
When Linghua got married, Zeng Yi cried, and the relationship of "Phoenix Legend" has long surpassed love

author:Qi discusses the past and the present
When Linghua got married, Zeng Yi cried, and the relationship of "Phoenix Legend" has long surpassed love
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When Linghua got married, Zeng Yi cried, and the relationship of "Phoenix Legend" has long surpassed love

The sunny day of 2011 saw two high-profile weddings, but it also revealed a puzzling mystery. In the "Phoenix Legend" group, which is dominant in the Chinese music scene, Linghua and Zeng Yi, the tacit partners, have each entered the palace of marriage.

However, what is puzzling is that on the day when Linghua and the talented Xu Mingchao got married, Zeng Yi burst into tears and was so emotional that he couldn't help himself. Soon after, when Zeng Yi married his sweetheart, Linghua was confused due to excessive drinking, and finally left the wedding scene with her husband's support.

This embarrassing scene has raised many questions: why did this musical pair, who are regarded as a "natural pair" by the outside world, not achieve positive results? What kind of story did they go through? With these doubts, let's uncover the little-known emotional entanglements behind the "Phoenix Legend".

In the vast Mongolian steppe, a girl named Linghua resolutely stepped on the southbound train with her love for music. Her eyes sparkled with a vision of the future, and her heart was filled with the desire to chase her musical dreams.

When Linghua got married, Zeng Yi cried, and the relationship of "Phoenix Legend" has long surpassed love

The gears of fate quietly turned, taking her to an ordinary bar, where the trajectory of her life changed dramatically.

In this bar, Linghua met Zeng Yi, who was the artistic director. When Zeng Yi first heard Linghua's clear and ethereal singing, it was as if he had been struck by a bolt of lightning.

He was keenly aware of the musical talent contained in Linghua, as if he had discovered an uncarved jade. With a shared love for music, the two soon developed a sense of sympathy for each other.

With each other's encouragement, Linghua and Zeng Yi decided to form a band called "Cool Fire". Despite a difficult start, they stuck to their musical ideals.

When Linghua got married, Zeng Yi cried, and the relationship of "Phoenix Legend" has long surpassed love

During those poor years, Zeng Yi often ran around to borrow money, and always gave half of it to Linghua. This friendship of sharing hardships and hardships is deeply engraved in Linghua's heart and has become the indestructible emotional cornerstone of the "Phoenix Legend" in the future.

As time passed, Linghua and Zeng Yi's musical styles gradually matured, and their singing began to attract more and more listeners. Although they are still a long way from becoming famous, the two firmly believe that as long as they continue to work hard, they will one day shine on the road of music.

In this way, a singer from the Mongolian steppe and a bar director from Hunan came together because of their common love for music, laying the groundwork for the birth of the "Phoenix Legend" in the future.

Their encounter is like two trickles converging into a river, pregnant with infinite possibilities.

When Linghua got married, Zeng Yi cried, and the relationship of "Phoenix Legend" has long surpassed love

Linghua and Zeng Yi's musical journey was not all smooth sailing. In the early days of forming the band "Cool Fire", they experienced numerous setbacks and failures. The hardships of life often put them in a difficult situation, and sometimes even basic food and clothing are not guaranteed.

However, it was this difficult time that sharpened their will and deepened their friendship.

In the most difficult moments, Zeng Yi ran around borrowing money, and always gave half of it to Linghua. This friendship of sharing adversity has become the driving force for them to persist in their dreams.

Linghua often lamented that without Zeng Yi's support, she might have given up her music dream and returned to the grassland.

When Linghua got married, Zeng Yi cried, and the relationship of "Phoenix Legend" has long surpassed love

Finally, the god of opportunity smiled at them. In 2005, they appeared on the stage of the "Avenue of Stars" with "On the Moon", which they created with great hope. When Linghua's ethereal and graceful singing and Zeng Yi's rhythmic harmony were perfectly integrated, the whole stage seemed to be shrouded in moonlight, and the audience was captivated.

