
Actor's full stop: Remarried and married his wife Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son could rely on in their old age

author:Qi discusses the past and the present
Actor's full stop: Remarried and married his wife Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son could rely on in their old age
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Actor's full stop: Remarried and married his wife Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son could rely on in their old age

In traditional Chinese culture, sons-in-law are often jokingly referred to as "half sons". However, there is such a special son-in-law in the entertainment industry, who not only was not disliked by his parents-in-law, but won high praise with a perfect score of 100.

This person is the comedian who has appeared on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala many times.

Surprisingly, the parents-in-law of the full stop even said that his filial piety surpassed that of his own flesh and blood. How did the actor, who remarried and married his wife Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger, make his parents-in-law who lost their son no longer cry in their old age? What kind of actions did he use to win such a high evaluation from his parents-in-law? Let's walk into the story of the full stop and uncover the secret of this special son-in-law.

In 1962, in an ordinary family in Dandong City, Liaoning Province, a boy destined to shine on the comedy stage was born. This boy is the full stop, formerly known as Ju Zhaojie.

Actor's full stop: Remarried and married his wife Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son could rely on in their old age

Although he is thin, he has a natural talent for funny humor and shows an extraordinary talent for comedy.

When I was 15 years old, I heard that Liaoning Province would hold a national National Day art party. With his outstanding talent in cabaret at school, he resolutely participated in it.

In the end, Full Stop stood out with a counterpart allegro sketch called "Batch of Zero Eggs" and won the Outstanding Performance Award. This success ignited the artistic fire in his heart and strengthened his belief in becoming an excellent artist.

After graduating from high school, he joined the performance team of the Shenyang Military Region with a full stop of his dream. Here, he met the famous artist Ye Jinglin, who changed his artistic career.

Actor's full stop: Remarried and married his wife Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son could rely on in their old age

Mr. Ye took a fancy to the full stop of the rehearsal at a glance and was attracted by his superb acting skills. After learning more about the growth of the full stop, Mr. Ye suggested that he change his name to a concise and powerful "full stop".

Under the recommendation of Mr. Ye, full stop successfully entered the repertory troupe and officially embarked on the road of art.

However, the road to art has not been easy. Although he had a brilliant performance in the Shenyang Spring Festival Gala and a movie, his acting career failed to take off as expected. In order to make a living, he had to temporarily put aside his dreams and work in an electromechanical company.

However, the passion for the stage always burned in his heart. After careful consideration, Full Stop decided to return to showbiz and focus on developing a comedy career.

Actor's full stop: Remarried and married his wife Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son could rely on in their old age

The opportunity has finally arrived. In the "Variety Show" program, the sketch "Actors' Troubles" in which he participated was a great success. His soulful and comical performance, especially the classic line: "Honey, oh, don't you love me, don't you really love me, oh, dear."

It made the audience laugh constantly, and it also made his popularity increase rapidly.

Since then, the full stop has ushered in the golden age of acting career. He has appeared on the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Gala many times, and has successfully starred in many classic sketches such as "A Wallet", "The Girl Who Loves to Laugh", "Say Sorry" and so on.

His performance style is unique, humorous and in-depth, and has won wide love from the audience.

Actor's full stop: Remarried and married his wife Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son could rely on in their old age

With the passage of time, the full stop's position in the entertainment industry has become more and more solid. His acting skills continue to improve, and the range of roles continues to expand. Whether it is the humorous and funny "Shang Xishan" in "Family with Children", or the scheming villain "Lu Jianjian" in "Breakthrough", the full stop shows extraordinary acting skills and amazing character shaping ability.

walked from Dandong to the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and realized his acting dream with his own efforts and talents. His success is not only a personal victory, but also an inspiration to all those who have dreams.

The story of the full stop tells us that as long as we stick to our dreams and work hard, we will eventually have our own stage.

While his career was thriving, his love life experienced twists and turns. His first marriage ended for various reasons, leaving him alone to raise his young daughter.

Actor's full stop: Remarried and married his wife Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son could rely on in their old age

Despite his physical and mental exhaustion, full stop did not consider remarrying and focused on his career and taking care of his daughter.

However, fate is always full of surprises. A chance encounter changes the trajectory of a full stop's life. That day, he met a young girl in the corridor in front of his house who was struggling to carry water.

Seeing that the girl's pace was unsteady, full stop took the initiative to help out of kindness. This small gesture became the beginning of their relationship.

With the increase in contact, full stop was surprised to find that this girl named Guo Yadan was actually his former comrade-in-arms. Although the two have an age difference of 11 years, their common experiences and interests have made them quickly get acquainted.

Actor's full stop: Remarried and married his wife Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son could rely on in their old age

The full stop was attracted by Guo Yadan's liveliness and cheerfulness, while Guo Yadan appreciated the maturity and stability of the full stop. The relationship between the two deepened day by day, and the full stop even affectionately gave Guo Yadan the nickname "Yadan".

However, their romance was not all smooth sailing. When the news spread, Guo Yadan's family, especially her father, strongly opposed the relationship.

They can't accept that their daughter is in love with an older man who has been married. In the face of many obstacles, Guo Yadan showed firm determination and insisted on his choice.

In order to resolve his family's concerns, Guo Yadan's father even turned to his former comrade-in-arms, the head of the art troupe. However, unexpectedly, the head of the regiment not only did not object to this relationship, but spoke highly of the character and talent of the full stop.

