
Her husband is weak and her mother is depressed, and Xie Yilin, who has two babies by herself, has now overcome all difficulties

author:Qi discusses the past and the present
Her husband is weak and her mother is depressed, and Xie Yilin, who has two babies by herself, has now overcome all difficulties
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Her husband is weak and her mother is depressed, and Xie Yilin, who has two babies by herself, has now overcome all difficulties

Xie Yilin, the Taiwanese actor who played the role of "Tang Wanru" in "Little Times", just as her acting career was in full swing, fate brought her a huge test.

In 2023, a series of blows followed: her husband was diagnosed with "severe muscle weakness", a rare condition that requires long-term medication; Meanwhile, her mother is still struggling with the haze of depression; And she herself has just welcomed the birth of her second child.

Overnight, the young mother had the burden of caring for the family on her shoulders. In the face of this sudden storm of life, Xie Yilin's heart was full of fear and uneasiness.

Xie Yilin's childhood was not sunny. She was born in an ordinary family in Taiwan, the family's financial situation is not well-off, and what is more difficult is that her mother has suffered from depression for a long time.

Her husband is weak and her mother is depressed, and Xie Yilin, who has two babies by herself, has now overcome all difficulties

At that time, depression was not widely recognized and understood by society, and people often simply attributed it to temper problems, ignoring the possible mental illness behind it.

When growing up, Xie Yilin often became the object of her mother's emotional catharsis. "As a child, I was often scolded for no apparent reason, and sometimes even corporal punishment," she recalls.

These experiences left a deep psychological shadow on the young Xie Yilin.

The family atmosphere is always tense and oppressive. The quarrels between parents over trivial matters came and went, and the young Xie Yilin could only bear it all silently. She once revealed: "Once, my mother suddenly ran to my sister's school for some reason and made a big fuss, which made me feel confused and scared.

Her husband is weak and her mother is depressed, and Xie Yilin, who has two babies by herself, has now overcome all difficulties

However, these are just the tip of the iceberg. Xie Yilin later revealed in an interview that her mother even had self-harm when she was seriously ill. These heavy family burdens cast a lingering haze over Xie Yilin's childhood.

Despite the hardships of life, Xie Yilin has shown remarkable perseverance and resilience. She studied hard and finally succeeded in being admitted to the Chinese Culture University in Taiwan. University life seemed to open a new door for her, and her cheerful and lively nature was released, and she made a name for herself in the opera department.

This difficult growth experience has shaped Xie Yilin's strong and optimistic character. She learned to use humor to face life's dilemmas, which also laid the foundation for her future development in the entertainment industry.

She often says, "It is because of so many difficulties that I have learned to face life's challenges with a smile."

Her husband is weak and her mother is depressed, and Xie Yilin, who has two babies by herself, has now overcome all difficulties

However, the haze of childhood has not completely dissipated. Mother's depression has always been a scar in Xie Yilin's heart that is difficult to heal. This experience also gave her a deeper awareness and empathy for mental health issues, which played an important role in her later facing her own family crisis.

Xie Yilin's story teaches us that even if childhood is full of hardships, it should not be a stumbling block that hinders our progress. Rather, these experiences can be a valuable asset that shapes our character and strengthens our resilience.

Xie Yilin's acting career began in Taiwan with a variety show called "College Students". With her exaggerated styling and witty and humorous words, she quickly won the love of the audience.

This experience became a key step for her to step into the entertainment industry, she recalls: "At that time, I just wanted to try it, and I didn't expect the audience to like my style.

Her husband is weak and her mother is depressed, and Xie Yilin, who has two babies by herself, has now overcome all difficulties

With the increase in popularity, Xie Yilin signed a contract with Venus Entertainment and officially became a professional artist. She frequently appears in major variety shows in Taiwan, and every time she appears, she can arouse enthusiastic responses from the audience.

Her talent and unique comedic style have attracted the attention of many well-known directors.

Tse's career is not limited to Taiwan. She set her sights on the wider mainland market, a decision that brought about a major turning point in her acting career.

The famous director Guo Jingming was full of praise for her and invited her to participate in the "Little Times" series of movies. Xie Yilin's role as "Tang Wanru" in the film left a deep impression on the audience and successfully launched her popularity in the mainland.

Her husband is weak and her mother is depressed, and Xie Yilin, who has two babies by herself, has now overcome all difficulties

In the following years, Xie Yilin's acting career flourished. She has participated in many movies one after another, among which she played Zhou Xun's best friend in "The Best Life of a Coquettish Woman", which further recognized her acting skills.

"Every role is a new challenge for me, and I always put my heart and soul into it.

With her natural sense of humor and unique performance style, Xie Yilin has repeatedly achieved great results in various variety shows and has become a rare comedy actress in the industry. Her career is on the rise and her future is bright.

However, just when his career was booming, Xie Yilin made a surprising decision. In March 2018, she suddenly announced the news of her marriage on social platforms, which surprised many fans.

Her husband is weak and her mother is depressed, and Xie Yilin, who has two babies by herself, has now overcome all difficulties

Just two months later, she announced her pregnancy and decided to take a break from work and devote herself to pregnancy care.

This decision undoubtedly affected her career development. From 2018 to 2022, Xie Yilin's workload has been greatly reduced, including the impact of the epidemic.

However, when asked if he would regret it, Xie Yilin firmly said: "I believe that as long as I have enough strength, I can return to the top of my career at any time."

I don't regret my choice.

Her husband is weak and her mother is depressed, and Xie Yilin, who has two babies by herself, has now overcome all difficulties

Xie Yilin's story shows an actor's journey from obscurity to fame, and also reflects the choice she made between career and family. Her experience tells us that success does not happen overnight, but requires continuous effort and perseverance.