On this night, they were like phoenixes and became famous in one fell swoop.

Taking advantage of the victory, they launched "The Most Dazzling National Style". This song skillfully combines ethnic elements with pop music, and it instantly swept the country. From bustling cities to remote villages, from the younger generation to middle-aged and elderly groups, "The Most Dazzling National Style" has become a hot topic on the streets and alleys, and has also become the favorite of square dance lovers.

However, the road to fame is not all about flowers and applause. Some praised their music for being catchy and spreading the national culture; Some people also criticized their songs for being too popular and lacking elegance.

When Linghua got married, Zeng Yi cried, and the relationship of "Phoenix Legend" has long surpassed love

In the face of these controversies, Linghua and Zeng Yi have always maintained a humble and humorous attitude.

Zeng Yi once half-jokingly responded to the criticism: "You can't blame me, I just sang 'yo yo' in the song." Linghua is also often infected by Zeng Yi's humor and laughs heartily.

This self-deprecating attitude not only resolved the controversy, but also won the love of more people.

From an obscure bar singer to a cutting-edge group in the Chinese music scene, Linghua and Zeng Yi used their persistence and talent to compose a moving song of counterattack. The birth of "Phoenix Legend" not only changed the trajectory of their lives, but also injected new vitality into the Chinese music market.

When Linghua got married, Zeng Yi cried, and the relationship of "Phoenix Legend" has long surpassed love

Their stories will undoubtedly inspire more people with musical dreams to move forward bravely on the road of pursuing their dreams.

On stage, Linghua and Zeng Yi's performances are always amazing. Linghua's ethereal and melodious singing voice is perfectly integrated with Zeng Yi's rhythmic accompaniment, as if they were born to be a couple.

However, when the spotlight goes out and the stage curtain falls, they take on a very different look in real life.

Linghua, a girl from the Mongolian steppe, retains the simple and gentle character of the steppe people. She averts spicy and stimulating food, preferring light and elegant food.

When Linghua got married, Zeng Yi cried, and the relationship of "Phoenix Legend" has long surpassed love

And Zeng Yi, as an authentic Hunanese, is a master of "no spicy and no joy". This huge difference in eating habits has become an interesting topic in their lives, and it often leads to small arguments.

Once, Zeng Yi happily invited Linghua to his home for dinner. When Linghua saw that the table was full of all kinds of spicy dishes, she couldn't help but show an embarrassed expression on her face.

Seeing this, Zeng Yi couldn't help but smile: "Or, I'll cook you a white egg, right?" This joke caused the two to laugh out loud, and it also showed the tacit understanding between them.

Zeng Yi's father saw that they got along so well, and couldn't help but sigh: "You two have such a good relationship, why don't you think about being together?" After hearing this, Linghua smiled slightly, and said half-jokingly: "Uncle, my mother said that if you want to marry me, you will have to pay at least 1.5 million dowry."

When Linghua got married, Zeng Yi cried, and the relationship of "Phoenix Legend" has long surpassed love

Zeng Yi immediately answered: "Dad, look, our family can't afford it." This dialogue is humorous and skillful to defuse the awkwardness, and it also speaks to the pure nature of friendship between them.

Although they are the best partners on stage, in life they are more like good friends who talk about everything. The long-term relationship makes them understand each other too thoroughly, but they lack the freshness and passion in that relationship.

As Linghua once said frankly: "We are too familiar, but it is not easy to feel love."

This wonderful relationship allows them to work together perfectly musically without getting caught up in complex emotional entanglements. They know how to appreciate each other's strengths and tolerate each other's shortcomings.

When Linghua got married, Zeng Yi cried, and the relationship of "Phoenix Legend" has long surpassed love

This rare friendship has become an important cornerstone to support the long-term prosperity of the "Phoenix Legend".

In this entertainment industry full of temptations and variables, Linghua and Zeng Yi interpret what true friendship is in their unique way. Their stories teach us that sometimes, a close friend is more precious than a lover.

