
Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

author:The history is cloudy
Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

A woman in Gansu has been chasing Andy Lau for 12 years, and in order to marry an idol as soon as possible, she forced her father to sell his house and kidney, and even committed suicide by jumping into the sea.

In the face of the overwhelming accusations on the Internet, she bluntly said: If Andy Lau had met me earlier, it would not have caused this tragedy!

Now that time has passed, has this "originator of illegitimate rice" realized his original mistake?

What kind of life is she living now?

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are detailed at the end of the article.

Obsessed with idols, do whatever it takes

Yang Lijuan was born in an ordinary working family in Lanzhou, Gansu Province.

When she was 11 years old, Yang Lijuan saw Andy Lau on TV for the first time.

His singing, his looks, and his temperament deeply attracted this girl.

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

She decorated her room into a small "Andy Lau Palace".

The walls are plastered with posters of idols, and the bookshelves are filled with Andy Lau's records.

In Yang Lijuan's mind, whether it is age, height or appearance, she is the most suitable for Andy Lau.

She firmly believes that as long as Andy Lau sees herself, she will definitely like herself and marry herself.

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

So, seeing Andy Lau himself became Yang Lijuan's obsession and pursuit.

In order to be able to see the idol in her heart, Yang Lijuan resolutely dropped out of school.

She did everything possible to inquire about Andy Lau's itinerary and movements, and did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy concert tickets, going back and forth to Lanzhou, Beijing, Hong Kong and other places.

Just to be able to get up close and personal with idols even once!

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

At first, Yang Lijuan's parents did not interfere too much with their daughter's behavior.

They think that their daughter is still young, and chasing stars is just a whim, and they will automatically give up after a while;

At the same time, they couldn't bear to ruin their daughter's interest, after all, this was their daughter's infatuation.

As everyone knows, it was the connivance of her parents that made Yang Lijuan's star-chasing road more and more deviated, and finally made a big mistake.

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

Chasing stars and killing his father, he committed suicide

In March 2007, Yang Lijuan finally met Andy Lau in Hong Kong, and the two took a group photo.

After years of long-cherished wish fulfilled, Yang Lijuan was so excited that she almost fainted.

However, the meeting in just a few minutes did not extinguish the flame in Yang Lijuan's heart, but made her desire burn more and more.

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

Since then, Yang Lijuan has begun to harass Andy Lau more intensively.

She asked to meet Andy Lau alone many times, but was rejected by Andy Lau's agent.

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

Father Yang watched his daughter suffer frustration and disappointment again and again in despair, and his heart was full of powerlessness.

In his opinion, it was Andy Lau's indifference and ruthlessness that made his daughter so painful.

A crazy idea gradually took shape in Yang's father's heart: use his life to fight for his daughter!

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

On March 26, 2007, a bad news came from Hong Kong: Yang Lijuan's father committed suicide by jumping into the sea in Causeway Bay.

On the body of Yang's father, people found a suicide note with thousands of words long.

This suicide note is an indictment written by Yang's father with blood and tears with his life.

He accused Andy Lau of being indifferent and ruthless, and it was he who pushed his daughter and the whole family to a desperate situation.

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

At the end of the suicide note, Yang's father forced him to die, demanding that Andy Lau must meet Yang Lijuan and give an explanation.

"If I can't even fulfill this last wish, I won't be blinded by ghosts!"

Yang's father's suicide caused an uproar in Hong Kong and the mainland.

For a time, Yang Lijuan and Andy Lau became the target of public criticism.

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

The media rushed to report on this tragedy of chasing stars and killing people, and hyped up the title of "Andy Lanzhou Female Fanatic, Tired Father Buried in Hong Kong and Sea".

People have accused her of being an unfilial daughter, and she killed her biological father.

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

On the Internet, the three words "Yang Lijuan" have become synonymous with madness and stupidity, and countless abuses and curses have poured in like a flood and drowned her.

In the face of the media's long guns and short guns, Yang Lijuan seemed at a loss.

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

On the one hand, she felt extremely remorseful and remorseful for her father's death; On the other hand, she put the blame on Andy Lau.

"If he had seen me earlier, if he had given an explanation, maybe there would not have been today's tragedy."

She quietly returned to Lanzhou, hiding at home and not wanting to see anyone.

