
Defeat is still glorious! In the U18 finals, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Australia, and Zhang Ziyu beat Schelles

author:Red coffee meets vanilla

In the just-concluded U18 women's basketball final, the Chinese team lost to the Australian team, and this game was undoubtedly a fierce collision of strength and skill. In the match, the matchup between Australia's "ace" Shelley and China's Zhang Ziyu was the focus of attention, but statistically, the two were not on the same level. Sears shot 12-of-14 from the field and scored 31 points, 15 rebounds and 6 assists, shooting 85.7% from the field. In contrast, Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points, 14 rebounds and 1 assist on 18-of-36 shooting, shooting only 50.0%. This game is not only an ordinary basketball game, but also a true portrayal of the basketball strength of the two countries.

Defeat is still glorious! In the U18 finals, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Australia, and Zhang Ziyu beat Schelles

Sears was perfect in this game, not only being impeccable on the offensive end, but also excelling in rebounding and assists. On 12-of-14 shooting, Sears converted almost every shot into a score, showing her superior shooting ability and consistency with an 85.7 percent shooting percentage. In addition, Sears' 15 rebounds and six assists showed her versatility and leadership on the court. Her performance was not just a collection of stats, but also a control of the pace of the game and an impact on the opposition's defence.

Defeat is still glorious! In the U18 finals, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Australia, and Zhang Ziyu beat Schelles

Netizens have expressed their opinions on this, and some said: "Sears's performance is reminiscent of the WNBA superstar in her prime, and her dominance is unmatched." According to the expert, "Sears' versatility and consistency are key to her becoming the heart of the team, not only scoring but also creating opportunities for her teammates, which is a valuable asset in any team." ”

Defeat is still glorious! In the U18 finals, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Australia, and Zhang Ziyu beat Schelles

Although Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points on 18-of-36 shooting, she shot only 50% from the field compared to Sears, which is much inferior in terms of efficiency. Zhang Ziyu's offensive ability is undeniable, and she can score consecutive points in high-intensity games, but her performance on the defensive end and control of the pace of the game still need to be improved. In addition, Zhang Ziyu's 1 assist and 1 steal showed her shortcomings in passing and defense, which is also where she needs to improve.

Defeat is still glorious! In the U18 finals, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Australia, and Zhang Ziyu beat Schelles

One basketball commentator noted: "Zhang Ziyu's scoring ability is very good, but she needs to improve further in defense and passing in order to play a bigger role in a higher level of play. Netizens also expressed their opinions: "Zhang Ziyu has a promising future, but she needs more competition experience and technical training." ”

Defeat is still glorious! In the U18 finals, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Australia, and Zhang Ziyu beat Schelles

This match not only reflects the gap between the two players, but also reveals the difference in the overall strength of the Chinese and Australian women's basketball teams. The Australian team has shown a higher level of teamwork, tactical execution and individual player ability. Although the Chinese women's basketball team has excellent players like Zhang Ziyu, it still needs to improve its overall tactical literacy and tacit understanding.

Defeat is still glorious! In the U18 finals, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Australia, and Zhang Ziyu beat Schelles

Experts suggest that the Chinese women's basketball team needs to strengthen the youth training system, cultivate more all-round players, and pay attention to the training of teamwork and tactical execution. Only in this way can we achieve better results in future international competitions.

Defeat is still glorious! In the U18 finals, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Australia, and Zhang Ziyu beat Schelles

Netizens also have different opinions on this, some believe: "The Chinese women's basketball team needs more experience in international competitions to not be stage frightened in the competition." Some people also said: "The success of the Australian women's basketball team is inseparable from their perfect training system and good training of reserve talents, and China needs to learn from it." ”

Defeat is still glorious! In the U18 finals, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Australia, and Zhang Ziyu beat Schelles

Although the U18 women's basketball final ended in the defeat of the Chinese team, we should see hope and opportunities from it. Zhang Ziyu's performance proves that the Chinese women's basketball team is not without excellent players, but more efforts and improvements are needed to make a breakthrough in the international arena. I hope that in the future games, the Chinese women's basketball team can learn lessons, catch up, and achieve more victories.

Defeat is still glorious! In the U18 finals, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Australia, and Zhang Ziyu beat Schelles

Readers are welcome to express their views in the comment area, how do you think the Chinese women's basketball team should improve its overall strength? What are your expectations for Zhang Ziyu's future? Let's cheer for the Chinese women's basketball team and look forward to their success in future competitions!

Defeat is still glorious! In the U18 finals, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Australia, and Zhang Ziyu beat Schelles

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