominent background to support her.

Guo Hong: became popular with "The Pretender", is still single and unmarried at the age of 54, and her mother is her strong backing

In this circle, which relies on relationships and appearance, Guo Hong can only rely on his own efforts and strength to slowly accumulate experience.

It wasn't until 1997 that Guo Hong ushered in her dream starring opportunity, starring in the TV series "Winter Love" and the suspense drama "Forgiveness". However, to her disappointment, these two works did not cause much repercussions among the audience.

But Guo Hong was not discouraged by this, but strengthened her belief: the role is no matter how big or small, as long as there is an opportunity, she believes that her acting skills will eventually be recognized by the audience.

In this way, Guo Hong began her long career as a supporting actor. Sometimes it's a small character with a few lines, sometimes it's even just a passerby with a quick glimpse. But no matter how big or small the role is, Guo Hong is fully committed and strives to make each role vivid.

Guo Hong: became popular with "The Pretender", is still single and unmarried at the age of 54, and her mother is her strong backing

She is convinced that a true actor does not rely on momentary luck, but on perseverance.

This period was undoubtedly difficult for Guo Hong. In an industry that advocates youth and good looks, she has neither a prominent background nor an outstanding appearance.

Many times, she struggled to even get interviews. But Guo Hong never gave up, she believes that as long as she persists, she will eventually wait for her own opportunity.

In the past ten years, Guo Hong has continued to sharpen her acting skills and accumulate experience. She has worked in productions large and small, and while few remember her name, each of her performances paves the way for future success.

Guo Hong: became popular with "The Pretender", is still single and unmarried at the age of 54, and her mother is her strong backing

She treats every seemingly insignificant role as a stepping stone to success, and she thinks about it with her heart and strives for excellence.

This period of obscurity, although hard, laid a solid foundation for Guo Hong's future success. It is the accumulation of these years that allows her to calmly cope with the opportunity when it comes, showing amazing acting skills.

Guo Hong's experience tells us that there is no shortcut on the road of acting. Only after long-term training and accumulation can we shine when the opportunity comes.

She proved with her actions that as long as you have a dream in your heart, it is never too late; As long as you persevere, you will be able to create miracles.

Guo Hong: became popular with "The Pretender", is still single and unmarried at the age of 54, and her mother is her strong backing

In the past ten years, Guo Hong's acting skills have not only been exercised, but also her will has been honed. It laid the groundwork for Guo Hong's wonderful performance in "The Pretender" in the future, and also laid the foundation for her to become a "gold medal supporting actor".

2015 was a decisive turning point for Guo Hong, who has been in the entertainment industry for many years. This year, she came across the work that changed her career - "The Pretender".

This spy war drama not only allowed Guo Hong's acting skills to be fully displayed, but also made her finally widely recognized.

In "The Pretender", Guo Hong played a villain named "Lone Wolf". The role is extremely challenging, requiring the actor to be able to show the villain's viciousness and inner struggle at the same time.

Guo Hong: became popular with "The Pretender", is still single and unmarried at the age of 54, and her mother is her strong backing

For Guo Hong, this is undoubtedly a great opportunity to prove himself.

With years of accumulated acting skills and a deep understanding of the role, Guo Hong interprets the role of "lone wolf" well. Her performance not only made the audience hate this villain, but also aroused the audience's curiosity and attention to the actor himself.

Some viewers even angrily ran to her social media to abuse, which proved that Guo Hong's acting skills are superb and make the role deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Li Xue, the director of "The Pretender", with his unique vision, chose Guo Hong, who was still unknown at the time, to play this important role. This decision not only added luster to the series, but also opened a new chapter in Guo Hong's acting career.

Guo Hong: became popular with "The Pretender", is still single and unmarried at the age of 54, and her mother is her strong backing

With the hit of "The Pretender", Guo Hong became famous in one fell swoop. Her superb acting skills have been widely recognized, and she has also won more opportunities to perform. Since then, Guo Hong has gradually become a "villain supporting role professional" in the film and television industry, and has created a deeply rooted role in many well-known works.

In "The Legend of Ruyi", she played Fujia; In "Police Honor", she is Xia Jie's mother; In "Qingping Le", she became Li Wei's mother again.

For every role, Guo Hong has poured all her efforts into showing the characteristics and inner world of the character vividly.