Actor's full stop: Remarried and married his wife Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son could rely on in their old age

These words made Guo's father fall into deep thought. He had an in-depth conversation with his daughter and learned about the full stop's sincere feelings and considerate care for Guo Yadan. After careful consideration, Guo's father finally accepted the relationship.

With the blessings of relatives and friends, full stop and Guo Yadan entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. After marriage, the two fell in love, and the full stop was to take care of almost all the housework.

Guo Yadan showed a gentle and virtuous side with his own virtuous and empathetic. In order to take care of the feelings of the full stop, Guo Yadan also decided not to have children for the time being, and waited until her stepdaughter grew up to think about it.

After marriage, full stop and Guo Yadan's life was sweet and happy. Since the two families lived on adjoining floors, full stop often took his wife and daughter to visit his parents-in-law. Although the old couple is used to living independently, as they grow older, the loneliness of being unaccompanied is inevitably sad.

Actor's full stop: Remarried and married his wife Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son could rely on in their old age

One day, the family suddenly changed. My mother-in-law suddenly developed an acute heart attack and was in critical condition. Due to the distance, worried that the ambulance would not arrive in time, the father-in-law anxiously called full stop and Guo Yadan.

After receiving the news, he immediately took action, and while calling the emergency number, he hurried to his parents-in-law's house. With the help of a full stop, the mother-in-law arrived at the hospital in time and turned the situation around.

After this incident, the mother-in-law needed to stay in bed for a long time. Full stop took the initiative to take care of her mother-in-law. He buys groceries and cooks every day, takes care of his mother-in-law's diet and daily life, and even carefully communicates with medical staff to pay for medical expenses.

His carefulness and thoughtfulness not only touched his parents-in-law, but also won praise from his neighbors.

Actor's full stop: Remarried and married his wife Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son could rely on in their old age

However, the bigger test is yet to come. Unfortunately, Guo Yadan's brother died in a car accident, leaving only a young child. The sad news plunged the entire family into grief.

Faced with the grief of his parents-in-law and the sadness of his wife, he endured the sadness in his heart, stepped forward, and did his best to deal with the aftermath and comfort his family.

At this difficult time, the full stop made a move that touched everyone. He solemnly knelt in front of his parents-in-law and promised to take on the responsibilities of his son, take good care of their old age, and create a warm home for his niece.

He said: "Dear parents, my brother has passed away, from now on, I will do my best to shoulder the responsibility of my son, take care of you carefully, and create a warm and loving home for my little niece."

Actor's full stop: Remarried and married his wife Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son could rely on in their old age

These sincere words brought tears to the eyes of the two old men, and they deeply felt the filial piety and responsibility of the full stop.

Since then, she has taken care of her parents-in-law more attentively, not only taking care of her life in detail, but also giving them great comfort mentally. His actions have reunited this once divided family, full of warmth and hope.

The full stop proves with practical actions that he is not only a successful actor, but also a responsible husband and a filial son-in-law. When the family needed him the most, he stepped forward and became the most reliable support for his parents-in-law, supporting this once broken family with love and responsibility.

As time passed, the relationship between Full Stop and Guo Yadan became deeper and deeper. Their family has also ushered in a new life, and the small family has become more harmonious. However, the full stop did not neglect the care of the parents-in-law because of this.

Actor's full stop: Remarried and married his wife Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son could rely on in their old age

He always regards his parents-in-law as his biological parents, and interprets the meaning of "son" with his actions.

When the daughter of the full stop grew up, Guo Yadan also ushered in the birth of the crystallization of love between her and the full stop. The two old men were busy again, enthusiastically taking care of their newborn granddaughter.

However, when the youngest granddaughter gradually showed her ability to be independent, her parents-in-law came up with the idea of moving back into their own home.

The words of the full stop not only dispelled the concerns of the parents-in-law, but also made them deeply feel the filial piety of their son-in-law. Since then, full stop has taken care of his parents-in-law's daily life more carefully.

Actor's full stop: Remarried and married his wife Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son could rely on in their old age

He not only meets the needs of the elderly materially, but also gives them spiritual care and companionship.

Even when he is busy at work, he finds time to spend time with his parents-in-law, chatting, walking, or watching TV together. His thoughtfulness and care made the two old people's later life colorful, and slowly soothed their pain of losing their son.

The full stop uses practical actions to explain what is the real "child". He is not only the son-in-law of his parents-in-law, but also an indispensable support for them in their later life.

His dedication and persistence brought the family back to life, and also allowed his parents-in-law to find happiness and solace in their later years.

Actor's full stop: Remarried and married his wife Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son could rely on in their old age

Time flies, and under the careful care of the full stop, this family that has experienced great changes has gradually rejuvenated. The smiles on the faces of the parents-in-law became more and more, and their later years became full and happy.

The relationship between Full Stop and Guo Yadan is also getting deeper and deeper, and their children are growing up healthily in a loving environment.

The sorrow and suffering of the past, with the dedication and persistence of the full stop, are gradually replaced by warmth and hope. This reborn family shows the infinite power of love.

The parents-in-law no longer wept sadly because of the loss of their son, but felt relieved and proud to have such an excellent son-in-law. They often sigh that the filial piety of the full stop even exceeds that of their own flesh and blood, giving them a full score in their later life.

Actor's full stop: Remarried and married his wife Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son could rely on in their old age

Full stop proves with his own actions that blood relationship is not the only criterion for measuring family affection. Sincere feelings and selfless dedication are the foundation of maintaining a family.

He is not only a successful comedian, but also a competent husband, father, and son-in-law. In this reborn family, everyone finds their place and worth.

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