
Zeng Zhezhen's eldest son Lin Yu: The 100 billion family property has nothing to do with me, and I have already deleted my father Lin Ruiyang's WeChat

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Zeng Zhezhen's eldest son Lin Yu: The 100 billion family property has nothing to do with me, and I have already deleted my father Lin Ruiyang's WeChat
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Zeng Zhezhen's eldest son Lin Yu: The 100 billion family property has nothing to do with me, and I have already deleted my father Lin Ruiyang's WeChat

In 1998, 8-year-old Lin Yu sat in the living room, staring intently at the TV screen. In the picture, a woman burst into tears and shouted hoarsely: "I'm just an innocent relationship, why is it so unbearable!" Lin Yu turned his head to look at his mother Zeng Zhezhen in confusion, but found that she was also crying silently.

Lin Yu has become a well-known singer. When the reporter asked him what he thought of his father Lin Ruiyang's rumored 100 billion family property, Lin Yu smiled indifferently: "That has nothing to do with me, I have deleted his WeChat."

Behind this sentence is a complex story of love, betrayal, strength, and growth, spanning a quarter of a century, revealing the bitterness and struggles behind a seemingly glamorous family.

Zeng Zhezhen's acting career is legendary. At the age of seven, she rose to prominence with a shampoo commercial and was known as the "Joy Girl". At the age of eighteen, she played the heroine in the movie "I Have Something to Say", and became a "campus lover" and "glamorous goddess" overnight, and she was in the limelight for a while.

Zeng Zhezhen's eldest son Lin Yu: The 100 billion family property has nothing to do with me, and I have already deleted my father Lin Ruiyang's WeChat

At the same time, Lin Ruiyang is working silently in the advertising industry. He started as an assistant and worked his way up to director. However, a deep desire to perform drove him to transform into an actor.

Although his initial attempt was unsuccessful, he did not give up.

The gears of fate turn quietly at a gathering of friends. 29-year-old Lin Ruiyang met 21-year-old Zeng Zhezhen and was attracted by her beauty and talent. He pursued passionately with a thoughtful and thoughtful attitude, promising to give Zeng Zhezhen the care she deserves, so that she can devote herself to the cause she loves.

Such a promise is like a shot in the arm, making Zeng Zhezhen irresistible. After completing the Qiong Yao drama "Wanjun", she resolutely chose to quit the entertainment industry, return to her family, and devote herself to the role of wife and mother.

Zeng Zhezhen's eldest son Lin Yu: The 100 billion family property has nothing to do with me, and I have already deleted my father Lin Ruiyang's WeChat

The first married life was sweet and happy, Zeng Zhezhen took care of the family, and even personally selected clothes for Lin Ruiyang. Lin Ruiyang has risen rapidly in the entertainment industry with the help of the spouse of "Girl Joan", and has starred in many popular works such as "A Curtain of Dreams" and "Seagulls Fly Where the Colorful Clouds Fly".

However, fame brought not only applause, but also disturbing scandals. Photos of Lin Ruiyang's intimate interaction with women on various occasions have frequently appeared in the newspapers, especially the scandal with Xiao Qiang, which is even more uproarious.

Zeng Zhezhen, who was left at home, began to feel uneasy and troubled. She tried to communicate with Lin Ruiyang, but in exchange for a fierce quarrel. 3-year-old Lin Yu witnessed this scene and cried in fright.

That night, Lin Yu could only live with the nanny, and heard the ambulance whizzing by in the middle of the night, but he didn't know what was happening.

Zeng Zhezhen's eldest son Lin Yu: The 100 billion family property has nothing to do with me, and I have already deleted my father Lin Ruiyang's WeChat

The next day, the headlines of the entertainment section shocked everyone: suspected marriage change, Zeng Zhezhen committed suicide and was sent to the hospital! Although Lin Ruiyang vehemently denied it, claiming that Zeng Zhezhen was unwell due to excessive dieting, this explanation is unconvincing.

This incident became the most painful memory of Lin Yu's childhood, and it also became the beginning of this marriage rift.

As Lin Ruiyang's status in the entertainment industry is rising day by day, his marriage with Zeng Zhezhen has begun to crack. Frequent scandal reports are like a sharp blade, constantly cutting Zeng Zhezhen's heart.

