
In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

author:The history is cloudy
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In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

In 16 years, more than 70,000 Chinese children have been adopted by American families, and the vast majority of them are girls!

The Americans did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to cross the ocean just to adopt a Chinese girl.

Why is that?

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

The content presented in this article is based on reliable sources of information and is listed in detail at the end of the article.

The adoption boom in the United States

In 1992, the Chinese government promulgated regulations allowing foreigners to adopt Chinese children.

Many American families have set their sights on the far East to provide a warm home for orphans in China.

As a result, the adoption of Chinese orphans has quietly emerged in the United States.

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

Since then, more and more American families have begun to adopt orphans in China.

In China at the time, family planning policies and traditional patriarchal attitudes were intertwined, leading to a painful social problem in which large numbers of female babies were abandoned.

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

Between 1999 and 2017, more than 80,000 Chinese orphans were adopted by American families, 85 percent of whom were girls. The children crossed thousands of miles across the ocean, came to a strange country, and started a new life.

Are these children who have been adopted across borders really live healthy and happy lives?

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

In 2010, a particular adoption story touched countless people. An American couple adopted a Chinese girl who had lost both arms and named her Sophie.

Despite Sophie's physical impairments, her adoptive parents gave her a loving and loving attitude, encouraging her to face life's challenges bravely.

Today, Sophie has grown into a sunny and confident girl. She writes and draws on her feet and lives a very independent life.

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

"I'm grateful to my American parents," Sophie said, "for giving me a second life and making me feel at home." "

These stories of intercountry adoptions demonstrate the power of love to transcend borders, cultures, and bloodlines. However, in addition to being moved, we also have a question, why do Americans favor Chinese girls so much?

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

Reasons for the preference for the adoption of Chinese girls

For many Americans who aspire to be parents, adopting a child is not an easy task.

First of all, the adoption process in the United States is complex and expensive, often tens of thousands of dollars, which is prohibitive for many ordinary families.

Second, the limited number of healthy children available for adoption in the United States is far from meeting the needs of many families.

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

By contrast, China seems to have emerged as an ideal choice.

In 2005, there were 570,000 orphans in China, and in 2010, the number was as high as 710,000. Most of these children are healthy and cute, and they are waiting for a warm home.

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

In addition to this, cultural factors are also pushing Americans to adopt Chinese children.

Many Americans are curious about China's ancient and mysterious Oriental culture. They hope that by adopting a Chinese child, they can experience the charm of different cultures at home.

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

"I've always been very interested in Chinese culture," said one woman, "and I've learned some Chinese and traveled to China." I hope to teach her Chinese and introduce her to Chinese history and traditions. "

However, we also have to mention one troubling factor – racial discrimination.

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

In the United States, there are still some white families who are reluctant to adopt minority children.

In contrast, Asian children, especially Chinese children, seem to be more acceptable. This phenomenon reflects certain prejudices in American society.

Some white families may believe that Asian American children are smarter, more obedient, and easier to educate. This impression, while not necessarily accurate, influences adoption decisions to some extent.

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

Despite all the complexities, it is undeniable that intercountry adoption has provided a home for countless Chinese orphans and brought joy to many American families.

In this process, two different cultures understand each other and respect each other in the fusion of love.

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

Cultural blending in intercountry adoption

For those Chinese children who have been adopted by American families, life has changed dramatically.

They not only received a complete family environment and the care of their parents, but also faced a comprehensive "baptism" of language and culture. This is undoubtedly a huge test of the children's adaptability.

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

A girl named Lily recalled: "On the first day of school in the United States, I didn't even know what the teacher was talking about. I felt lost and homesick. "

However, most Chinese children show amazing language talent. They quickly mastered English and made new friends at school.

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

At the same time, they unknowingly influence the cultural atmosphere of American families.

"Since we had our daughter, our house is full of Chinese elements." One adoptive father said with a smile: "There was a Chinese knot hanging in the living room, and we also started learning Chinese and trying to eat with chopsticks." The whole family has a kind of 'oriental style'. "

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

This blending of cultures is not only reflected in the details of life, but also in values. Many American parents are surprised to learn that their Chinese children are thrifty and hardworking.

This is in stark contrast to the "hedonism" of the United States. Over time, these Chinese children gradually adapted to life in the United States and truly integrated into their new families.

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

They have become a bond of family affection, making adoptive parents feel more affectionate than ever before.

For children, growing up in a warm family environment is also a new life experience. They have learned how to love, how to trust, and how to face the future bravely.

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

The expansion of China's influence

With the continuous improvement of China's comprehensive national strength, the charm of Chinese culture has been more and more recognized around the world. Americans, who were once prejudiced against the Chinese, are now full of yearning and curiosity about Chinese culture.

More and more Americans are beginning to learn Chinese cultural elements such as Chinese, martial arts, and food, trying to appreciate the charm of ancient Eastern civilization in this way.

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

The appeal of this culture is also reflected in intercountry adoption. For many American families, adopting a Chinese girl has become their desire.

They believe that Chinese girls have the genes of Chinese civilization flowing in them and can bring a different cultural experience to their families. Traditional Chinese festivals have also become important moments of celebration for these intercountry adoptive families.

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

"We love traditional Chinese festivals, especially Chinese New Year," said a mother who adopted a Chinese girl. "

For those Chinese orphans who have been adopted, intercountry adoption not only gives them a second life, but also opens a door to the world.

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls

Intercountry adoption has not only brought new life to countless orphans, but also become a link between the people of China and the United States. In this process, the two cultures blend in collision and learn from each other in understanding.

It shows us that love knows no borders and culture knows no boundaries!

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls


Every child is a living life and deserves a happy future. We hope that through the efforts of all sectors of society, more orphans can gain the love of their parents and grow up healthy and happy.

In 16 years, it reached 70,000, and Americans do not adopt their own babies, so why do they have a soft spot for Chinese girls


1. North America Report, August 1, 2017: Why Do Americans Like to Adopt Chinese Children? The ending makes people cry~

2. China News Network, February 12, 2011: Why do American families love to adopt Chinese babies? It has a long history and a great charm

3. People's Daily Online, July 31, 2012: Americans have adopted nearly 70,000 Chinese children in 13 years, and girls account for ninety percent

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