The success of "The Pretender" is not only the reward of Guo Hong's persistence for many years, but also a new starting point for her acting career. It proves that as long as there is strength, age and appearance are not factors that hinder success.

Guo Hong: became popular with "The Pretender", is still single and unmarried at the age of 54, and her mother is her strong backing

Guo Hong used her own experience to tell us that on the road of acting, what really matters is excellent acting skills and the spirit of never giving up.

This success also made Guo Hong more determined in her career choice. She knows that as an actor, whether it is a positive or negative role, you need to put your heart and soul into it.

It is this professionalism that has allowed her to always maintain her position in the highly competitive entertainment industry and win the respect of the audience and peers.

After becoming famous, Guo Hong did not settle for the status quo, but worked harder to devote herself to every role. She knows that in the ever-changing entertainment industry, only by constantly improving herself can she stay competitive.

Guo Hong: became popular with "The Pretender", is still single and unmarried at the age of 54, and her mother is her strong backing

Guo Hong's attitude towards each role fully reflects her professionalism as a professional actor.

In the TV series "Because I Met You", Guo Hong once again challenged herself and played a complex villain role - adoptive mother Wang Aiyu. This role requires a lot of emotional scenes, including one scene that requires Guo Hong to cry and complain.

In order to perfectly interpret this role, Guo Hong did not hesitate to push himself to the limit.

On a hot afternoon, Guo Hong threw herself into the role. However, due to the hot weather and intense mood swings, she suddenly felt difficulty breathing. Despite this, Guo Hong still insisted on completing the shooting, and was not sent to the hospital for treatment until the last shot was over.

Guo Hong: became popular with "The Pretender", is still single and unmarried at the age of 54, and her mother is her strong backing

This kind of desperate professionalism has won the admiration and admiration of the crew members.

Even though he is over half a hundred years old, Guo Hong still maintains his enthusiasm and focus on his acting career. In 2022, 54-year-old Guo Hong starred in the TV series "The River is Rising", once again proving his strength.

This hit on Hunan Satellite TV shows Guo Hong's charm as a mature actor.

In 2024, Guo Hong will participate in the highly anticipated TV series "Six Sisters". On the occasion of her 56th birthday, the crew also specially posted Weibo blessings, which not only reflects respect for Guo Hong, but also shows that she is still active in the front line of acting at this age.

Guo Hong: became popular with "The Pretender", is still single and unmarried at the age of 54, and her mother is her strong backing

Guo Hong used her own actions to interpret what a real actor is. In her opinion, whether it is the protagonist or the supporting role, every role is worth playing with heart. It is this professionalism that has allowed her to always maintain her position in the highly competitive entertainment industry and win the respect of the audience and peers.

Guo Hong's story tells us that true success comes from love and unremitting hard work.

Looking back, Guo Hong has never regretted his choice. On her 54th birthday, she shared a photo of her youth when she was 18 years old on social media, and said with emotion: "Guo Hong, you once determined your ambition at that time, and you have unswervingly come to this day, which is really great!" This sentence is not only an affirmation of one's past self, but also an expectation for the future.

Although she is over half a hundred years old, Guo Hong has not moved on the marriage event. But for her, the meaning of life is more than just marriage. In addition to the busy filming, she will quietly enjoy a football game and enjoy every beauty in life.

Guo Hong: became popular with "The Pretender", is still single and unmarried at the age of 54, and her mother is her strong backing

For marriage and love, she chooses to go with the flow and wait patiently.

Guo Hong's mother has always been her strong backing, giving her unlimited support and encouragement. Even after the death of her mother, this strength still supports Guo Hong to continue to move forward.

She lives a simple and fulfilling life alone, focusing on her acting career, which she loves.

Guo Hong's story tells us that age is not an obstacle to pursuing dreams, and perseverance and hard work will eventually pay off. With 31 years of perseverance, she has interpreted what is the real spirit of an actor.

Guo Hong: became popular with "The Pretender", is still single and unmarried at the age of 54, and her mother is her strong backing

In this era of rapid change, Guo Hong's experience has undoubtedly given us a lot of inspiration: as long as you have a dream in your heart, it is never too late; As long as you persevere, you will be able to create miracles.

Guo Hong's philosophy of life is the perfect combination of the persistent pursuit of dreams and a positive attitude towards life.

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