Just when Linghua and Zeng Yi's careers were booming, a talented man named Xu Mingchao quietly entered Linghua's life. Xu Mingchao fell in love with Linghua at first sight, but he did not act rashly.

As a well-bred gentleman, he first found Zeng Yi and sincerely inquired about Linghua's relationship status. After learning the truth, Xu Mingchao frankly expressed his heart to Zeng Yi and said that he would go all out to pursue Linghua.

When Linghua got married, Zeng Yi cried, and the relationship of "Phoenix Legend" has long surpassed love

At first, Linghua was confused by Xu Mingchao's pursuit. She even complained to Zeng Yi: "Do you think he's a little stupid?" How is it possible for the two of us to be together? However, Xu Mingchao's sincerity and carefulness slowly moved Linghua.

He tirelessly cares about Linghua's life, understands her busy work pressure, and often prepares some heart-warming surprises for her.

When getting along with Linghua's friends, Xu Mingchao always confidently introduces himself as Linghua's boyfriend. This firm attitude made Linghua's heart gradually change.

She began to appreciate Xu Mingchao's persistence and sincerity, and gradually unloaded her defenses.

When Linghua got married, Zeng Yi cried, and the relationship of "Phoenix Legend" has long surpassed love

Zeng Yi saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart. He knows that Linghua deserves a sincere love, and Xu Mingchao is precisely the one who can give Linghua happiness. When someone asked Xu Mingchao if he was worried about the special relationship between Linghua and Zeng Yi, Xu Mingchao always replied confidently: "I have 100% confidence in them."

In the end, under Xu Mingchao's sincere pursuit, Linghua accepted this hard-won love. In 2011, Linghua and Xu Mingchao tied the knot and opened a new chapter in their lives.

This touching love story not only made a good relationship, but also added a romantic touch to the legendary story of "Phoenix Legend".

The relationship between Linghua and Zeng Yi goes far beyond the simple definition of love or friendship. They are the driving force behind each other's careers and an indispensable partner on the road to music.

When Linghua got married, Zeng Yi cried, and the relationship of "Phoenix Legend" has long surpassed love

It is precisely because of their unique personalities that they complement each other that the unique charm of "Phoenix Legend" in the Chinese music scene has been created.

In the face of doubts and criticism from the outside world, they can always use humor to resolve embarrassment. When someone criticizes their song "Taitu", Zeng Yi will smile and say, "You can't blame me, I just sang 'yo yo'."

Linghua is also often infected by Zeng Yi's humor and laughs heartily. This self-deprecating attitude not only resolved the controversy, but also won the love of more listeners.

At each other's wedding, the emotions they exuded are a true portrayal of this deep friendship. Zeng Yi's tears at Linghua's wedding are reluctance to work together for many years; And Linghua's drunkenness at Zeng Yi's wedding is a heartfelt wish for her partner's happiness.

When Linghua got married, Zeng Yi cried, and the relationship of "Phoenix Legend" has long surpassed love

This complex emotion precisely reflects the uniqueness of their relationship.

The story of "The Legend of the Phoenix" tells us that the relationship between people, not only love is the most precious. The pure friendship between Linghua and Zeng Yi, their tacit cooperation in music, and their support for each other's careers are also precious in the world.

Looking forward to the future, we look forward to "Phoenix Legend" continuing to create more excellent music works, using their unique music style to convey positive energy, and bring more joy and emotion to the audience.

Their story will undoubtedly become a good story in the Chinese music scene, inspiring more musicians to move forward on the road of pursuing their dreams.

When Linghua got married, Zeng Yi cried, and the relationship of "Phoenix Legend" has long surpassed love

The relationship between Linghua and Zeng Yi, like the phoenix nirvana, was reborn in the fire of music and bloomed with more brilliant brilliance. They used their actions to interpret what true friendship is and what is a successful musical partner, and wrote a moving legend for the Chinese music scene.

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