
Sure enough, there are 360 lines, and each line has its own Wolong and Phoenix Chicks! I took medicine for my husband and almost sent it away

author:Read the entertainment

Text|A reading of Feng Yu

Edit|Yiyue Fengyu

Sure enough, there are 360 lines, and each line has its own Wolong and Phoenix Chicks! I took medicine for my husband and almost sent it away

It is said that there are 360 lines, and the line is the champion, but there will also be 360 lines, and the line has its own Wolong and Phoenix chicks.

Everyone will shine in their own field of expertise, but when it happens to them or to those close to them, it is as if their skills have disappeared, and something goes wrong.

Just like a doctor can't heal himself, he will only be a bystander, and the authorities will be confused.

The experiences of netizens really make people laugh at each other, and each one is something I didn't expect.

I poisoned myself, how can I not be powerful

Sure enough, there are 360 lines, and each line has its own Wolong and Phoenix Chicks! I took medicine for my husband and almost sent it away

It's their own dog can't calm down

Sure enough, there are 360 lines, and each line has its own Wolong and Phoenix Chicks! I took medicine for my husband and almost sent it away

Fish: It's hard to be your fish

Sure enough, there are 360 lines, and each line has its own Wolong and Phoenix Chicks! I took medicine for my husband and almost sent it away

In the future, I will go out and say that I practice light skills

Sure enough, there are 360 lines, and each line has its own Wolong and Phoenix Chicks! I took medicine for my husband and almost sent it away

The typical electrician has no wires at home, and a carpenter has no bench at home

Sure enough, there are 360 lines, and each line has its own Wolong and Phoenix Chicks! I took medicine for my husband and almost sent it away

More than 40 electricians got it for two hours?

Sure enough, there are 360 lines, and each line has its own Wolong and Phoenix Chicks! I took medicine for my husband and almost sent it away

Hahaha It's really a talent who complains about himself, and curiosity kills the cat

Sure enough, there are 360 lines, and each line has its own Wolong and Phoenix Chicks! I took medicine for my husband and almost sent it away

There are people outside the people, and there are mountains outside the mountains

Sure enough, there are 360 lines, and each line has its own Wolong and Phoenix Chicks! I took medicine for my husband and almost sent it away

It's so scary, it's like a doctor can't heal himself

Sure enough, there are 360 lines, and each line has its own Wolong and Phoenix Chicks! I took medicine for my husband and almost sent it away

It's really embarrassing, my own is not in place

Sure enough, there are 360 lines, and each line has its own Wolong and Phoenix Chicks! I took medicine for my husband and almost sent it away

None of my girlfriends have a church

Sure enough, there are 360 lines, and each line has its own Wolong and Phoenix Chicks! I took medicine for my husband and almost sent it away

Hahaha I haven't found anything wrong when I removed it

Sure enough, there are 360 lines, and each line has its own Wolong and Phoenix Chicks! I took medicine for my husband and almost sent it away

I usually teach others to be asymmetrical, but when it's my turn, I panic

Sure enough, there are 360 lines, and each line has its own Wolong and Phoenix Chicks! I took medicine for my husband and almost sent it away

Finally, thank you for reading, I hope to get your likes, attention, comments!

Welcome all the little masters to pay attention, it will bring more joy to everyone~

Sure enough, there are 360 lines, and each line has its own Wolong and Phoenix Chicks! I took medicine for my husband and almost sent it away