
8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

author:The history is cloudy
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8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

Mao Ning

At his peak, he appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 8 times, and Mao Ning, who was known as the head of the "Four Heavenly Kings of the Mainland", should have a bright future.

But because of a moment of confusion, he made a big mistake and was imprisoned.

Now 55 years old, he has long been forgotten by the entertainment industry, and even his former old partner is no longer cared for.

So, what exactly did he do back then?

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are detailed at the end of the article.

A former male god

Mao Ning, who was born in a musical family, has had a musical dream since he was a child.

In 1989, Mao Ning resolutely went to Guangdong and began a difficult career as a singer.

During the days when he sang in the bar, he met Yang Yuying, who also had a musical dream.

Two like-minded young people soon became each other's confidants.

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

Opportunities always favor those who are prepared, and with a cover album "The Highest Peak", Mao Ning successfully attracted the attention of the record company.

In 1993, he appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for the first time and conquered the hearts of audiences across the country with "The Sound of the Waves".

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

That year, he was 24 years old.

Under the spotlight, Mao Ning wore a formal suit and sang "The Sound of the Waves Remains" affectionately.

Offstage, the audience reveled in his magnetic voice and applauded like thunder. At this moment, he felt the joy of making his dream come true.

From an unknown bar singer to the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, he has not been easy along the way.

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

Once, his parents opposed him taking the path of music, but with his own hard work and persistence, he finally realized his dream. In this way, Mao Ning went farther and farther in the music world and became an idol in the hearts of a generation.

In 1994, he and Yang Yuying formed the "Golden Boy and Jade Girl" group and started a national tour.

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

Fans are frantically following in their footsteps. Their names have been printed in the diaries of countless boys and girls.

Mao Ning's popularity is soaring, he has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 8 times and has become a popular idol in the spotlight.

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

In 1996, he was named the first of the "Four Heavenly Kings of the Mainland" and reached the peak of his career.

Looking at the trophy in his hand, he was full of emotion. However, no one thought that this superstar in the music industry would encounter a major turning point in his life at the peak of his career.

An accident that completely changed his life...

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

Bizarre "assassination" turmoil

On November 22, 2000, an astonishing news spread quickly: the music superstar Mao Ning was assassinated and his life was in danger! The moment the news broke, countless fans were shocked.

According to Mao Ning's later self-report, he encountered a robbery by gangsters that night, and he resisted hard, but unfortunately was stabbed by gangsters with a knife.

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

The doctor said that Mao Ning was seriously injured, and was stabbed in multiple places in his left chest, abdomen, and shoulder, and almost died.

However, unexpectedly, the police investigation found that the perpetrators were actually people engaged in pornographic activities.

After the incident, some people jumped out claiming to be Mao Ning's "boyfriend".

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

Although the truth has not yet been revealed, rumors such as "homosexuality" and "chaotic private life" have made Mao Ning's image plummet.

In the face of overwhelming doubts, Mao Ning fell into an unprecedented whirlpool of public opinion. On the hospital bed, Mao Ning watched the overwhelming reports on TV, and his heart was like a knife.

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

He wanted to stand up and defend himself, but he was too badly injured to deal with the surging doubts. What made him even more helpless was that the dissemination of information at that time was not as developed as it is now, and he was simply unable to clarify the facts to the public in the first place.

And when he was finally discharged from the hospital and was about to hold a press conference to clarify himself, he found that the turmoil had subsided. The public's attention has long since shifted to other hot events.

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

However, the damage has already been done. In the hearts of many people, Mao Ning's image has changed from a "music superstar" to a "homosexual".

Although some friends later testified for him that the so-called "boyfriend" did not exist at all, the negative impact had already taken place and it was difficult to eliminate.

What's even more ironic is that when the police found Fan Xiaoyu, who claimed to be her "boyfriend", and wanted to ask what was going on, he was hesitant and could not justify himself.

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

However, for Mao Ning, the price of this farce is too great. The image of a perfect idol that has been in business for many years has been ruined in one fell swoop.

From then on, when Mao Ning is mentioned, people no longer think of the high-spirited music superstar, but an outdated star who is involved in "same-sex scandals".

Perhaps it was the fall of his acting career that put him on a road of no return...

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

Drug abuse was banned, and life fell to the bottom

In November 2015, a piece of news once again pushed Mao Ning to the forefront. This time, he was confirmed by the police to be suspected of smoking prohibited substances!

As soon as the news came out, it caused a sensation all over the country. Once, he was the idol in the hearts of thousands of girls and the most dazzling star in the music world. However, at this moment, he has become a "junkie" that everyone spurns.

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

Drug use is a red line that cannot be crossed and violates the bottom line of the law.

The moment the news came out, Mao Ning's heart was completely cold. After years of struggling with pressure and temptation, he finally got to this point of no return. He knew that he was really done this time.

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

Sure enough, the pressure of public opinion swept in, and countless people condemned him and scolded him on the Internet.

His performances were canceled, his songs were taken off the shelves, and everything about him was wiped out overnight.

He wanted to make amends, he wanted to repent, but it was too late. In the public's mind, he is already a "bad artist", and he has no chance to turn over.

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

has appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for 8 times, and the male god in the hearts of tens of millions of people has withdrawn from the public eye, perhaps, this is the punishment of fate for him.

Once, he was a high-profile music superstar; And now, he has been reduced to a prisoner.

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

After being released, Mao Ning was full of joy and wanted to return to the music scene, but found that it had long been wrong.

The stain of drug abuse has become an insurmountable gap for him, and even his former friends avoid him.

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

Who would have thought that in April 2023, someone exposed an intimate video of Mao Ning and a rich woman. I saw Mao Ning performing stage, singing hoarsely, he and the rich woman were talking and laughing, and they were intimate.

It is said that the female boss who invited Mao Ning spent 1.5 million!

"The dignified singer has also fallen into such a field..."Seeing this scene, netizens all sighed.

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

Looking back on his experience, what made a promising singer embark on such a point of no return?

Some say that it was the temptation of fame and fortune that blinded him; Some people also say that it is because he himself did not grasp himself well that he will fall step by step.

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch

But in any case, Mao Ning's story provides a profound lesson for all of us: in life, we must always keep a clear head and not lose the bottom line of being a human being.

Even if Mao Ning expressed repentance afterwards, it was no longer of much significance. Knowing that you can't do it, and then repenting after being discovered, it's already useless...

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch


I hope that in the future, no one will touch the bottom line of the law. Everyone should learn from his lesson and keep reminding themselves while chasing their dreams. Only in this way can we go more steadily and further on this long road of life.

8 times on the Spring Festival Gala but died and was imprisoned, and now he is 55 years old and no one cares, and his old partner is no longer in touch


1. Beijing Morning Post November 28, 2015: Singer Mao Ning was arrested for taking drugs and expressed sadness at Hanxiao Manwenjun's drug use

2. CCTV November 28, 2015: Singer Mao Ning was arrested for taking methamphetamine and was "shocked" by Manchu Wenjun's drug use

3. China News Network, November 27, 2015: Mao Ning was caught by the police for taking methamphetamine and called on celebrities to strengthen self-discipline