Especially the scandal with Xiao Qiang made this marriage on the verge of collapse.

Zeng Zhezhen's eldest son Lin Yu: The 100 billion family property has nothing to do with me, and I have already deleted my father Lin Ruiyang's WeChat

After a heated argument, Zeng Zhezhen had an emotional breakdown and was suspected of attempting suicide. This incident left an indelible shadow on the young Lin Yu. That night, he could only be with his nanny, listening to the ambulance whizzing by in the distance, his heart full of fear and confusion.

Although Lin Ruiyang denied the claim that Zeng Zhezhen committed suicide, claiming that it was only due to an overdose of diet pills that caused discomfort, this explanation did not calm the doubts of the outside world.

This incident became a turning point in their marriage, which eventually led them to choose to part ways.

Unfortunately, this fragile marriage soon ushered in a fatal blow. In 1997, Lin Ruiyang met Zhang Ting on the set. At that moment, he was deeply attracted by Zhang Ting's dimples, and an uneasiness surged in his heart: If something is wrong, there will be waves.

Zeng Zhezhen's eldest son Lin Yu: The 100 billion family property has nothing to do with me, and I have already deleted my father Lin Ruiyang's WeChat

Sure enough, the two quickly fell in love, and the sweet picture of traveling together late at night soon made headlines in major newspapers.

Faced with ironclad evidence of derailment, Zeng Zhezhen's heart was broken again. Surprisingly, however, she has chosen a jaw-dropping approach to the crisis.

She publicly stated that she and Lin Ruiyang had been divorced for many years, and highly praised Lin Ruiyang's personality. "After the divorce, I became more mature," she said. In my eight years of marriage, he has always cared for me and never neglected my family.

We parted only because of my impatient personality and he had to put up with my emotions.

Zeng Zhezhen's eldest son Lin Yu: The 100 billion family property has nothing to do with me, and I have already deleted my father Lin Ruiyang's WeChat

Behind these remarks is the huge sacrifice made by Zeng Zhezhen in order to protect her children. She would rather bear the pressure of public opinion than let her young children be hurt by their parents' disputes.

This generous attitude shows her selflessness and courage as a mother.

However, after this turmoil, Zeng Zhezhen still moved out of the Lin family with her two children. At the time of the divorce, Lin Ruiyang only gave her a small three-story house and monthly alimony ranging from 6 to 100,000 yuan.

In the face of sudden changes, Zeng Zhezhen began a new chapter in her independent and self-reliant life.

Zeng Zhezhen's eldest son Lin Yu: The 100 billion family property has nothing to do with me, and I have already deleted my father Lin Ruiyang's WeChat

Life after the divorce was a severe test for Zeng Zhezhen. She moved into her new home with her two young children and began to live independently. Although Lin Ruiyang provides 6-100,000 yuan per month in child support, for a former film and television star, this is far from enough to maintain the standard of living she is used to.

In order to improve the family's financial situation, Zeng Zhezhen tried to enter the business field and set foot in the direct selling industry. However, she was unfortunate enough to be deceived and lost tens of millions of yuan.

This blow made her fall into depression for a while, and even had thoughts of suicide. Luckily, the daughter found out in time and saved her life.

This incident became a turning point in Lin Yu's growth. At a young age, he suddenly realized that in his own life, his father was just a vague shadow, and it was his mother who really gave infinite love.

Zeng Zhezhen's eldest son Lin Yu: The 100 billion family property has nothing to do with me, and I have already deleted my father Lin Ruiyang's WeChat

Since then, Lin Yu has started to work and study, and in his spare time, he also works as a resident singer in a bar, trying to reduce his mother's burden.

Whenever the media reported on Lin Ruiyang's brilliant achievements, Lin Yu always quickly changed the topic and covered up the complex emotions in his heart with a smile. He prefers to praise his mother's youthful beauty, promising to cook delicious meals for her himself.

Despite the hardships of life, Tsang remains optimistic and strong. She has never slandered Lin Ruiyang in front of her children, but has interpreted what generosity and cultivation are with her own actions.

This attitude deeply influenced Lin Yu and shaped his values.

