
After Guo Qilin left Deyun Club, he chose to live with his mother, and his mother is better in the world after all

author:Wind and thunder talk about the world
After Guo Qilin left Deyun Club, he chose to live with his mother, and his mother is better in the world after all
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After Guo Qilin left Deyun Club, he chose to live with his mother, and his mother is better in the world after all

At the beginning of 2024, a news that shook the entertainment industry sounded like thunder: Guo Qilin, a popular cross talk actor in Deyun Club, announced his resignation. This 30-year-old young talent, despite the opposition of his father Guo Degang, resolutely chose to leave the stage where he grew up.

What's even more remarkable is that Guo Qilin drove alone to his mother Hu Zhonghui's luxurious villa and decided to live with his biological mother after a nine-year absence.

To understand Kwok's choice, we need to go back to his parents' love story. In the 90s of the last century, Guo Degang, who had a dream of cross talk, came to work at the Tianjin Cultural Center.

There, he met the beautiful and generous Hu Zhonghui. The two fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love.

After Guo Qilin left Deyun Club, he chose to live with his mother, and his mother is better in the world after all

However, the relationship was not all smooth sailing. The Hu family's parents strongly opposed the young cross talk actor, but Hu Zhonghui still firmly chose to follow his heart.

She resolutely embarked on the road of North Drift with Guo Degang, gave up the original superior living conditions, and wholeheartedly supported her lover to chase her dreams.

Life in Beijing is far more difficult than you think. Guo Degang's acting career started hard, and the couple made great efforts to make a living. When I learned that I was about to become a parent, my already stretched life was even worse.

Faced with the ensuing pressure, Guo Degang fell into deep confusion and despair for a while.

After Guo Qilin left Deyun Club, he chose to live with his mother, and his mother is better in the world after all

During these difficult years, Hu Zhonghui silently bore the burden of life. She not only has to take care of her family, but also support Guo Degang's career. However, as time goes by, the weight of life deepens the conflict between the two.

Guo Degang was eager to start his own business and open a cross talk theater, but due to a shortage of funds, many attempts ended in failure. Each failure is a huge blow to the young couple and a test of their feelings.

In the end, after Guo Degang failed to start a business again, Hu Zhonghui made a difficult decision - to file for divorce.

The end of this marriage not only brought great pain to Guo Degang and Hu Zhonghui, but also left a psychological wound that was difficult to heal for the young Guo Qilin. Six-year-old Guo Qilin was forced to separate from his mother and live with his father.

After Guo Qilin left Deyun Club, he chose to live with his mother, and his mother is better in the world after all

This experience may be one of the deeper reasons why Guo Qilin chose to return to his mother after many years.

The love story of Guo Degang and Hu Zhonghui shows the cruel reality of life. It tells us that sometimes love is no match for the pressures of reality, and even if two people once loved each other deeply, they can be overwhelmed by the burdens of life.

The failure of this relationship not only affected the life trajectory of the two people, but also deeply affected their child, Guo Qilin.

Fate is always full of drama. Just when Guo Degang fell into a low point in his life and suffered setbacks in his career and marriage, a chance opportunity changed the trajectory of his life.

After Guo Qilin left Deyun Club, he chose to live with his mother, and his mother is better in the world after all

During a stage performance, Guo Degang got acquainted with Ms. Wang Hui, an outstanding representative of the Jingyun Drum Orchestra.

Wang Hui was amazed by Guo Degang's talent, and she had a keen insight into the potential of this young cross talk actor. Her praise and encouragement were like a shot in the arm, rekindling the flame of hope in Guo Degang's heart.

A deep friendship was quickly established between the two, and Wang Hui became a staunch supporter of Guo Degang's career.

Unlike Hu Zhonghui, Wang Hui not only gave Guo Degang strength spiritually, but also fully supported him materially. She even did not hesitate to sell the car property given by her parents, and poured all her treasured jewelry into helping Guo Degang tide over the difficulties.

After Guo Qilin left Deyun Club, he chose to live with his mother, and his mother is better in the world after all

This selfless dedication deeply touched Guo Degang.

With the help of Wang Hui, Guo Degang finally realized his dream for many years - founded Deyun Club. What started as a small dream has now grown into a big name in the entertainment industry.

The success of Deyun Club not only proves Guo Degang's talent, but also witnesses Wang Hui's vision and dedication.

In order to express his gratitude to Wang Hui, Guo Degang made a shocking decision: to give up to 99% of the equity of Deyun Club to Wang Hui. This move not only reflects Guo Degang's gratitude, but also gives Wang Hui a pivotal position in Deyun Club.

After Guo Qilin left Deyun Club, he chose to live with his mother, and his mother is better in the world after all

However, behind success often lies an unknown price. The combination of Guo Degang and Wang Hui brought about a take-off in his career, but also made the young Guo Qilin lose the company of his biological mother.

Although Wang Hui treats Guo Qilin as his own, the lack of family affection that blood is thicker than water has always been a wound in Guo Qilin's heart that is difficult to heal.

The rise of Deyun Club has witnessed Guo Degang's talent and Wang Hui's dedication, but it also reflects a cruel reality: on the road to chasing dreams, some emotional sacrifices are inevitable.

This may also be one of the reasons why Guo Qilin resolutely left Deyun Club many years later, he is looking for an emotional balance, a long-lost maternal love.

After Guo Qilin left Deyun Club, he chose to live with his mother, and his mother is better in the world after all

Guo Qilin's growth road is like a journey full of thorns. When he was six years old, the haze of his parents' divorce hung over this immature mind and became a lingering shadow in his life.