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

In order to atone for her sins, she went to volunteer at a local charity in an attempt to heal her inner wounds.

And Andy Lau, the idol that Yang Lijuan has been dreaming of for 13 years, was not spared from this tragedy.

Yang's father's suicide brought a huge impact and pressure on his spirit, and he had to suspend work and receive psychological counseling.

In front of the public, he can no longer show his former demeanor and calmness.

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

The death of her father did not make Yang Lijuan completely sober up, and in her heart, the fire of obsession was still burning.

She stubbornly believes that only Andy Lau can fulfill his father's last wish if Andy Lau attends his father's funeral.

Once again, however, this request was denied.

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

Heartbroken, Yang Lijuan did not give up.

She made a desperate bet and appealed to the court, asking Andy Lau to give "justice".

However, losing the lawsuit again and again, like a slap in the face, shattered her last illusion.

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

Wake up and regain your life

Time flies, and the story of Yang Lijuan's crazy star-chasing gradually fades out of the public's field of vision.

In 2014, she made her first public appearance on a television show.

Facing the camera, the former "star chaser" choked up and said:

"I implore all fans to stop being crazy about Andy Lau. He is not worth wasting your precious youth and life. "

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

Speaking of her father, Yang Lijuan couldn't control her emotions anymore and couldn't cry: "Dad, come back quickly!" I really know it's wrong and I'll never do anything stupid again! "

However, remorse and frustration did not make Yang Lijuan completely relieved.

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

In 2019, when she appeared on the TV show again, she still had a trace of stubbornness in her words when she talked about the past.

"Why, after all these years, has he never shown the slightest concern? Even if it's just a greeting, that's fine. "

Today's Yang Lijuan is like the girl who spent a lot of money chasing stars back then.

She lives with her mother in a modest low-rent house on the outskirts of the city.

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

In order not to touch the sad past, Yang Lijuan is almost isolated from the outside world, does not watch TV, does not surf the Internet, as if she is deliberately avoiding something.

In order to support herself and her mother, Yang Lijuan had to go out to work.

Working as a promoter in a supermarket is her current way of making a living.

Although she only has a meager income of 2,000 yuan a month, Yang Lijuan feels that this job is very suitable for her.

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

Whenever she is recognized on the street or in the supermarket, pointing and talking about it, her heart will be filled with bitterness.

My mother is very old and needs her to take care of her daily life.

In order to let her mother eat better and dress warmer, Yang Lijuan saved money and spent most of her income on her mother.

The burden of life often makes Yang Lijuan breathless.

The only relaxation is to sing with the aunts of the community choir every week.

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

At home, there are no traces of the past, and the surroundings of those idols that were once treasures have been burned.

Now Yang Lijuan doesn't even want to mention that name anymore.

"He" became synonymous with that person.

Every time she sees her mother's old face, Yang Lijuan will unconsciously think of her father, and tears will roll in her eyes.

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45


Yang Lijuan's story is a bloody lesson.

It warns us that we must treat idols correctly, look at star-chasing rationally, cherish life, and cherish the people in front of us.

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45

At the same time, it also gives us a lesson: there will inevitably be ups and downs in life, and the key is to have the courage to face them and have the determination to change. As long as we are willing to work hard, there is always hope to get out of the haze and see the light again.

Yang Lijuan once went bankrupt to chase Andy Lau, and now lives in a cheap rental house, and is still unmarried at the age of 45


1. Henan Metropolis Channel-2019.11.07-"Regret! In order to chase Andy Lau, his family went bankrupt and his father committed suicide! Now Yang Lijuan tells the latest situation"

2. People's Daily Online-2019.11.04-""Yu See Later" interviewed Yang Lijuan, a star-chasing madman 12 years ago: Life will never be like that again"

3. CCTV-2007.04.03-"Yang Lijuan didn't want to see Andy Lau when she went to Hong Kong again, and she wanted to make a feature film in the process of chasing stars"

4. China Youth Daily - 2007.04.04 - "Yang Lijuan's Psychological Slice of the Tragedy of Star Chasing"

5. CCTV-2007.04.03-"The Absence of Idols Leads to Tragedy, Who Will Heal the Sick Star Chaser?" 》

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