Zeng Zhezhen's eldest son Lin Yu: The 100 billion family property has nothing to do with me, and I have already deleted my father Lin Ruiyang's WeChat

Time flies, and Zeng Zhezhen gradually walked out of the haze of the past. She no longer allows the mistakes of others to become the shackles that torture her, and hopes that the grievances of the previous generation will not affect the happy growth of the next generation.

Even in front of the media, she never slandered her ex-husband, showing the noble character of a good wife in the past.

This tolerant and strong attitude has become Lin Yu's spiritual pillar. He deeply understands the sacrifices made by mothers for the sake of their children, and he also cherishes his current life even more.

Under the influence of his mother, Lin Yu gradually grew into an independent and strong young man and began to pursue his life goals.

Zeng Zhezhen's eldest son Lin Yu: The 100 billion family property has nothing to do with me, and I have already deleted my father Lin Ruiyang's WeChat

The mother and son supported each other, faced the challenges of life together, and composed a touching hymn to family affection. Their story is not only a story of growth, but also a touching story of strength, forgiveness, and rebirth.

As he grew older, Lin Yu began to follow in his mother's footsteps and get involved in the entertainment industry. He has participated in several music talent shows and has achieved good results with his talent.

However, the identity of the "second generation of stars" has brought him unexpected troubles.

When Lin Yu's true identity was exposed by the media, controversies about his father Lin Ruiyang and stepmother Zhang Ting poured in. In the face of the reporter's tricky question, Lin Yu chose to remain silent and simply said: "I don't know the specific situation, it has nothing to do with my performance in the game."

Zeng Zhezhen's eldest son Lin Yu: The 100 billion family property has nothing to do with me, and I have already deleted my father Lin Ruiyang's WeChat

However, when someone began to belittle Zeng Zhezhen, Lin Yu and his mother couldn't bear it. Zeng Zhezhen made a rare appearance to speak out, clarifying some misunderstandings and sparking new controversies.

She said bluntly: "It is really sad to see my son's hard work easily ignored as a mother.

This public statement provoked a strong reaction from Zhang Ting and his team. Their huge number of followers supported Zhang Ting with an almost religious fervor. Faced with such a situation, Lin Yu decided to take drastic measures, and he deleted his father Lin Ruiyang's WeChat contact information to make his position clear.

When asked about the grievances between his father Lin Ruiyang and his mother Zeng Zhezhen, Lin Yu replied calmly: "I don't know the specific situation of the previous generation, I only know that my mother has always taken care of me and my sister dutifully.

Zeng Zhezhen's eldest son Lin Yu: The 100 billion family property has nothing to do with me, and I have already deleted my father Lin Ruiyang's WeChat

This decision and statement not only demonstrates Lin Yu's independent character, but also reflects his deep respect for his mother. Despite the pressure of family strife, Lin Yu still stuck to his own path and focused on the development of his music career.

His attitudes and behaviour show the mature choices that a young man makes in a complex family context.

Recently, Lin Ruiyang and Zhang Ting's enterprises have been investigated, which has aroused widespread concern in the society. However, in this turmoil, Zeng Zhezhen and Lin Yu both chose to remain silent and not participate in this dispute.

Lin Yu said in an interview that he did not have much intersection with his father, and the rumored hundreds of billions of family assets had nothing to do with him. He now runs a gym and is self-sufficient, with the energy to honor his mother.

Zeng Zhezhen's eldest son Lin Yu: The 100 billion family property has nothing to do with me, and I have already deleted my father Lin Ruiyang's WeChat

Lin Yu said: "I don't need to rely on my father's support, I have the ability to take care of myself and my mother.

Zeng Zhezhen faced all this with her usual open-minded attitude. She believes that life is short and time should not be wasted on grievances. "Deep down, we don't want to see others in trouble," she said.

This attitude of tolerance and wisdom also deeply influenced Lin Yu.

This story, which spans a quarter of a century, is not just the joys and sorrows of a family, but a profound reflection on growth, forgiveness, and values. It tells us that true wealth is not in the amount of money, but in the love and support between family members.

Zeng Zhezhen's eldest son Lin Yu: The 100 billion family property has nothing to do with me, and I have already deleted my father Lin Ruiyang's WeChat

The stories of Lin Yu and Zeng Zhezhen show the courage to grow up in the face of adversity, as well as the wisdom to transcend hatred and choose forgiveness.

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