At the same time, she also showed us that even at the peak of our careers, we can make temporary sacrifices for the sake of our families. Xie Yilin's choice may become a reference for many people when facing similar choices.

In 2018, Xie Yilin's life ushered in a major turning point. Just when her acting career was in full swing, she made an unexpected decision - to enter the palace of marriage.

The sudden news was announced via social media in March, surprising many fans and the media.

Her husband is weak and her mother is depressed, and Xie Yilin, who has two babies by herself, has now overcome all difficulties

Just two months later, Xie Yilin made another big announcement: she was pregnant. Faced with the choice between career and family, she resolutely chose to temporarily put down her work and devote herself to pregnancy care.

In November, she welcomed her first child, a lovely little girl, in a non-traditional way – in a water birth at home.

This decision undoubtedly had an impact on her career. From 2018 to 2022, Xie Yilin's workload has decreased significantly. However, when asked if she regretted it, she firmly stated: "I believe that as long as you have enough strength, you can return to the top of your career at any time."

I don't regret my choice.

Her husband is weak and her mother is depressed, and Xie Yilin, who has two babies by herself, has now overcome all difficulties

In January 2023, Xie Yilin chose to give birth in water again and welcomed her second child, a cute little boy. In just a few years, she transformed from a busy acting star to a mother of two children, and her life changed dramatically.

Xie's story illustrates a common challenge faced by many working women: how to balance career and family. Her choice may not be understood by everyone, but she proves with her actions that pursuing personal happiness and family life does not mean giving up on career dreams.

Rather, it may be an opportunity to re-examine the values and goals of life, injecting new impetus and inspiration for the future.

2023 was supposed to be the moment when Xie Yilin enjoyed the joy of the arrival of a new life, but it unexpectedly became the most difficult test in her life. Shortly after she welcomed her second child, a bolt of news struck the young family: Xie Yilin's husband had been diagnosed with "severe muscle weakness".

Her husband is weak and her mother is depressed, and Xie Yilin, who has two babies by herself, has now overcome all difficulties

This rare condition initially manifests as the husband's eyelids suddenly become stiff and he is unable to open his eyes properly. At first, Xie Yilin thought it was just a minor problem, but the subsequent medical examination results were shocking.

Doctors told her that the disease, when severe, can even affect breathing and requires lifelong medication to maintain it.

Xie Yilin accompanied her husband through a difficult operation, and her husband's condition seemed to improve after the operation. However, this short-lived hope was soon dashed. After only staying at home for a while, her husband's illness relapsed, and his speech suddenly became blurred.

At the same time, Xie Yilin has to take care of two young children and a mother who has suffered from long-term depression. The shadow of her former childhood looms over her life again, but this time, she must play the role of a strong one.

Her husband is weak and her mother is depressed, and Xie Yilin, who has two babies by herself, has now overcome all difficulties

The burden of the entire family fell almost entirely on her shoulders alone.

Under such tremendous pressure, Xie Yilin himself also developed a slight tendency to depression. "There was a moment when I felt like I was going to collapse," she admits. But I knew that I couldn't fall because the whole family was relying on me.

Faced with such a predicament, she chose to face it bravely and took the initiative to seek medical help.

Xie Yilin said: "Through these experiences, I finally deeply understand my mother's pain over the years, and I am more determined to take care of this family. I told myself that I couldn't have one more patient in my family.

Her husband is weak and her mother is depressed, and Xie Yilin, who has two babies by herself, has now overcome all difficulties

During this difficult time, Xie Yilin has shown remarkable resilience and courage. Not only does she have to take care of her two young children, but she also has to take care of her ailing husband and depressed mother.

Her life seems to be overwhelmed by invisible burdens, but she still persists and supports the whole family in her own way.

Xie Yilin's story is not only a story about adversity, but also a story about rebirth. She proved with her actions that even in the darkest moments, as long as there is a flame of hope in her heart, she can find the strength to move forward.

Her experience teaches us that setbacks and difficulties in life are not terrible, but what is terrible is the loss of courage to face challenges.

Her husband is weak and her mother is depressed, and Xie Yilin, who has two babies by herself, has now overcome all difficulties

Xie Yilin's strength and perseverance not only supported a family, but also brought hope and strength to many people facing similar difficulties. Her story reminds us that in the midst of life's low points, we can always find the strength to get back on our feet.

After a three-year career gap, Xie Yilin finally ushered in a turnaround. In 2023, her friend Yang Mi reached out to her and won her the opportunity to return to "Escape Room".

This opportunity means a lot to Xie Yilin, and she said gratefully: "If it weren't for Yang Mi's help, I might not really know how to continue my acting career."

Xie Yilin, who stepped back on the stage, seemed to have been reborn. In that year, she participated in the recording of five variety shows, including the role of a resident guest and the performance of a single guest.

Her husband is weak and her mother is depressed, and Xie Yilin, who has two babies by herself, has now overcome all difficulties

Although the workload is still far from its peak, it is undoubtedly a fresh start.

Returning to work not only allowed Xie Yilin to find herself again, but also brought more hope and financial support to her family. "Being able to work again has not only given me confidence back, but it has also opened up more possibilities for my family," she said.

In November 2023, Xie Yilin also participated in the recording of the variety show "Who Comes", and she warmly invited the audience to pay attention to this show, showing her expectations and enthusiasm for the future.

Although life is still full of challenges, Xie has learned to find strength in difficult situations. She firmly believes that as long as she does her best, she will be able to create miracles.

Her husband is weak and her mother is depressed, and Xie Yilin, who has two babies by herself, has now overcome all difficulties

Xie Yilin's story teaches us that even in the most difficult moments, as long as you don't give up, there is always a chance to start over. Her story is not only a personal history of struggle, but also a source of hope and inspiration for many people facing similar difficulties.

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