Forced to live with his father, he had to adapt to a new family environment, and his heart was full of anxiety and fear in the face of strange people and things.

The arrival of stepmother Wang Hui brought a touch of warmth to Guo Qilin's life. She cared for Guo Qilin like her own child, trying to fill the void in his heart that he had lost his mother's love.

However, his father Guo Degang's strict education method brought endless troubles and pressure to the young Guo Qilin.

After Guo Qilin left Deyun Club, he chose to live with his mother, and his mother is better in the world after all

In public, Guo Degang often criticized Guo Qilin mercilessly, making this young child feel ashamed in front of everyone. This kind of "cold violence" style of education made Guo Qilin feel devastated.

At home, he could only eat alone in silence on the stairs, as if an outsider, unable to integrate into his new family. This unfair treatment made Guo Qilin deeply misunderstand and disappointed his father.

With the birth of his younger brother, Guo Qilin's situation is even more difficult. He lost his own independent space, and even daily necessities needed to be shared with his brother.

This feeling of neglect and neglect made Guo Qilin feel like a homeless street child, living in pain and depression.

After Guo Qilin left Deyun Club, he chose to live with his mother, and his mother is better in the world after all

However, Guo Qilin was not knocked down by these difficulties. He worked hard in Deyun Club, and with his talent and diligence, he gradually grew into a high-profile cross talk artist.

He has shown impeccable professionalism and high character, won the affection of a wide audience, and has never been involved in any negative press.

In the highly competitive entertainment industry, Guo Qilin proved himself with his own strength. He has not only made achievements in the art of cross talk, but also emerged in film and television works, becoming a leader among the new generation of actors.

These achievements are all earned by his countless efforts and sweat.

After Guo Qilin left Deyun Club, he chose to live with his mother, and his mother is better in the world after all

However, superficial success cannot hide the wounds inside. Over the years, Guo Qilin has been looking for an emotional balance, trying to fill the lack of maternal love in his childhood.

Despite the success of his career, the feeling of emptiness in his heart has always lingered.

This complex psychological state may be the deep reason why he finally decided to leave Deyun Club and return to his mother's arms. He longs to heal the wounds of his childhood and relive the long-lost love of his mother.

At the same time, this decision also reflects Guo Qilin's repositioning of his own identity, he is no longer just Guo Degang's son, but wants to become an independent individual.

After Guo Qilin left Deyun Club, he chose to live with his mother, and his mother is better in the world after all

Guo Qilin's growth process shows that behind a star who shines on the art stage, that ordinary person who longs for love and understanding. His story teaches us to be brave enough to pursue our heart's true desires, even in the face of many difficulties and setbacks.

In 2024, Guo Qilin made a decision that shocked the entertainment industry: to leave Deyun Club and return to his mother Hu Zhonghui. This decision is not only a farewell to the past, but also an expectation for the future, marking a major turning point in his life.

When Guo Qilin drove to his mother's luxury villa alone, his heart was full of mixed emotions. Nine years of separation have left both mother and son with too much to say. He took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to ring the doorbell.

When Hu Zhonghui opened the door, he saw his son, who had grown up, and tears couldn't help but burst out of his eyes. Mother and son hugged each other and cried, and years of longing and guilt were vented at this moment.

After Guo Qilin left Deyun Club, he chose to live with his mother, and his mother is better in the world after all

In the warm embrace of his mother, Guo Qilin felt the sense of security that he had been longing for for many years. He confided in his mother about the hardships of the years, the trauma of his childhood, the misunderstanding of his father, and the longing for motherly love in his heart.

Hu Zhonghui listened quietly, caressing her son's face distressedly, as if she wanted to make up for the mother's love she had missed over the years.

Although he left the familiar stage of Deyun Club, Guo Qilin did not give up his career pursuit. He said with confidence that he will continue to develop in the entertainment industry and use his talent and hard work to create a more brilliant future.

This time, the choice is not to retreat, but to move forward better.

After Guo Qilin left Deyun Club, he chose to live with his mother, and his mother is better in the world after all

Regarding the doubts and speculations from the outside world, Guo Qilin remained silent. He understands that this decision can be controversial, but he firmly believes that only peace of mind and happiness are the most important.

He hopes to prove through his actions that family and career can be balanced.

The road ahead may be challenging, but Guo Qilin is ready. He believes that with his mother's support and love, he will be able to shine in a new stage of life.

This decision is not only a reconciliation of the past, but also a vision for the future.

After Guo Qilin left Deyun Club, he chose to live with his mother, and his mother is better in the world after all

Guo Qilin's story allows us to see how a child who grew up in the spotlight bravely faced his inner desire and made a choice that changed his life.

It reminds us to listen to our inner voice, no matter what the situation, and to be brave in the pursuit of true happiness.

Guo Qilin's story profoundly illustrates an eternal truth: no matter how successful you are, the deep desire for maternal love is always indelible. He bravely chose to return to his mother, not only to make up for his past regrets, but also to redefine his life.

As he realized: "There is still only a mother in the world." This decision may affect his career development, but it is undoubtedly the right choice for emotional healing and self-growth.

After Guo Qilin left Deyun Club, he chose to live with his mother, and his mother is better in the world after all

We look forward to seeing a new Guo Qilin, nourished by maternal love, not only continue to shine in his career, but also get a more comprehensive development in personality and bloom a more dazzling light.

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